WLHS / AP BIO / Monson Name

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CH 41 STUDY QUESTIONS: Animal Nutrition & Digestion

1) Distinguish between an individual who is undernourished versus an individual who is malnourished.

è undernourished:

è malnourished:

2) Study the “Inquiry” case presented in figure 41.4. Summarize the purpose and conclusions of this study.

3) What is meant by “essential amino acids”? What happens to a person who does not get all

of their essential amino acids in their diet?

4) List two vitamins (one water-soluble and one fat-soluble) and two minerals that are important to humans. Give the major dietary source of each, its major function in the body, and the result of a deficiency of the vitamin or mineral. (see tables 41.1 and 41.2)

Vitamin / Mineral / Dietary source / Function in body / Result of a deficiency?

5) List and describe the four main stages of food processing.

6) Let’s say that you eat a cheeseburger (on a bun) with lettuce and tomato for lunch at 12:00 pm. Describe the path it takes through your digestive system. Include a brief description of what happens to the food in each location and approximately how long it remains there. At what time will the “waste products” from this meal be excreted?

7) What are the four accessory glands of the mammalian digestive system and what are their jobs?

8) Draw and label a cross-section of a villus lining the small intestine. How is the structure of a villus suited to its function? (see fig. 41.13)

9) Complete the table below:

Digestion of… / Where in body? / Enzymes involved


Nucleic acid

10) List the contents and general functions of: saliva, gastric juice, pancreatic juice, bile, and the secretions of the small intestine.

Saliva / Pancreatic juice / Bile / Sm. intestine secretions

11) Cause and effect in the intestinal tract: State the effect of each of the following events:

a) You contract cholera; this is a serious irritation to your colon’s lining.

b) You become so concerned about your AP Biology test that you secrete gratuitous amounts of intestinal juices

and your mucus lining breaks down.

c) A virus atrophies the microfilaments associated with the microvilli.

d) You take a laxative.

e) Because of a genetic anomaly, the epithelial cells in the lining of your stomach stop working at age 17.

f) You eat a spicy meal and the bacteria living in your colon have a really terrific meal.

12) (a) What are the components of gastric juice? (b) What prevents the stomach lining from being broken

down by gastric juices? (c) What causes gastric ulcers?

13) Outline the hormonal control of pancreatic juice / and gallbladder secretions. (HINT: somewhere in your explanation I should see one of my favorite words!)

14) Explain why the proteases pepsin & trypsin are initially synthesized as inactive precursors, and how they are subsequently activated.

15) What is the major function of the large intestine / colon?

16) What processes / functions are carried out by the microorganisms (i.e. E. coli) that live in our colon?

17) What is meant by overnourishment? What health problems are associated with this? What is the role of the hormone LEPTIN in appetite & eating?