Extra Curricular School Activities

School Activity / Time Commitment / Years Involved / Description
Yearbook Committee / 3 hours/week / 7th grade / Managed student pages
SADD member / 4 hours/month / 7th grade / Helped organize campaigns to keep kids from drinking and doing drugs
Honor Choir / 2 hours/week / 6th and 7th grade / Before school practice and off-campus competitions and performances

Leadership Positions

Leadership Position Title / School or Community / Time Commitment / Years Involved / Description
School Newspaper Editor / Fees Junior High / 5 hours/week / 7th grade / Managed all reporters and advertising agencies
Library Assistant / Burt Elementary / 2 hours/week / 6th grade / Returned books to shelves

Community Activities

Community Activity / Years Involved / Description
Religious Education classes / 6th and 7th grade / Attended every Wednesday night, learning about the Catholic religion
Swim team at KiwanisPark / 6th grade / Practice 3x per week, competition every Saturday
YMCA soccer / 6th grade / Practice 2x per week, games every Friday night
Reporter for the Bear Essential Newspaper / 6th grade / Wrote one news article every month about something in the community that would interest school-age children

Community Service Activities

Community Service Activity / Time Commitment / Years Involved / Role Description
Feed the hungry / 1 hour/month / 7th grade / Prepared and served food with my church
Cleaned one section of ASU’s football stadium / 7 hours / 7th grade / Swept and collected trash as a fund raiser for the nursing students at ASU
Tutored 2nd grader in English comprehension / 1 hour/week / 6th grade / Helped Rosa read and write

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Awards or Recognition

Award / Award Criteria / Years Involved
Principal’s Honor Roll / GPA = 4.0 / 6th and 7th grade
Student of the Week / Teacher nominated / 6th and 7th grade
Logical/Critical Thinking Award / Sponsored by Honors program in TempeElementarySchool District / 6th grade
First PlaceCommunity Article / From Bear Essential Newspaper, written on Mayor Harry Mitchell / 6th grade
Read my story about the HeardMuseum on the radio / From Bear Essential Newspaper, highlighting a new art exhibit at the museum / 6th grade
Honorable Mention Art Contest / Sponsored by Cox Communications, ad campaign to keep kids off drugs / 6th grade
First Place Art Contest / Sponsored by MADD, ad campaign to keep kids from drinking / 6th grade
First Place Science Fair / Based on the Scientific Method / 6th grade

Work Experience

Position / Responsibilities / Years Involved
Baby sat neighbors’ and teachers’ children / Bathing, feeding, entertaining, and ensuring safety of children / 6th and 7th grade
Delivered Pennysaver newspaper to neighbors / Every Tuesday, paper would be bundled and delivered by 5:30pm / 6th grade