Good Practice introduced


Good Practice is a BIG subject covering all aspects of an organisation – from public face to recruitment, selection and retention of staff. It covers provision of services, team and individual practice, and is reflected in the environment in which people work and access health care.

A lot of excellent work has been done in recent years, and this section contains a range of publications and good practice guides.

Good LGBT Practice in the NHS, produced by Fair for All – LGBT in 2005, provides a broad introduction to Good LGBT Practice.

Improving Policy and Practice for LGBT Peoplewas produced on behalf of the Scottish Executive in 2005 as a Policy and Practice guide for Local Authorities in Scotland

The Equal Impact Assessment toolkitprovides a framework by which to assess the impact of policy and service provision on the equality strands (and cross-cutting issues).

Business case folder

This section contains the Business case and NHS Scotland, which outlines the main drivers for equality and diversity in NHS Scotland.

The Department for Trade and Industry’s Business case for diversity and equality(2003)and the European UnionsManaging diversity - what's in it for business(2004)are included providing a wider perspective on the business case.

Employment folder


Tackling discrimination and promoting equality - good practice guide for employers2005

The ACAS Model Workplace 2005

Sexual Orientation and the workplace 2005

Rights at work - equality and discrimination2004

The European Union

What employers can do2004

The Gay and Lesbian Association of Doctors and Dentists (GLADD)

Dignity at Work for Lesbian and Gay Doctors and Dentists, Medical and Dental Students2004


Sexual Orientation Employer Handbook - Third Edition2007

Preventing the bullying and harassment of gay employees2007

Good LGBT practice schemes

Includes flyers for Stonewalls Diversity Champions scheme and LGBT Youth Scotland’s LGBT Youth Charter of Rights

StonewallsWorkplace Equality Index is included listing the top 100 LGB employers in Britain for 2007

Guidance for LGBT employees

Dealing with Discrimination guidelines for BMA members2004

Employee Regulations Guide Stonewall

Setting up networks for LGB employees2005

And employment bargaining guidance from UNISON;

Bargaining for Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Workers Rights2005

Bargaining for Transgender Workers Rights2007

Monitoring guidance folder

Contains generic employer guidance on monitoring sexual orientation from StonewallHow to monitor sexual orientation in the workplace and specific monitoring guidancefor the NHS, again from Stonewallin Monitoring sexual orientation in the Health Sector

The Trades Union Congress provide guidance on LGB and T staff in Monitoring LGBT Workerswhile detailed guidance on monitoring transgender people in the NHS is provided by Press for Change in Trans Equality Monitoring

Policy and practice statement samples folder

In the summer of 2007, the LGBT Centre for Health & Wellbeing, Fair for All – LGBT and the Scottish Transgender Alliance worked alongside colleagues from NHS Lothian to develop an LGBT Policy context statement and basic guide to Practice.

The draft versions are provided:

NHS Board Policy context sample

NHS Board Practice guidance sample

Practice guidance folder

Contains a wide range of practice guides…

Therapeutic guidanceintroduced highlights two affirming therapy models; for work with lesbian, gay and bisexual clients from the American Psychological Association, and for work with transgender clients from Arlene Istar Lev’s Transgender Emergence.A number of further resources are also highlighted, all of which can be sourced on

Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual specific

Doctoring gay men

SIGMA Research 2004

Intro to working with LGB people

Department of Health 2007

Issues facing older LGB people

Age Concern 2002

LGB identity and MH work with families

PACE 2006

LGB parents and children - for NHS Employees

Fair for All - LGBT 2005

Maternity care for lesbian mothers(position paper)

Royal College of Midwives 2002

Not Just a Friend

Royal College of Nursing and UNISON 2003

Nursing care of Lesbian & Gay patients

Royal College of Nursing 2003

Transgender specific

Evaluating care for trans people

Press for Change 2005

Not so much a care path

Press for Change 2006

Older trans care

Age Concern 2007

Trans bereavement

Department of Health 2007

Trans young people

Department of Health 2007

Working with trans people

Department of Health 2007

WPATH Standards of Care for Gender Identity Disorders

World Professional Association for Transgender Health (previously Harry Benjamin IGDA) 2001

Research folder

Getting it Right - LGBT Research Guidelines

Fair for All – LGBT (formerly NHS Health Inclusion Project) 2005

The Future of LGBT Research - Perspectives of Community Organisations

Scottish Executive 2003

Taking stock folder

Equalities in Practice

Communities Scotland 2006

A Stocktake of Local Authority Policy and Practice

Scottish Executive Social Research 2006

LGBT Stocktake of NHS Scotland

INCLUSION Project (now Fair For All – LGBT) 2003

Addressing LGBT health inequalities an educational resource 20071