Second Sunday of Advent

December 9th & 10th, 2017

Good evening (Good morning), Welcome!

Today we are celebrating Second Sunday of Advent.

Today’s Mass Intention is for:

5:00pmLeocadiaRapada (SI)

LuzvimindaOrpilla (SI)

Pearl Tudesko✝

9:00am For the People of St. Joseph Parish and St. Vincent de Paul

Our readings today give us hope that Jesus is coming, but also offer a challenge to prepare the way before him. In the first reading from Isaiah, we hear a voice that cries out: In the desert prepare the way of the Lord. In the second reading, we are reminded that we will not know the day or the hour of Jesus’ return, so we must be ready. Today’s Gospel talks of John the Baptist proclaiming a baptism of repentance.

We will have a second collection for the Retirement Funds for Religious. Please be generous.

Please stand... and prepare to receive our Lord in Word and Sacrament...

Please place Parish Petition Book underneath the ambo, and the cantor/music ministers assume responsibility for beginning the “gathering song.”


Second Sunday of Advent

December 9th & 10th, 2017

PRIEST:Confident in the Father’s love, mercy and compassion, let us now bring our prayers and petitions before him.

†For all members of the Church, may God work in us for a greater conversion of mind and heart in order to be better instruments of his love in the world...We pray…Lord, hear our prayer.

†For all those throughout the world who do not know Jesus, may they encounter him through our words and actions…We pray…Lord, hear our prayer.

†For those who are homeless, may they find shelter through the outreach of others, and comfort in God’s love for them... We pray…Lord, hear our prayer.

† For our parish family, may each of us prepare the way of the Lord in our hearts... We pray… Lord hear our prayer.

†We pray for our parish concerns and for all the intentions written in our petition book; for all those who are recently ill, especially:

Ron Qualls, Toni Willey, Silvia Molina, Barbara Blank, Ramon Hernandez, Gloria Hernandez, Julio Omar Peña

And for all who have passed away…

Cristina Lopez, Margaret Nelson, Antonio Arroyo Ramirez, William Blank

We pray…Lord hear our prayer

PRIEST: God of mercy and compassion, we offer our prayers to you in faith. We ask that you grant them according to your holy will, through Christ our Lord. AMEN!