
Behavior and Work Expectations

  • Be in your seat when the bell rings, and have all materials ready for the beginning of class (sharpened pencils, paper, binder on your desk, etc). If you are not seated by the bell, you are tardy.
  • Working on assignments for a class besides English is not permitted; the work will be confiscated and turned in to that teacher.
  • Take care of restroom/water fountain/locker needs BEFORE class begins. Emergency restroom visits will be minimal.
  • I do not accept late homework. If you are absent, you have TWO days to complete and submit make-up work. YOU are responsible for obtaining missed assignments and turning them in – I will not hunt you down. Missed quizzes and tests will be made up during class upon your return to school. Major assignments receive 10-point deductions per each day late.
  • ALL work you turn in should have your name, the date, and the period. Work without a name will not receive a grade – no exceptions.
  • Stay in your seat during class unless otherwise directed. Roaming is disruptive and rude.
  • No eating in class. Drinks with lids are acceptable.
  • Do not speak while others are speaking. This pertains to both your teacher and your classmates. If you have a question/comment/need, raise your hand. A large part of this class is devoted to discussion, so it is important that you respect your classmates and express your opinions calmly and fairly.
  • Cell phones/electronic devices are not permitted in my class for ANY reason. If I see a cell phone, it will be taken and reported to the office, regardless of whether it is the first minute or the last minute of class. Charging of cell phones will not be permitted in my classroom. If there is an emergency and your family needs to contact you, they can call the school at (336) 712-4400.
  • At the end of the period, do not begin packing up your belongings until I tell you to do so. You will remain seated until I dismiss you.
  • Plagiarism and/or cheating and/or copying will not be tolerated, and will result in an automatic zero and/or disciplinary ramifications. It is disrespectful to me, to your classmates, and especially to you. You should always do your own work unless otherwise instructed. All students should adhere to the honor code and school rules in the student handbook in addition to my own expectations. Please refer to the Cheating and Plagiarism Contract for more information.

Grading Scale:Please note the change from the seven-point scale to the newly adopted ten-point scale.


89-80 B




Grading Policy:

Tests/Formal Papers/Projects (40%) - Tests will be given periodically at the conclusion of each unit. Ample notice of testing dates will be given. Formal writing assignments will count as “major grades.”

Quizzes (30%) - Weekly vocabulary stem quizzes will be given throughout the semester. Reading checks will be given periodically to assess student comprehension of reading assignments.

Homework/Classwork (25%) - No late homework will be accepted. Assignments will be scored upon completion, effort, and thoroughness. The following scale is used for these assignments, but alternate scores may be given for incomplete work and other exceptions:

+ 100

 80-90

- 65-75

Participation (5%) - Each student will be given a “100” as his/her participation grade at the beginning of each week and receive weekly grades. In order to maintain these grades, it is the student’s responsibility to have all required materials, and to take an active part in the learning process. Students are expected to listen, respond, and comment appropriately. Participation assignments may also include speeches/presentations, discussions and seminars, and group assignments.

This semester can and will be tremendously successful. It is an important stepping stone towards higher levels of English. Keep in mind that if you attend my class, pay attention, and give your best effort, you will succeed! For questions concerning curriculum and/or assignments, please consult my website, which will be updated frequently. Feel free to ask for help at any time, and I look forward to the year ahead!

Katie Jo Mayfield

English I / English II

1735 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd.

Clemmons, NC27012

Phone: (336) 712-4400

Fax: (336) 712-4416


Student Name ______

Student Signature______Date ______

** By signing, you state that you have read and understand this document, provided all requested information, and agree to abide by the course policies, rules and expectations.

Parent/Guardian Signature______Date ______

** By signing, you state that you have read and understand this document, provided all requested information, and will support the enforcement of the course policies, rules and expectations.