Dear Ministry Representative:

Thank you for your interest in Engineering Ministries International (eMi) and our design services. Please review these first two pages to become familiar with the ministry of eMi and the roles and responsibilities that define the relationship between eMi and the ministries we serve.

eMiis a non-profit organization that providesdonated design services for evangelical Christian ministries in developing countries that are helping the poor and advancing the gospel of Christ. eMi is a network of engineers, architects, surveyors, and other design professionals who donate their services. Since 1982, we have served in over 90 different countries designing over 1,000 development projects. eMi provides more than $80,000 worth of donated design services on a typical project and ministries only contribute a small portion of the cost of these services.

To receive our design services, we require you, the host ministry to:

  • Provide the in-country expenses for our design team (usually 8-12 people) during their visit to your project site for 1 to 2 weeks: basic meals, simple lodging, local transportation, and security as well as translation (if necessary).
  • Make a reimbursement equal tothe cost of one staff project leader’s round-trip economy airfare from our office in Calgary to the project location.
  • Partner with eMi by donatingtoward a portion of this project’s design cost based on the project scope, size, and duration.

eMi provides professional design services for projects that are typically the largest capital investment that a ministry ever makes. We want to help you be successful stewards of this important investment.

Please take time to prayerfully answer all questions in this Pre-Application.eMi will review your project needs, create opportunities for us to answer one another’s questions and review the availability of our project leaders. Whena common understanding of terms is established, a full Project Application Package will be forwarded to you.

eMi mobilizes short-term teams during specific periods of time beginning February 1st, June 1st, and September 1st. Please send us your Pre-Application with an understanding that we typically require6 months to approve the project and recruit a design team. After the team visits your ministry on-site, it typically takes 4 to 6 months to complete the design. The schedule can be accelerated in some cases.

Please let me know if you have any questions. You can contact meat or by phone at +1.403.202.3642.


Greg Young

Executive Director

Our Mission and Vision:

  • eMi mobilizes Christian volunteer design professionals, such as architects, engineers, surveyors and construction managers. eMi serves Christian ministries that are helping the poor and advancing the gospel of Christ. We implement planning and designs forfacilities (schools, hospitals, churches) and infrastructure (water, sanitation, power) throughout the world. Applying practical design and cultural engagement, eMi staff members coordinate project work to develop culturally sensitive designs that help fulfill a ministry’s vision.
  • eMi is a faith-based organization relying on the gifts of engineers and lay people; staff members are supported by individuals and churches who desire to benefit the work of ministries around the world. By operating in this way, eMi is able to provide design services for a very reasonable cost to recipient ministriesbut we do not fund the cost of construction or operations.
  • eMiis able to provide acombination ofarchitecture drawings, engineering reports, and cost estimates. The design package may also include a feasibility study, fundraisingbrochure, conceptual design and, when and where appropriate, construction drawings. Look up “eMi Canada Project Portfolio” at our website at for a list of projects for which eMi Canada has provided professional design services.

Our Goal:

eMi’s goal is to meet your specific project design requirements bydesigning facilities appropriate to the needs of the people you are ministering to. We strive to use local building materials and methods where possible.

We provide assistance for projects that meet the following criteria:

  • The project ministers to the needs of the poor.
  • There is an ongoing proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ in word or deed.
  • The ministry owns the property on which the project is to be built. (If a ministry partner owns the land thenwe require documentation from the ministry partner recognizing and allowing this project.)
  • There is a planned method of funding project construction and operation.

Our Belief:

  • In the verbal inspiration of the Bible.
  • In one God manifested in three persons.
  • That mankind is created in the image of God, fallen through Adam’s sin, redeemed only through the saving work of Jesus Christ.
  • In the pre-existence of Christ, His virgin birth, His vicarious death on the cross, His resurrection and His second coming.
  • In the person of the Holy Spirit, His convicting, regenerating, baptizing, sealing, indwelling, teaching and filling ministries.

We have read and understand the contents of this page:

Engineering Ministries International Canada

Page 1 of 4

Suite 201 – 625 14th Street NW, Calgary, Alberta T2N 2A1, Canada

Phone: 1.403.202.3642 Fax: 1.403.202.3636 Web:

(Please note that this form can be filled in electronically using Microsoft Word.)

A. OrganizationBackground

Organization Name:

Organization History:

Organization Website(if applicable): Social Media(if applicable):

This organization was established upon and operates with Christian principles:NoYes

This organization’s goal is to proclaim the Gospel of Christ in word and/or deed:NoYes

Thisorganizationhas operated at this location for:0-3 years4-9 years10+ years

B. Contact Information

Name and Position of the person making this application:

Phone & Email of this Person:

Name of Field Contact at project site during eMi team visit:

Phone & Email of the Field Contact Person:

Name of Partnering Organization(if any):

Phone and Email of Partner OrganizationRepresentative:

C. Project Background

The Name & Type (ie School, Water System) ofthe Project:

The Location of the Project. (Nearest) Town/City: Country:

The Primary Purpose of this Project is to establish: (check all that apply)

Top of Form

an orphanagea school for childrena college/vocational training centre

Bottom of Form

a ministry centrea medical facilitya water/sanitation system


The Land for this Project is:rented/leased by the organization owned by the organization

owned by a PartnerOrganization

The Land for this Project:(check all that apply)

has no vegetation or buildings has vegetation but no buildings has buildings to be kept has buildings to be demolished

What is the approximate size of the land?

This Project is:a brand new ministry in this location part of an existing ministry in this location

part of an existing ministry in another location

What is the total number of people to be served by this Project?

less than 50 50-250 250-1000 1,000-2,500 more than 2,500

How many people are currently being served at this location? (if applicable)

Have you tried to obtain the help of design professionals in the project country?NoYes

If No, why not?

How much do you estimate will be the construction cost of Project (USD)?

less than $50,000 $50,000 - $249,000 $250,000 - $1M more than $1M

The organization currently has this amount of the Project Cost (USD):

less then 10%10%-24% 25%-49% 50-100%

D. Required Scope of Work

What design services do you believe this project requires?

Site surveying

Master Planning

Building Architectural

Building Structural design

Water supply and/or distribution

Wastewater disposal / Sanitation

Storm water runoff / Drainage

Electrical supply, generation, or distribution

Mechanical systems: building plumbing, air conditioning or heating

Agricultural/Farming development

Bridge or Other Water Crossing

IT or Computer Support


E. Hosting and eMi Team

The size of an eMi team is typically 8 to 12 people but can be larger. The length of time at the project location is typically 1 to 2 weeks. If you are not able to accommodate a team of this size, it may be difficult for eMi to serve you effectively or at all. Explain if you only have the capacity to host a team of a certain size.

Yes we can provide room, board and in-country travel for a team of 8-12 people.

We can only host a team of the following size for the following reasons:

Signing Below Signifies:

  • I have read and understand the positions, policies, and requests of eMi Canada as set forth in the four pages of this Pre-Application Form.
  • All statements are true to the best of my knowledge

As an eMi partner, our ministry will invest in the ongoing work and sustainable future of eMi in three ways:

  • By providing on-site expenses (in-country transportation, food, basic lodging, and security if necessary) for the eMi team as described in this Pre-Application
  • By providing a donation equal to one round-trip economy airfare for the eMi project leader from Calgary, Alberta, Canada to the nearest feasible airport to the project site as described in the cover letter of this Pre-Application.
  • By underwriting a portion of the operational cost for eMi to design this project. The underwriting contribution is calculated based upon a number of factors – including project scope, size and duration – determined from information provided in this Pre-Application and the subsequent full Project Application. The amount will be discussed with you prior to final project approval.


Organization Director’s Name (please print) Board Representative’s Name (or equal; please print)


Signature / Date Signature / Date

(Signatures signify to eMi the unity of the Ministry Director and Board of Directors or overseeing body in regard to the proposed project, its purpose, operation, and need for eMi involvement) Form Update: March 2016

Engineering Ministries International Canada

Page 1 of 4

Suite 201 – 625 14th Street NW, Calgary, Alberta T2N 2A1, Canada

Phone: 1.403.202.3642 Fax: 1.403.202.3636 Web: