Ilsington Parish Council Meeting at Liverton Village Hall

Tuesday the 22ndof March 2016


Present:Mr M Retallick Mr R Winsor Mr A Fairs Mrs K Bainbridge Mr A Patch Mr R Bainbridge Mrs J Prior Mr R Dale Mr R Steemson Mr L Dunkley

Mr M Wills

Also in attendance: Cllr S Barker DDC Councillor, Cllr J Christophers, Teignbridge District Councillor , 10 members of the public and Mrs Retallick (Clerk).

Councillors are reminded that they must declare any prejudicial interests they may have in any item to be considered at this meeting, prior to the commencement of the meeting.

16/27 To accept apologies for absence.


16/28 Declaration of interest in items on the agenda.


16/29 Clerks report.

I have reported the broken finger post at Smokey Cross and the potholes on Old Town hill.

One allotment plot has been leased with another one ready to visit, 2 more invitations have been sent and there are still 3more names on the waiting list. There is a shed at the field which is leaning into the path. The shed owners need to be identified and the shed removing and tree surgeon instructed to remove the tree. Need to arrange a meeting with the allotment committee.

I have had a report of abandoned car in the car park at Ley Crescent, since receiving the report and me visiting one of them is no longer there. I will continue my research to establish whether in fact they are abandoned or just parked long term.

I attended the SLCC south west conference at the beginning of this month and found the topics of the seminars very enlightening. A main issue for the parish council is the compulsory enrolment into a pension scheme. It will not affect this council until July 2017 and the accounts have been helpful and are aware of the scheme the government are suggesting for small business. Peplows have quoted me £250 to set up the scheme. Also I found out about a national online war memorial registration scheme which in time I will complete and add in the memorials in Liverton and Ilsington.

Sutcliffe play were also present and I spoke to them about the play unit in Liverton and the rep has promised to visit the site and advise us about the removal of the site unit and repair to the toddler swingy chair.

16/30 PUBLIC FORUM & MEMBERS COMMENTS – (limited to 10 minutes)

(Applicants with planning applications for consideration may also speak for up to 3minutes on behalf of their own application)

Mrs Prior requested to speak in favour of her applicationthe chairman suggested that she could do this when we get to that item on the agenda.

It was suggested that the parish council could ask Mr Besley for a donation of one for the Ilsington village hall play area. Cllr Bainbridge also asked if we could request help with litter picking at the skate park.

There was a discussion about the maintenance at the playing field and how this could be improved.

16/31 To confirm the minutes of the last meeting 23rd of February 2016.

These were signed as a true record of that meeting.

16/32 To receive reports from District, County Councillors, DNPA Ranger and Police.

Cllr Christophers confirmed that Mr Besley has offered help for litter picks on the road side and agreed that to ask for help for the playing field would be useful. He was pleased to hear about the community involvement and supports the resurfacingand suggested that advice could be gained from the sport and leisure department in TDC.

The exciting year Radio One weekend and taken many hours work for the officer and ticket ballot out soon. The local academies are using this opportunity and linked up experiences over 3 venues. There are focus groupsdeveloped for 6thforms who are invited to put together a program over the time the BBC are in the area.

The Tour of Britain will be back in the area and £20,000 invested into that which benefits the local economy TDC are looking to increase school participation, promoting new cycle ways and an active lifestyle.

The Devon youth games are growing in popularity and have been put forward for a national award.

The TeignmouthPavilion is now open after 4.5 million of investment that offers lots of exciting events.

Cllr Barker reported that DCC are working with other organisations and authorities for waste management to share the waste costs. Plans to straighten of road from Drumbridges to Newton Abbot are in progress the first phase is from Newton Abbot to Forches Cross the development will include new cycle route that meet up with the current cycle tracks.

The request for Blackpool school parking improvements are been advertised a highways officer did not believed it was a priority but Cllr Barker explained that the situation there is not safe. The work will be carried out in this financial year.

Cllr Barker supports the living well at homeinitiative and has managed to ensure that care workers receive living wage for all their work including traveling time as well as receiving training appropriate for each client. Residential care offer still out for consultation.

16/33 Business brought forward by the Chairman

Queen’s birthday Beacon will be on the 21st of April the chairman has arranged for trailers of wood to go up onto Haytor to make the beacon but asked for assistance to build it, the area will be marshalled and there will be first aid cover. Cllrs Bainbridge, Dale, Steemson, Wills and Mrs K Bainbridge offeredhelp. The clerk will advertise with posters and copies will be sent via email.

16/34 To consider the planning applications received from Teignbridge District Council and Dartmoor National Park Authority

The SO were suspendedwhile Mrs J Prior spoke in favour for her application; she gave information about the history of the site and the reasons why she seeks the support for this application. Cllr Fairs asked Mrs Prior to clarify some points.

The meeting returned to SO and Mrs Prior left the room.

a) DNPA 0114/16 – Proposed: Retrospective application for the provision of annex accommodation at Little Sigford Farm, Sigford. Proposed support MW to kept that family on the farm to support that business with an agricultural tie seconded KB all in favour.

Grant of Conditional Planning Permission

  • DNPA 0066/16 – Installation of mobile telecommunication and ancillary equipment involving the erection of 12m high telegraph pole with eight consumer antennae and four backhaul radio antennae with 250m of trenching to power supply, Northacombe, Ilsington.
  • DNPA 0004/16- new garage and store at Foxholes, Haytor
  • TDC 15/03452/FUL – Two storey extension to east elevation- Mount Hill Cottage, Liverton.

16/35 To receive reports from Parish Councillors on outside bodies

Cllr Wills reported that thewelcome stranger and had received a complaint followed by an enforcement notice from TDC to remove the laminated sign the Chairman suggested they should contact Cllr Christophers at TDC.

Cllr Bainbridge will be attended the IPFARA meeting tomorrowalong with a working group for resurfacingthe tennis court surface; they have received a quote and have completed an application for funding from Viridor. They also wish to install a disables ramp and some lights need upgrading.

Cllr Dunkley reported that the gypsy caravan has now moved and the damaged signed is now back up.

Cllr Patch reported that Liverton Village Hall that had been successful in the grant application the award was from the Dartmoor Communities Fundthe tenders are out for the kitchen improvements and theAGM is on 11th April and hoping to encourage need new members.

Cllr Dale has liaised with Ilsington Primary school, the school have no issues to report but did offer there help to the parish council, he will contact the school again to ask about plans for the Queens 90thCelebrations. The clerk gave the council information about the Ilsington School council’s new project for ticketing parents that park in inconsiderate places.

16/36 To authorise payments of cheques presented.

1.C Retallick Salary£ 522.80

2.Ilsington village hall – hall rental £ 21.00

3.HMRC£ 14.00

4.Viking Direct – stationery£ 39.28

5.SLCC – SW conference £ 94.80

6.C Retallick – office overheads£ 500.00

7.M Retallick – Telephone rental£ 65.00

8. Methodist Ch Burial ground£ 330.00

9.St Michaels Ch Burial ground£ 2200.00

10. Ilsington Flower Show Committee£ 1650.00

11. Parish Magazine grant£ 100.00

12.Ilsington Playing Fields£ 1350.00

13.C Retallick – travel expenses£ 128.25

Cheques total for this month £ 7,010.13

DDBT March£ 61.79

Fleur telecom March £ 25.00

£ 86.79

Total expenditure for this month £ 7,096.92

Balance as from bank statements at the end of

February 2016£ 52,255.52

Discussed the maintenance of the grounds man and ask him to improve

16/37 Correspondence

CHANGE OF DATE - Teignbridge Cycle Group meeting,Connecting Dartmoor & Exmoor - Superfast broadband update, Spare benches for re-use in the district, DNPA and TDC planning application lists, Senior voice newsletter, commemorative medal for Queens 90th birthday

Meeting closed at 10pm

To confirm that the next meeting of Ilsington Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 26thApril 2015 at 7.30 p.m. at Ilsington Village Hall.

Signed …………………………………………… Date ……………………………………...

Ilsington Parish Council (Full Council meeting)