Application of BESMM4 for Measuring Civil / Industrial Engineering projects

A paper presented by

Dr. MoohammadYaqoobAdinoyi

On a


Organized by

The Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (NIQS)

Held in ABUJA from 6th-7th April, 2016


The BoQ which essentially serves as basis for obtaining tender(s) from contractors needs to be prepared in a simple and clear manner for easy understanding and interpretation by the tenders as well as contract operator. The new BESMM4 have attempted to fulfill this by making clearer some areas ambiguities in the previous editions, omitting duplications irrelevances in some items descriptions and measurement requirements as well as introduce some rules that takes care of emerging practices competencies (i.e., computerization). The paper attempts to highlight the various rules of measurement and descriptions for civil and industrial engineering works as provided in the BESMM4. The paper concludes thatthe new standard is a veritable tool that canenhance the total cost management of construction projectsand that this will engender reduction in the overall costs of construction in Nigeria.


The Bill of Quantities as contract documents for building and civil/industrial engineering projects

BESMM4 defines bill of quantities (BoQ) as ‘a list of items giving detailed identifying descriptions and firm quantities of the work comprised in a contract’. The BoQ required for a lump sum contract based on firm or approximate quantity for engineering and industrial works will normally be prepared by the client’s quantity surveyor or that of the main contractor or work package contractor depending on the contract strategy proposed for the project (see BESMM4 paragraph 2.5.4 Pg. 11- 12).

The structure/composition of a bill of Quantities based on BESMM4:

The BESMM4 is divided into three main parts for the purpose of measurement; namely:

  1. The preliminaries.
  2. Building works, and ;
  3. Civil / industrial engineering bworks.

The composition of a bill of Quantities as highlighted in Paragraph 4.2.6 Pg. 12 comprises the following sections:

-Form of tender (including the certificate of Bond fide tender);

-Summary (or main summary);

-Preliminaries (subdivided into two sections as follows);

(i)information and requirements;

(ii)Pricing schedules (Paragraph;

-Measured work (incorporating contractor designed work (Paragraph

-Risk; (Paragraph

-Provisional sums; (Paragraph 2.6.7.)

-Day works (Provisional); (Paragraph 2.6.8)

-Anexes; i.e. information referred to in the BoQ that are not contained therein or to be issued as a separate document e.g. copies of quotations, communication with statutory undertakers that is not in the project specification.

1.2The Features of BESMM4 based BoQ:

The BoQ which essentially serves as basis for obtaining tender(s) from contractors has two distinct features highlighted as follows:

(i)Categorical and technical description of the various work items in the project; and,

(ii)Measured quantities attached to described work items.

A details bill of quantities should therefore be based on adequate information. Hence, the accuracy of BoQ is dependent on the quality of the information available to the QS/Cost Manager of employer, designers and other project team members. Such information as highlighted in BESMM4 Paragraph 2.14 usually includes:

-Drawn information; (Paragraph 2.14.4

-Schedules; (paragraph 2.14.5)

-Reports and other information; (2.14.6)

2.14However, practices have shown that it is practically impossible to have complete design features of the final projects. Occasionally, we find some aspects of the work that are difficult to contemplate exactly as they are, even though their nature and scope can reasonably be projected. In this case, ‘provisional quantity’ may be provided in line with paragraph 3.3.8 of the BESMM4 tabulated rules while‘provisional sum’, as defined in Rule 1.12.3-1.12.6 pg. 4, will be allowed and the items measured in line with BESMM tabulated Rule 2.9.1 Pgs 16-17.


The rules for practical measurement of construction projects works are contained in Part 3 of the BESMM4 and referred to as Tabulated Rules of Measurement for Building Works (Pg. 26). The tabulated rules of measurement aim at producing BoQ that fully described and accurately represent the quantity and quality of the works to be carried out.

This part of the rules attempts to provide:

1.Information and requirements for measuring and pricing preliminaries by the main contractor and the work package contractors; and

2.The Rules for measurement of Building components/items.

Note: Any further details than provided in the tabulated rules of BESMM 4 should be given where necessary to define the precise nature and extent of the required work.

It must be noted, however, that the rules for measurement of Building components/items in the BESMM4 impliedly apply to both building and civil and industrial engineering project works as there is no separate rules of measurement for the two later categories of projects (civil and industrial). Hence, a Quantity Surveyor measuring for civil and industrial projects must apply the rules in Parts 1 (General Rules), part 2 (Rules for detailed measurement of building works) and Part 3 (Tabulated rules of measurement for building works) preceding the actual measurement of building works in (Section 1, pg.32) as they relates to such engineering works.


The rules of measurement are set out in tables divided into two categories, namely;

-Those dealing with the preliminaries and

-Those dealing with measurement of building components (including civil and industrial works as well).

The two categories and its various components are schematically presented in Figure 1 (see last page).

3.1Tabulated Rules for measuring and describing the preliminaries:

The preliminaries (section I) is divided into sub-sections viz; (A) main contract preliminaries; and (B) work package contract preliminaries. The measurement/description of either main or work package contract preliminaries required two basic procedures, viz;

-Information and requirements (i.e., dealing with the descriptive part of the preliminaries), and;

-Pricing schedule (i.e., providing documented bonds for pricing the preliminaries.

3.1.1Information and requirements:

The information and requirements includes project particulars, drawings and other documents relating to the site and existing structures usually presented in a number of headings above each table that is structured (divided into columns) as follows:

-1st column (subheading 1) lists the preliminaries items to be considered under each main heading.

-2nd column lists the information to be included in the preliminaries descriptions; and.

-3rd column lists supplementary information guidance that might need to be included with the preliminaries description statements.

-4th column lists supplementary information that might need to be included in the preliminaries description/statement.

3.1.2Pricing Schedules:

The preliminaries pricing schedules table is also captured under a number of headings above each table (i.e., project particulars; drawings and other documents relating to the site and existing structures) that is structured (divided into columns) as follows:

-1st column lists the preliminaries items (component) to be considered under each main heading.

-2nd column lists the sub-items (included/notes on pricing) which form part of the main heading.

-3rd column lists the sub-item (information requirements) which forms part of each item.

-4th column (pricing method) stipulates whether the component is a fixed change, a time related change or a combination of both;

-5th column lists or describes the items excluded from component. Exclusion statement may require cross reference to appropriate component.

3.2BESMM4 Tabulated Rules for measuring and describing Building Components/Items.

This section of the rules relates to work sections 2-40 highlighted in paragraph of the BESMM4. Each table is headed by the title of the work section concerned such that the first two rows set out the followings (as in paragraph

(a) drawn information required to each work section and to accompany BoQ when issued.

(b) mandatory information provided for each work section

(c) Minimum information in the drawing or any other document that accompany each work section; and,

(d) Work and materials in the measured items/components in each section.

The table is further structured as follows:

-Column 1-lists the components/items of work industrial engineering projects.

-Column 2-lists the unit of measurement for building components/units.

-Column 3 (level 1) lists the information, including any dimension required in the component/unit descriptions.

Column 4 (level 2) lists the supporting information, including any additional dimensions required in the item description

Column 5 (level 3) lists other supporting information including any additional dimension required in the item description; and.

Column 6 (notes, comments and glossary) explains the works that are deemed to be included in the measured item; clarifies the approach to quantification and description of items; and defines specific terms/phrases used in connection with the measured items/components.

3.3General Measurement rules for Building Quantities:

-The rules are written in present tense.

-the symbol(‘/’) used between two or more units of measurements or within text, means ‘or’.

-Horizontal lines ( ___ ) divides the tables and rules into zones to which different rules apply.

-Broken lines (----) separating two units or rules denotes optional choice of units or ways of measuring the works.

-The use of hyphen (-) or the phrase ‘to’ between two dimensions means a range of dimension exceeding the first dimension but not exceeding the second



Quantities for the various components/items are calculated and billed as follows:

a. Work is measured net as fixed in position unless otherwise stated.

b. Net measured quantities are deemed to include all extra materials for laps, joints, seams, wastes and the like.

c.Curved works are measured on the centre line unless otherwise stated.

d.Dimensions are measured to the nearest 10mm and any dimension greater than 5mm are upgraded to 10mm while those below 5mm are disregarded.

e.Quantities shall be given (presented) to the nearest whole number except those measured in tonnes(t) which shall be presented in two decimal places (e.g 0.15 tonnes).

4.2Voids: (Paragraph3.3.2)

a.Minimum deductions for voids apply to openings or wants within the boundaries of the measured works, unless otherwise stated.

b.Openings (voids) or wants at the boundaries of measured areas are deducted irrespective of size.

c.Separate items for widths not exceeding a stated limit should not be provided where these are caused by voids.

4.3Descriptions: (Paragraph3.3.3)

-Every work section of a BOQ shall begin with a heading and a description of the nature and location of the work.

-Headings for groups of components/items (i.e., component and sub-components) in a BOQ shall be read as part of the description to which the headings apply.

-Descriptions shall state the components/item being measured (based on 1st tabulated rules) and should include levels 1, 2 and information (taken from 3rd, 4th and 5th columns respectively) applicable to the measured item.

4.4Descriptions for components/items should generally capture the followings except otherwise specifically stated: (Paragraph3.3.3.4)

-type and quality of materials

-critical dimension(s) of the materials used

-method of fixing installing or incorporating the goods or materials where not at the discretion of the contractor; and

-the nature or type of the background.

4.4.1Where the nature or type of background is required to be stated, the description should state whether: (Paragraph3.3.3.5)

-timber - whether hand or soft building board.


-metal of any type.

-masonry (e.g., brick, block, concrete, natural or reconstituted in stone)

-vulnerable materials (e.g., glass, marble, mosaic ceramics, tiled finished, materials finishes, etc.)

4.4.2Dimensions given as part of the description shall be stated as finished and in sequence of length, width and height and these may be stated categorically or shown on bill diagram/drawing to avoid ambiguity, and allowances for over laps, scarcements, adhesives and bedding materials shall be deemed to be included unless otherwise stated.

Descriptions for curved work shall state its radius or mean radii (if more than one radius) from the centre and describes its features (whether concave, convex, conical or spherical).

Descriptions and measurement shall be given separately for various components and sub-components referred to in other documents existing on the same work (e.g., where vinyl sheet flooring is laid on a plywood lining, both the vinyl sheet flooring and the plywood lining shall be measured as separate items).

However, measurement and description for composite item (comprising separate components and subcomponents) shall be made as single item but stating clearly the components comprised in them and the method of incorporating them. In this case, any component, sub-component or other elements of the work not clearly included in the description shall be deemed not to be included in the composite building component/item. (Paragraph

4.5A bill (BoQ) item is deemed to include the followings;

-Materials and goods and all costs associated therewith.

-Labor and all costs in connection therewith.

-Plant and all costs in connection therewith.

-Waste of goods or materials

-Rough and fair cutting

-Assembling, installing, erecting, fixing or fitting materials/goods in position.

-Establishment charges and cost of compliance with all legislations required and waste disposal, etc. (Paragraph

4.6Work of special nature (type): (Paragraph 3.3.4)

The BESMM4 identified some works as special and recommended that they should be separately identified and their specific details be given at the start of each applicable work section. Such works include the followings;

1.Work to existing structures; to be defined as either on, in, immediately under existing before the current building project.

2.Work carried out and subsequently removed

3.Work outside the cartilage

4.Work carried out in extraordinary conditions, such as;

-In or under water stating whether river, canal, lake or sea, stating the mean spring level of high and low water

-In tidal conditions;

-Underground, stating mean depth.

-In compressed air, stating the pressure and means of entry and exit; and

-In other extra ordinary conditions.

Details of any additional preliminaries required for work of special nature shall be given in the

description drawing attention to any specific need arising from the nature of the work.

4.6.1Measurable works not covered by the tabulated rules: (Paragraph 3.3.5)

Any components/items not covered by the tabulated rules shall as much as possible be measured by the rules for similar type of work and such rules shall be clearly stated either in the preliminaries or in the BOQ against the item.

Where it is not possible to apply any of the tabulated rules for such item/components, the rules chosen may be spoken by stating the rule in full above the billing components/items in the preliminaries or BOQ.

4.6.2Procedure where work cannot be quantified: (Paragraph 3.3.6)

Where work cannot quantified (i.e., non-measurable works) rules of allowing ‘provisional quantity’ for the described item as provided in paragraph 2.9 of the BESMM4 shall apply.

4.6.3.Procedure where exact type of product or component is not specified: (Paragraph 3.3.7)

In this case, an estimated price described as a ‘prime cost price’ (PC price) for the product or component shall be given in the description. E.g., Allow the PC Price of #x per thousand delivered to site or “Allow #x each delivered to site”.

The contractor shall be deemed to have allowed for all items listed in paragraph m the rate for each component/item incorporating PC price. PC prices shall exclude any allowance for the main contractor’s overhead and profit (dealt with separately).

4.6.4Procedure where quantity of work cannot be accurately determined: (Paragraph 3.3.8)

In case of work that can be described and itemized in accordance with tabulated rules of measurement of BESMM4 but the quality cannot be accurately determined, an approximate quantity (described as provisional quantity) shall be given subject to accurate re-``measurement after the work is properly carried out. The approximate quantity is substituted by the firm quantity and the total price of the item adjusted to reflect the charge in quantity.

Note: where the change in quantity is less than 20% the rate tendered in the contract shall apply but where the variance is more 20% the contract rate can be reviewed to ensure fairness and reasonableness to both the contractor and the client.


The new edition of the measurement standard for the Nigerian construction industry (i.e., BESMM4) is a demonstration of positive transformation from the traditional towards the modern construction technology and practices. Its various sections are drafted in very simple language and organized manner. This makes it easy to be understood and applied in the measurement of both building and engineering projects. The BESMM4 also attempt todomesticate the measurement principles to local practices by avoiding blanket provisions for works that are incidental on site conditions putting into focus global practice. E.g., earthwork supports during excavation; providing for accurate measurement of the preliminaries items, re-addressing provisional and PC price, minimizing duplication of payments to the contractor, among others. In this manner, the new standard is not only relevant but veritable tool that will assist, in no small measures, in the total cost management of construction / engineering worksthat will engender reduction in the overall costs of costs construction projects in Nigeria. It is however advisable to correct some terminology inconsistencies, wrong cross referencing as well as typo/grammatical errors in the next reprint of the document.My sincere appreciation to the NIQS council for organizing this important workshop and for giving me the opportunity to present this paper. Thank you.


Building Engineering Standard Method of Measurement 4Th Edition, The Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors.