Name ______

Kindergartenhomework due daily! Week of: 11-16-2015

Please be sure to label homework with the date and subject ex: Monday Math

This is not a choice board. All activities must be completed.

Bring in homework folders EVERYDAY (Submit all homework by Friday)

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday
Math / Draw 2 ten frames showing the number 16. Decompose the number.
_____ + _____= ____
Ex. 15 is 10 + 5 = 15. / Draw 2 ten frames showing the number 17. Decompose the number.
_____ + _____= ____
Ex. 15 is 10 + 5 = 15. / Draw 2 ten frames showing the number 18. Decompose the number.
_____ + _____= ____
Ex. 15 is 10 + 5 = 15. / Draw 2 ten frames showing the number 19. Decompose the number.
_____ + _____= ____
Ex. 15 is 10 + 5 = 15.
Writing: / Rainbow write your sight words. / Write 5 words that are in the –an word family. / Use the words written on Tuesday in a sentence. / Write 3-4 sentences about animal needs.
Language Arts
Sight Words:
help, run, not, play, find / Create flash cards for sight words. / Write sight words 3 times each. / Use sight words in a sentence. / Practice all sight words.
Science and Social Studies / Compare (same) and Contrast (different)
Maps and Globes
(Tell how they are alike and different) / Practice School Pledge and Pledge of Allegiance / Compare (same) and Contrast (different)
City and Suburb
(Tell how they are alike and different) / Practice School Pledge and Pledge of Allegiance
Parent Signature and Comments

Name ______

Kindergartenhomework due daily! Week of: 11-16-2015

Please be sure to label homework with the date and subject ex: Monday Math

This is not a choice board. All activities must be completed.

Bring in homework folders EVERYDAY (Submit all homework by Friday)

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday
Math / Dibuja 2 de diez cuadros que muestran el número 16. Descomponer el número.
_____ + _____ = ____
Ex. 15 es 10 + 5 = 15. / ¿ Dibuja 2 de diez cuadros que muestran el número 17. Descomponer el número.
_____ + _____ = ____
Ex. 15 es 10 + 5 = 15 / Dibuja 2 de diez cuadros que muestran el número 18. Descomponer el número.
_____ +_____ = ____
Ex. 15 es 10 + 5 = 15 / Dibuja 2 de diez cuadros que muestran el número 19. Descomponer el número.
_____+ _____ = ____
Ex. 15 es 10 + 5 = 15
Writing: / Rainbow escribir sus palabras a la vista . / Escribe 5 palabras que están en la familia de palabras –an. / Utilice las palabras escritas el martes en una oración. / Escribe 3-4 oraciones sobre las necesidades de los animales.
Language Arts
Sight Words:
help, run, not, play, find / Crear tarjetas de memoria flash de palabras de uso frecuente . / Escribe palabras de vista 3 veces cada uno. / Escribe palabras de vista en una frase. / Practique todas palabras de vista .
Science and Social Studies / Comparar (igual ) y contraste (diferente)
Maps and Globes
( Diga en qué se parecen y diferente) / Escuela de Práctica Promesa y Juramento a la Bandera / Comparar (igual ) y contraste ( diferente)
City and Suburb
( Diga en qué se parecen y diferente ) / Escuela de Práctica Promesa y Juramento a la Bandera
Parent Signature and Comments

Mrs Watkins’ Kindergarten class @ Adamsville Primary 404-802-4343 Email: