Data Protection Notice

Animal Identification and Movement (AIM)

Data Protection information for the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) can be viewed at

The following data are specific information in relation to personal data processed under the Animal Identification and Movement (AIM) system.

  1. Specified Purpose : The Animal identification and Movement (AIM) system is a generic database, recording various levels of identification and movement data in relation to bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine and equine animals. It manages, directly or indirectly through outsourcing, the registration, identification (by means of tagging and the use of passports /other documentation as appropriate) and movements for bovine, ovine, caprine and porcine animals as applicable and records movements at animal or herd level in line with the legislative requirement for particular species. Specific identification data in respect of equine animals are also recorded on the database.

The data are collected for the purpose of compliance with EU and National law on livestock identification, registration and movement and is linked to both human and animal health.

The integration of AIM from client data maintained under the Corporate Customer System (CCS) and data from the Animal Health Computer System (AHCS) for bovines has facilitated more effective management of Ireland’s TB eradication, BVD and TSE testing programme ensuring that animals meet the required legal testing standards for movement or follow up as required. The AIM system incorporatesvarious securityenhancements in line with the Department’s commitment to ISO 27001:2013 on Information Security certification.

  1. AIM Division is fully committed to keeping all personal data submitted by its customers(and Contractors), fully safe and secure during administrative processes, both technical and manual. All necessary technical measures have been put in place to ensure the safety and security of the systems which hold this data.
  1. Legal Basis : The relevant legislation associated with the data collected for each species on the AIM system,is set down below.


Council Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000 (as amended) establishes a system for the identification and registration of bovine animals and (EC) No 911 of 2004. The relevant national legislation is a) S. I. No 77 of 2009 European Communities (Identification of Bovines) Regulations 2009 and b) S. I. No 521 of 2014 Animal Health and Welfare (Bovine Movements) Regulations 2014.

With regard to slaughter plants the provisions ofCouncil Regulation (EC) 178/2002 (procedures in matters of food safety), and Council Regulation (EC) 853/2004 (hygiene rules for food of animal origin) are applicable also.

Ovine and Caprine

Council Regulation (EC) No 21 of 2004 establishes a system for the identification and registrationof ovine and caprine animalsand provides for establishment of a data base and for the undertaking of an annual inventory.


Council Directive 2008/71/EC sets out minimum requirements for the identification and registration of pigs and S.I. 364 2010 provides for the conducting of an annual census.


Commission Implementing Regulation 262/2015 sets out the rules regarding the methods for the identification of equine and provides for the establishment of a central database recording specific equine identification information.

  1. Sharing of Personal Data – AIM Division is committed to sharing personal data only where there is a valid legal obligation to do so or where the party concerned has provided consent to allow for specific personal information to be shared as set down below.

I1) In line with the above legislation personal data will be made available as appropriate to other entities in their role as keepers including livestock marts, slaughter houses, on line dealers and other Food Business Operators.

(ii)Personal data will be shared within the Department where the functions of the Scheme/Division require such information and is where either a legislative basis or consent is given to allow the transfer of the data has been given by the keeper in line with scheme criteria.

(iii) Personal data will be shared with other Departments where there is a legislative basis to do so i.e. Central Statistics Office /other as appropriate.

(iv)Personal data may be shared with external organisations where there is a legislative basis or where consent to the transfer of this data has been given by the keeper.

(v)Personal data may be collected by an external organisation acting as a data processor on behalf of the Department and such organisations will be subject tothe rules governing data protection.

  1. In line with the above the information gathered may be made available also for audits, official controls and inspections carried out by regulatory authorities within the European Union and the State as required by relevant regulation including but not limited to (i) cross compliance and (ii) other Department / EU schemes where the conditions of that scheme require that such data be provided.
  1. The data collected may be used also for quality control measures and as a basis for future development of the system.
  1. All necessary technical measures have been put in place to ensure the safety and security of the systems which hold this data.
  1. Taking into account the nature of the data collected by AIM Division and by contractors operating on our behalf, the data (technical and manual) will be held for as long as there is a business need to do so in line with the purposes for which it was collected. When deemed appropriate the data will be marked for destruction, and it will be destroyed in line with internal guidelines, or guidelines for destruction received from the National Archives Office, or associated permissions received from them.
  1. AIM Division will update notices as required relating to the Data Protection Regulations from time to time and any such notices will be published on our website.