IDAGS Multilateral Panel Meeting May 17-21, 2004

JSC, Houston, Texas

Preliminary Agenda

IDAGS Multilateral Panel Meeting / May 17-21, 2004
USA Training Academy, TA2
JSC, Houston, Texas
Monday, May 17, 2004
Welcome / A. Pennington/NASA / 0900-0910
DGCS Revision Process/Status / A. Spenrath/NASA / 0910-0920
ATV Splinter Report / T. Ilina/RSC-E / 0920-1200
Lunch / 1200-1300
General Action Item Status (AI 140, 183-1, 187) / All / 1300-1400
Section 3, Display and Graphic Development (AI 190) / All / 1400-1410
Section 13, Laptop Operating System Configuration and Features / All / 1410-1440
Appendix D, Robotics / P. Langlois/CSA / 1440-1500
Appendix H, Payload Display Design Standards and Guidelines / R. Lindsey/MSFC / 1500-1530
[Reserved for overflow] / All / 1530-1700
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Columbus System Display Review / A. Brinkmann/ESA / 0900-1100
Section 11, Caution & Warning (AI 117, B1) / All / 1100-1200
Lunch / 1200-1300
Appendix J, Visiting Vehicle Displays Standards / N. Saadah/NASA / 1300-1700
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Appendix C, Graphic Symbols / All / 0900-1200
Lunch / 1200-1300
Section 4, Layout / All / 1300-1400
Appendix B, Colors / All / 1400-1600
Section 10, Data Fields (AI 226) / All / 1600-1700
Dinner Social / All / 1900-2100
Thursday, May 20, 2004
Appendix I, Crew Support Computers / M. Swaby/NASA / 0900-1030
Appendix A, Definition and Use of Standard Terminology / All / 1030-1200
Lunch / 1200-1300
Section 5, Display Organization and Hierarchy / All / 1300-1530
Section 12, Multi-dimensional Graphics / G. Chamitoff/NASA / 1530-1630
Review Protocol / All / 1630-1700
Friday, May 21, 2004
Section 6, Procedural Displays (plan for development) / All / 0900-1000
Discuss new actions and open issues / All / 1000-1130
Review Protocol / All / 1130-1200
Lunch / 1200-1300
Dates and location of next meeting / All / 1300-1330
Discuss Protocol and motion to approve / All / 1330-1430

Information 6