Style Guide for JKMS Case Report File

General Instruction:

Use this file for the manuscript (MS word processor).

Font: Times New Roman, 11 point, in double space between lines.

Use normal font for Latin words, such as “in vivo, in vitro, et al., ad libitum, etc.”

Italicize the words: “P” (statistical probability), scientific names of bio-organisms (Escherichia coli, E. coli), name of genes (COX2), and name of journals (Journal of Korean Medical Science).”

Present observed “P” values as ‘P =’ for all values when they are 0.001 or over. When the value is less than 0.001, present it as P < 0.001.

Make one space before all units, except for “%, ℃, .”

Make one space before and after symbols, except for “: (ratio, 1:10), - (range, 5-10), / (slash, 1/3, cycles/min).”

Explain abbreviations when the words appear first, and use them thereafter consistently.

Title: Recommend to include “Case Report” in the title.


Unstructured uniform.

Describe significance of this reported disease briefly, introduce the reported case(s) including diagnosis, clinical characteristics, treatment, and clinical course. Summarize academic or practical lesson for physicians.

Space limit: 200 words.

Keywords:3-4 words, MeSH terms are recommended.


Recommend to make 2-3paragraphs: General and specific background of the disease (known), introduce previous case reports.


Introduce the present case as in details including date of first visit or other important event.

Describe any kind of interventions for the case.

Summarize clinical course after the intervention.

Present Tables or Figures if necessary.


Begin with correct diagnosis.

Discuss clinical findings or interventions of debates by the case.

Describe clinical lessons by the case.


List references under serial numbers of appearing in the text following JKMS style.

Cite published articles, website materials, or monographs.

Do not cite grey materials (mass media, proceedings, abstract, research report, personal communication, dissertation).

Cite maximum 20 references.

List author names by 10 and abbreviate with “et al.” for additional authors.

1.Kim JH, Hong YC. Interactive effect of smoking and nqo1 haplotypes on lung cancer risk. J Korean Med Sci 2015; 30: 221-6.

2.European Association of Stem Cell Research.European guidelines for stem cell research. Available at [accessed on 20 November 2015].

3.Caplan AI. Mesenchymal stem cells. In Stem Cell Research 5th Edition, edited by Sharpe PT, pp 25-40. London, Academic Press, 2010.

4.Dodson MV, Hausman GJ, Guan L, Du M, Rasmussen TP, Poulos SP, Mir P, Bergen WG, Fernyhough ME, McFarland DC, et al.Skeletal muscle stem cells from animals I. Basic cell biology. Int J Biol Sci 2010;6: 465-74.

Prepare Table of Figure as short as possible.

Make Table at the end of the text in a separate page.

Figure Legends are at the end of the text but Figure files are prepared in PPT or TIFF files separately with good resolution over 300 dpi.

Fig. 1. Ccc ddd.
