Mr. Klein

8th Grade Social Studies

Policies and Procedures


1.Be on time to class

2.Be respectful

3.Engage in Learning

4.Complete all work in a timely manner

5.Follow all school rules


1.Binder with dividers

2. Folder

3. Loose-leaf paper inside binder

4. Spiral Notebook

5. Pens/ Pencils

6. Index Cards


All homework is expected to be turned in on time. Label homework with name, date and assignment. You will only be allowed to turn in one late assignment per trimester. Late assignments will count as a 60%. All missing assignments need to be turned in, even if you receive no credit for the assignment.


You will learn about the United States Constitution and government during the first trimester. You will participate in a mock congressional hearing to apply the knowledge learned during the study of the Constitution. We will also study basic economic principles and world geography. The geography unit will include a study genocide around the world. We will focus on the Holocaust and genocide in Rwanda in 1994. We will also learn about 25 different countries/cultures of the world and be able to identify these on a map.


If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get the work done in class. Homework should be made up as soon as possible upon your return to school. YOU will be expected to schedule a time before or after school or during lunch to make up tests or quizzes. If you know ahead of time that you will miss school due to sports, academic field trips, or a vacation, you will be expected to get the work in advance. All absent work must be labeled and turned into the bin on Mr. Klein’s desk.


A 90-100%

B 80-89%

C 70-79%

D 60-69%

F 59% - below

Assessments are worth 70% of the overall grade and homework, classwork, and participation are worth 30% of the overall grade.


In your agenda book, you have 6 passes per trimester. These passes can be used to go to your locker to get homework or other supplies. You may also use the passes to go to the bathroom (at appropriate time).


Tardy and late students need to sign-in at the clip board at the back of the room, and not disrupt class. Excused students need to attach their pass to the clipboard. See the handbook for the consequences of multiple tardies.


I encourage you to see me if you are having difficulty. I am available before/after school, or during lunch. I am here to help you be successful.


Phone Number- (708)799-5544 extension 2311

Email Address-

Teacher webpage- Go to and click on “James Hart School.” Then click on “Teacher Pages” and chose my name, “Klein, Michael” from the list of teachers. My webpage will have the homework for each night and a brief description of the class activities for each day.

Please sign the attached form that you have read and understand the policies and procedures and return it to Mr. Klein by Wednesday, August 30

I have read and understand the policies and procedures for Mr. Klein’s Social Studies class. .


Student Signature Date Parent Signature Date