Free ParticipationPlaces


Application Form


DofE Manager to submit the form to South East Region.

This form should be used from 5thApril 2017 until further notice.

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Licensed Organisation / Click here to enter text. /
Name of DofE Manager / Click here to enter text. / Date / Click here to enter text. /
Participant Name / Centre / eDofE No.
(or postcode*1) / Criteria* / Level / Supporting Information
B / S / G
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How else is your Licensed Organisation assisting these young people? We are particularly interested to work with projects that use our assistance as part of a plan to be self-sustaining in the longer term (e.g. other funding sources).
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Free ParticipationPlaces


Guidance Notes

One of TheDuke ofEdinburgh’s Award guiding principlesisto make DofE achievable byall.In supportof thiswe are committed to increasingthe numberofyoungpeople fromdisadvantaged backgrounds who participate.We aretherefore pleased to be able to offerfree participation places to young peoplesatisfying this criteria.

The South EastRegionhas created a budget of free participation places to allocateacross its Licensed Organisationsto supportyoung people who would nototherwise be able to access the DofE due to their financial circumstances.Weare keen to encourage asmanyyoung people as possible to participatein DofEprogrammes-atanyofthe three Levels: Bronze,Silverand Gold.

Whatare the criteria?

Free Participation Places are intended to attractyoung people to DofE programmes whowould otherwise nottakepart.These places should be used to grow yourgroup’s activities withthose fromdisadvantaged backgroundsandformpartofa plan to make this provisionsustainablein thelongerterm(e.g. attracting additional funding).The young people can bemembersofa largergroup with participants who are not all receivingfree places.Places should be allocated to Participants in the current financial year.

Howdo Iapply?

Packs available from current LO stock / Packs not available from current LO stock
Leader/Manager / DofE Leader to identify Participants and get agreement in principle from DofE Manager.
Manager / Enrol Participants. Provide Participant Places and welcome pack from LO stock.Please ensure that participant personal details, including home postcodes and disability declaration (if appropriate), are recorded accurately.
Manager / Enter Participants’ names and eDofE Numbers on this FPP Application Form. / Enter Participants’ names and home postcodeson this FPP Application Form.
Manager / Forward form(s) to
SE Region / Approve and arrange for places to be allocated/replaced.
Alternatively, rejects or queries application giving reasons.
Notify LO of decision, and any subsequent actions.
Manager / Enrol Participants and provide eDofE numbers of the Participants to .
Ensure that participant personal details, including home postcodes and disability declaration (if appropriate), are recorded accurately.

If you are applying for more than 20 places at a time, please number each page and indicate the total number of pages at the beginning of each form.

Why would we reject an application?

A strategic aim of the DofE Charity is to ensure that DofE is available to all. By funding Free Participation Places we intend to extend the reach to those young people who would otherwise not be able to take part for financial reasons. The key measures we will use to assess an application are:

  • The home address of the participantis within an area designated by the government Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) 1, 2 or 3 or
  • the Centre has been declared on eDofE as working exclusively with disadvantaged young people or
  • the participant has declared themselves as having a disability.

The number of participation places we can fund is limited. We therefore need to carefully distribute them across the whole region and may reject applications if an LO has previously been awarded a high number of places, or requested a disproportionately high number of places, or not provided the requested feedback concerning previous free places.


Once you have been allocated free places, please encourage recipients to complete their DofE programmes and provide feedback to the South East Region when requested. The South EastRegion willtracktherecipients’progressandwillbe in a strongerposition to offermore free places ifwereceivesuccessstories,copies ofAchievementPacksand good news orphotos of young people undertaking theirDofE programmesfromthis project,please send these to: