Book Report Options (choose one)

Your grade is based on satisfactory completion of the the major-works data sheet, the project and the class presentation. Remember your presentation must be at least five minutes and include your visual aid and/or song.

Movie Poster Book Report: For this assignment you are to make a movie poster for your book. The poster must be at least 25 inches by 30 inches. The poster can be hand-drawn, a collage or digitally manipulated. The art is up to you. Your written explanation of the poster should be at least 200 words and explain your use of symbolism, tone and theme in your poster.

Story Board: Create a story-board from a scene in your book. In your paper (300 words minimum) explain the scene and what the important elements in the scene are. What is the setting and the tone and why are they important to the novel. Submit your story-board with your written explanation.

Stage Set: Create a three-dimensional model of a scene from the novel. In your explanation (200 word minimum) explain why the set is built this way, what is happening in the scene and how would the actors move around the scene.

Found Art: For this assignment, you are making a piece of art (clay, painting, photo, etc.) that represents a theme from the book. In your 200-wordpaper, you must explain how the artwork ties into the book you choose and where in the story this artwork would appearif this book were made into a movie.

Tone Assignment: Soundtrack

For this assignment you will need your tone words sheet. Think about the work you are reading. What is the author’s tone? Does it change or shift? Does it deepen? Next, find two pieces of music that embody the tones you selected. You may decide that it is the lyrics or the music that embodies the tone or both. Your job is to select two songs that lend deeper meaning to the work and explain why you chose those songs. The idea is to choose a song that embodies the tone. Do not choose a song merely because the book title is in the song title. You must use your tone words to analyze the work. (300 words)