Grade K-1
Unit: During Reading
Topic: Decoding Strategies – Lesson 2 of 5
Concept: Reread and Start the Tricky Word
Essential Question:
How can I use rereading and the beginning sound(s) of a word to help me when I read?
Activating Strategy:
Mental Imagery:
The teacher reads each sentence below and instructs the children to hold their hands beside their ears as if they are thinking, and then to put their hands on their headsto signal they have the answer.
  • I could really eat a peanut butter and jelly s…
  • When the bear woke up in the spring, he was very h…
  • Here is a hot dog for you to c…
Discuss the word choices that the children have made. Do they make sense and start with the correct beginning letter?
Accelerating/Previewing: (Key Vocabulary)
words, beginning letter, rereading
a chart focusing on the steps of this strategy (attached)
Teaching Strategies:
Direct Teaching:
The teacher will write each sentence on the board with the last word covered except for the initial letter(s). Teacher will read the sentence and make the sound for the initial letter(s). Teacher will think aloud to model how to reread, start the tricky word, finish the word, and check to see if it makes sense.
  • My dog can do a tr… (trick)
  • I like to eat ice cr… (cream)
  • I like to play video g… (games)
Shared Demonstration:
Have students take turns to model reading a sentence from the board, then reread and start the tricky word, and then say a word that makes sense.
  • The cat is running after the m…(mouse)
  • I can ride my b…(bike)
Distributed Guided Practice:
Numbered Heads:
Use appropriate-level multiple copy books. Assign numbered heads so that students can work in partners. Cover approximately one tricky word per page with a dark-colored sticky note, allowing the first letter(s) to show. Ask students to read the book with their partner, alternating pages. When the student comes to a sticky note, he/she should reread and start the tricky word and say a word that makes sense beginning with the correct beginning letter. The second student removes the sticky note to check the visual cues to determine if the word is correct. Finish reading the book in this way.
Summarizing Strategy:
Whisper out the Door:
Ask the question: When you were reading today and you came to a tricky word, what did you do to help you figure out the word?
Each student whispers the answer to the teacher as he/she walks out the door. (Go back to the beginning of the sentence and read it again, start the tricky word and say a word that makes sense.)

How can I use rereading and the beginning sound(s) of a word to help me when I read?

  1. Go back to the beginning of the sentenceand read it again.
  1. Start the tricky word and say a word that makes sense.
  1. Make sure the word looks right.
