S/R/C Goals and Activity Report

January 15 Report of Goals, Activities, Accomplishments, and Plans for July – December.

June 15 Report of Goals, Activities, Accomplishments, and Plans for January – June.

S/R/C: Minnesota/North Dakota/South Dakota Date: 6/6/17

Leader(s): Victoria Williams Email:

1.  Describe your major S/R/C goal(s) for the past six months

To increase communication among members in the region and to spread awareness of the ways CRLA can help educators as they strive to enhance student learning at their institutions.

To increase the number of people from the region attending CRLA’s national conference.

To increase political awareness among members to more effectively have the voices of educators heard as the legislature becomes more interested in setting developmental education policy.

2.  Activities implemented to accomplish this/these goals (attach documents if appropriate):

Our annual spring gatherings, one in St. Cloud and one in the Twin Cities, were focused on political activism and updates on the legislature’s actions relating to developmental education and the system office’s Placement Summit that was held soon after those meetings.

Planning is under way for our annual MNADE/Regional CRLA conference to be held September 28th and 29th at Cragun’s Resort on Gull Lake in Brainerd. Our conference theme is “Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and the Opportunity Gap,” and our keynote speaker will be Dr. Michelle Benegas, and her talk is titled, “Window and Mirrors as Cultural Relevance and Cultural Capital: Affirming and Empowering New Minnesotans.”

3.  Summary of any S/R/C Funding requests including outcomes: There were no funding requests for spring or summer.

4.  S/R/C-related activities at the Annual Conference: Several member from our region were in attendance at the conference. We had a short meeting to greet new attendees and become reacquainted with those we hadn’t seen in a while, then went to lunch at a nearby restaurant.

5.  Your last S/R/C newsletter or communication was sent to members on __I’ve recently taken on responsibility as leader again and haven’t communicated yet.

Your next S/R/C newsletter or communication to be sent to members on __June 20______

6.  Describe your major goal(s) for the next six months:

To continue to increase communication among members in the region and to spread awareness of the ways CRLA can help educators as they strive to enhance student learning at their institutions.

7.  What services and activities you are considering to help meet the goal(s):

Send regular email messages to the CRLA member list and MNADE listserv with updates on the upcoming conferences, MNADE/Regional CRLA in September and CRLA in Pittsburg in November, and encourage active participation.

8.  Are you submitting a Funding Request? ___X___Yes ______No

If yes, please submit with this report.

9.  Assistance you need from the Coordinator of S/R/Cs and/or the CRLA Board?

10. Does your S/R/C Page accurately reflect your name and contact information? _X__Yes __No If not, please include updated information.

Please email this completed form and any attachments

to the Coordinator of S/R/Cs so that it may be placed on the CRLA website.