Grammar Expectations for use in Writing Assignments
What you learn in one grade you are expected to know in the next grade.
Remember to bring it with you!
Grammar Expectations “Bring them with you, to the next grade”
Mid-point of Second Trimester / End of Third Trimester
Grade 5 / Simple sentences – subject, verb, direct object, subject complements
Use nouns (singular, plural, common, & proper), pronouns,
descriptive adjectives,
verbs (present & past tense),
Prepositional phrases,
Correct use of ending punctuation ( . ! ? , )
Correct capitalization / Correct tense agreement
Correct use of comparative and superlative adverbs, interjections
Punctuation( . ! ? , : ; - )
Compound sentences,
Avoid sentence fragments and run-on sentences
Grade 6 /
  • Simple sentences
  • Simple sentences with compound elements
  • Correct use of ending punctuation
  • Correct capitalization
  • Correct use of periods, commas, quotation marks, underlining, apostrophes, hyphens, parentheses
  • Correct use of personal pronouns
  • Compound sentences using coordinate conjunctions
  • Correct use and comparison of adjectives
  • Correct use of prepositions
  • Correct use of prepositional phrases

Grade 7 /
  • Simple sentences
  • Compound sentences (coordinate conjunctions)
  • Natural and inverted order
  • Compound sentence elements
  • Correct syntax (subject, subject complement, direct address, appositive, direct object, indirect object, object of the preposition)
  • Correct use of punctuation of direct quotations
  • Correct use of compound personal pronouns
  • Compound sentences (coordinating conjunctions, correlative conjunctions, conjunctive adverbs, subordinate conjunctions)
  • Correct use of pronominals
  • Active and passive voice verbs
  • Adverbial clauses
  • Adjectival clauses (relative pronoun)
  • Correct syntaxes (adverbial objective, cognate object)
  • Correct use of colons, semicolons, dashes

Grade 8 /
  • Subordinate noun clauses
  • Adjectival clauses (RPN and relative adverbs
  • Correct syntaxes (nominative absolute, nominative of exclamation, objective complement)
  • Participles and participle phrases
  • Gerunds and gerund phrases
  • Correct use of single quotes
  • Infinitives, infinitive phrases
  • Subjunctive mood verbs
  • Compound-complex sentences

Miscellaneous Non Negotiables 1. Paragraph format-indentation, use of left margin

2.Paragraph construction

  • topic sentence-main ideal-generalization
  • do not use “because”
  • detail sentence 5-6 supporting main idea
  • closing-wrap up or transition