Derbyshire City & County Music Partnership
Quality Mark Self-Assessment Form
School: / DfES No:In order to assess your own readiness for an assessor’s visit, schools are asked to complete this Self-Assessment Form. This should not be returned to the Music Partnership office, but will be used to inform discussions during the assessor’s visit. The Quality Mark Application Form should be completed and submitted in order to arrange a visit.
Support for PupilsObjective / Evidence
1.1 Providing appropriate opportunities for all pupils, including those with special needs and those who are gifted musically – What are you doing to take account of the expectations outlined in the National Plan for Music Education?
1.2 Having a strong representation of both boys and girls, and a take-up of
music activities reflecting the social and ethnic diversity of the school.
1.3 Maintaining a school-based record of pupils accessing instrumental teaching,
with take-up and retention falling at least in line with the national outcomes of
13% at KS2, 8% at KS3.
1.4 Analysing and acting upon any findings from attendance records at instrumental/vocal lessons.
1.5 Addressing any weaknesses in provision if the quality of any teaching is
judged to be less than good.
1.6 Providing suitable accommodation, within the limitations of the school building
and site, and providing safe storage for instruments.
1.7 Informing parents and pupils about the opportunities available to them for
learning to play an instrument and sing, and about the range of Music
Partnership subsidies available, ensuring that no child is excluded because of
Working in PartnershipObjective / Evidence
2.1 Supporting the Music Partnership’s monitoring of accredited and non-accredited instrumental/vocal teachers.
2.1 Liaising regularly with the Music Partnership and the Area Leader for Instrumental Music Development.
2.3 Liaising closely with partner schools in order to ensure smooth transition for pupils who are learning instruments.
2.4 Ensuring that instrumental teachers are made aware of the music curriculum within the school and understand how their work contributes to this.
2.5 Ensuring pupils’ musical progress is shared with parents through written reports from their instrumental teacher which are also acknowledged in school (other than whole-class instrumental teaching)
2.6 Working with instrumental teachers to provide a range of performance opportunities for pupils receiving instrumental/vocal tuition, both in school and at external events.
Celebrating Success
Objective / Evidence
3.1 Inviting parents and the wider community to attend performances where the work of instrumental teachers and their pupils is showcased.
3.2 Actively promoting the involvement of pupils in local satellite and music centres.
3.3 Encouraging pupils to take up opportunities to perform outside school in local concerts, festivals etc.
3.4 Taking up opportunities offered by the Music Partnership for pupils to participate in events such as City & County music courses, project choirs, Live Performances etc.
Please provide the assessor with the names of instrumental teachers currently working in your school, together with the pupils and instruments which they teach.