Incorporating Library Materials into Your BB Course

Online College Librarian:
Jennifer Kelley


Getting Started:

It is important to note that the course menu item is a default selection in your BB course shell. This links the student to a library page where they can find help as well as useful information about library services:

Your students will need a library barcode to access the library’s materials in your course. All students can get a library barcode immediately by going to:

Go to this page for help on creating links to Library materials:

Adding an ITEM—Your most versatile option!

Using the ITEM feature is a great option for adding library materials to your pages. Items can be part of a folder, or can stand on their own in whatever location you designate in your course.

When you use the ITEM selection, you can attach pdf articles, embed media or images as well as add links to materials in the text section of the item feature.

Step by Step—ITEM/Attach a file:

1.)From your course section, choose “edit/view”

2.)Select “add Item”

3.)Choose a name for your reading/assignment/task, etc.

4.)Write directions for your students in the “Text” field. (you can use the button to add an URL here too!)

5.)Click the “browse” button to locate the file on your computer.

6.)When attaching a text document, choose “Create a Link” as the special action.

7.)When attaching (embedding) images or media, choose “Display Media.” This will download your item to the BB server and place it on your page (you can modify its location on the page, if you like.)

8.)Choose your display options and submit!

Adding External Links

Adding a link is the easiest way to create links in your course pages. This option is recommended if you choose to create a Readings folder in your course.

To add an External Link:

1.)From your course section, select “edit/view.”

2.)Select Add External Link.

3.)Give the link a clear name (Unit 1, Reading 1 or title of reading)

4.)Add the URL to the dialog box

5.)Give your students directions in the text box.

6.)Choose your display options and submit!

Incorporating links in an Assignment page:

You can create links to readings and mediawith your assignment text. You can give your students directions and/or other tasks to associate with the reading or media. For instance, you can create a reaction paper assignment and include the reading right in the directions. Doing this is easy!

1.)From your course section, select “edit/view.”

2.)Select “Assignment” from the drop down menu, click “Go.”

3.)Give your assignment a title, select due date and points possible (this creates a grade book item for you)

4.)Write your instructions. Type the name of your link (Read this article: [article title]

5.)Highlight the text you’d like to make into a link to the reading or video to view.

6.)Click the hyperlink button The hyperlink properties box will pop up.

7.)Choose the type of link (http is the most common:If your link starts with something other than “http,” select it.)

8.)Type in the URL in the space provided.

9.)Give your link a Tooltip title (this will appear on mouseover--useful for that library card reminder!)

10.) Select “open in a new window” if you’d like the link to spawn a separate window. Otherwise, it will appear within the BB frame.

11.) Choose your display options and submit!

Advanced linking

There are a variety of creative ways to get your readings and media into your courses. You can create a readings & media section so your students can access all of these materials in one place, in the order that they appear in your course. Video, music, podcasts, e-books, articles and more can be added to your BB courses. Feel free to contact the OnlineCollege librarian to help you find appropriate materials and get them into your course.