
High School

Year 8

Induction Booklet



Form Teacher:______

Year Head:______



2Information for first few days


First days


Teachers and Subjects


School map

Basic equipment

3General Information

Arriving at school

Travel by bus

Assemblies and registration


Break time

Home time

Illness and absence



4Assessment and Reporting



Parental interviews

5Clubs and Trips

6Code of Behaviour


8 For Parents

How can I help as a parent?

Common problems experienced by children

About this book


Welcome to MarkethillHigh school! We hope that your next 5 years with us will be a happy, rewarding and enjoyable experience.

You will notice many differences between this school and your primary school. This booklet is designed to help you get to know our school routine and settle in easily.

Please read this booklet carefully and bring it with you to school during your first few weeks.


Questions ?

Starting a new school can be a very exciting, but also worrying time. Don’t worry! – everyone else in year 8 is in exactly the same position, and they have many questions and concerns about MarkethillHigh School.

Your first day ……….

8.45 – 9.10Arrive at school

9.10 – 9.40Go to the Assembly Hall where several teacherswillwelcome you and give you important generalinformation.

Here you will meet your Form Teacher (who is in

charge of your class.) Your Form Teacher will takeyou to your form room where you go for registrationmost mornings. At this stage you will be givenschool stationery and more detailed information like your timetable, etc.

11.00 – 11.15Break-time. Prefects will show you where to go.

(The only other pupils in school on your first day areprefects from Year 12 who will show you around andhelp you. Prefects are specially chosen older pupilswho are responsible and helpful, so never be afraid to ask a prefect for advice.)

11.15 – 1.15 Back to form rooms

1.15 – 1.50Lunch-time. Again prefects will show you where to go.

1.50 – 3.25 You will follow your new timetable for different

subjects in different rooms around school. Prefectsto help.

3.25 – 3.30 Prefects to escort you to front of school at home time to catch buses, etc.


In year 8 there will be 5 classes. All classes do exactly the same subjects, but perhaps at different times during the week. Don’t worry if you don’t know anyone in your new class – look on this as an opportunity to make new friends – everyone will feel the same way. You can meet up with other friends at break and lunch-time any day.

Teachers and Subjects

Unlike primary school, you will have a different teacher for each subject – that means up to 15 new teachers!!

Principal:Mr Maxwell

Vice Principal:Mr Browne

Teachers in charge of Year 8 pupils:

Year Head Mrs Henry

Senior Teacher (Boys Pastoral)Mr Brown

Senior Teacher (Girls Pastoral)Miss Poole

Your Year Head is the teacher who takes a special interest in all pupils in year 8 – from achievement in the classroom to general appearance and behaviour. She will check on attendance, late coming and any serious problems you might have. If your family wish to enquire about your progress at school, or if they have any other queries, then they should contact the school office to arrange an appointment with the Year Head.

Form Teacher:______

Your Form Teacher will see you every day to mark the register and will take a special interest in your work, progress and happiness in school. Your Form Teacher will help you settle into Markethill High, and should you have any problems or concerns, tell your Form Teacher. If for any reason your Form Teacher is not in school and you need to speak with someone, you should go to your Year Head in the first instance. Other teachers will also help you, including the Senior Teachers in charge of Pastoral Care (Mr Brown and Miss Poole), and the Principal, Mr Maxwell.


Religious Education (RE)
Home Economics (HE)
Art and Design
Physical Education (PE)
Information Technology (IT)
Learning for Life & Work

Use the list from the next page to help you fill in this table.

Teaching Staff
Code / Teacher / Room
JB / Mr J Browne / C S
RB / Mr R Baines / R 5
WB / Mr W Brown / M 9
KD / Mrs K Davis / M 4
JE / Mrs J Elliott / AR 1
SF / Mr S Furphy / R 1
SLG / Mrs S L Gilmore / SC 3
DG / Mr D Graham / R 4
IG / Mrs I Gray / M 7
PG / Mrs P Greer / SC 2
HJ / Mr J Hanna / R 12
SH / Mrs S Hargan / R 10
AH / Mr A Henry / TE 2
CH / Mrs C Henry / R 8
TH / Miss T Howe / SC 1
CH / Miss C Humphries / R 9
SJ / Mrs S Jay / R 3
KK / Mrs K Kennedy / R 8
JM / Miss J McCall / UR
DM / Mrs D McMaster / R 6
MM / Mr R McMinn / Y Annex
WM / Mrs W Menary / HE 1
JN / Mrs J Norris / M 5
TP / Mr G Parks / M3
GP / Miss G Poole / YAnnex
FR / Mrs F Ramirez / R 2
JT / Miss J Tedford / M8
CW / Mrs C Winter / HE 2
EY / Miss E Young / SC 4

Other Staff


Mrs B Robinson

Mrs A Patterson

Mrs M Moore


Mr E Megarity

Mrs J Allen


Mrs J. Allen


Mr I McClatchey

Classroom Assistants:

Miss W Andrews

Mrs J Hendren

Mrs N Johnston

Mrs S McCarragher

Mrs M McMullen

Mrs D Reid

Mrs S Ross


Your school day will be broken up into 10 classes or periods – each lasting 30 minutes, (although there may be some ‘double periods’ which last for 60 minutes.) A bell will ring at the end of each period to let your teacher know that the class should finish.

Your Form Teacher will give you your timetable, which you must copy down very carefully, as it tells you exactly what subject you have at what time and what room you should be in on that particular day.

On your timetable a box is shown for each period. This box gives 3 pieces of information………….

Make sure that you always have these things with you every day.


Arriving at school

Our school in Markethill begins at9.10 am. As soon as you arrive in the school grounds, make your way to one of the cloakrooms or the Assembly Hall (depending on time). Once you are inside the school grounds you are not permitted to leave again without permission. (Front door is used by Staff and Visitors only).

Travel by bus

Behave properly at all times.

Do not stand on the bus when it is moving.

Always do what the driver and prefects tell you.

Do not throw litter in the bus, or out of the window.

Pupils are not permitted to smoke, either on a bus or in school.

Anyone caught smoking will be suspended and a parental

interview will follow.

  • Seat belts, where fitted, should be worn at all times.

Assemblies and Registration

When the bell rings at 9.10 am, most days you will go straight to your form room where your Form Teacher takes the register. On Wednesday and Friday all year 8 pupils go straight to the Assembly Hall for junior assembly (register is taken in assembly on these days.) Bags may also be taken into the hall, but if you have time, you should leave your bag outside period 1 room for that day.


If you arrive into school after the bell at 9.10 am – you are late!!!

If you arrive after registration time, report to the school office.

If you are late 3 times in the one term, without a good reason, you will be placed in after school detention.


Break-time in Markethill High is from 11.00 – 11.15 am.

You may bring a snack to eat, or you may buy something from the tuck shop. (DO NOT BRING LARGE SUMS OF MONEY TO SCHOOL.)

At the start of break, make your way to period 4 class where you may leave your schoolbag in the corridor outside the door.

You may go outside to the playground for the remainder of break, or if it is raining you might wish to stay in the cloakroom areas.

Those entitled to free dinner must collect their free meal passfrom their Form Teachereach morning at registration.

When the bell rings at 11.15am, move on swiftly to line up quietly outside period 4 class.


Lunch-time is from 1.15 – 1.50 pm.

When the bell rings at 1.15, leave your bags in your period 7 classroom.

You may bring a packed lunch or use the school cafeteria.

Packed lunches can be eaten in the Assembly Hall, outside, or in the cloakroom areas.

If you take cafeteria lunch, join the queue in an orderly fashion. Check your days for ‘first’ and ‘second’ queue. You should make sure that you choose healthy food, not taking chips everyday!!

Most pupils spend approximately £2.50 per day on their lunch in the cafeteria.

When the first bell rings at 1.50pm go directly to collect your bag from your period 7 class, then move on quietly to your period 8 room to start afternoon classes.


School finishes at 3.30 pm each day.

When given permission, leave your classroom quietly, and make your way in an orderly fashion to a suitable exit. DO NOT RUN. Pupils are NOTpermitted to exit school by the front door.

If you are being collected by car, arrange to be picked up outside school grounds where traffic will be less busy.

If you are staying for afternoon activities, then you may be collected in the school car park.

Illness and Absence

If you become ill, or are injured in school – you must tell a teacher. Your teacher may send you to the Vice-Principal or a Senior Teacher, who may decide that you need to go home. If so, your parents or guardians will be contacted and asked to collect you from school. You must sign a book in the school office before you leave school.



On the day that you return from an absence, bring a signed letter from your parents/guardians to explain why you were off school. The letter must include your name, class, dates and reasons for absence.

If you need to leave for an appointment, you should bring a note from your parent/guardian stating why/when you wish to leave. This must be signed in school by theSenior Teachers in charge of Pastoral Care, the Vice Principal or Principal first thing in the morning and shown to your form teacher or class teacher in order to get out early. Before you leave school sign the book in the school office.


  • There are 2 set of toilets in school – junior and senior.
  • Junior toilets are located on the ground floor, near the cloakrooms, at the back of school.
  • You may go to the toilet before assembly, during break-time, lunch-time or after school.
  • Try not to ask out of class to go to the toilet, as this is very disruptive.
  • If you have a medical condition which means you may need to leave class to use the toilet frequently, bring a note to explain this to your Form Teacher.

Mobile Phones

These are NOT to be used in school for calls or text-messaging. If you are caught using one in school, it will be confiscated, sent to your Year Head, then collected at the end of the day. A second breach of this school rule means that someone from home will need to collect your phone.

School would prefer you not to bring your phone in the first place - it may be lost or worse.

If you need to contact home you may use the phone in the school office - 20p to a landline or 50p to a mobile.


You will study 15 subjects in year 8. Most of these you are already familiar with, but many are new – so this is an exciting time!


You will get homework every week in most subjects. Homework is meant to reinforce the work you have carried out or will be doing in class. It may come in many forms e.g. reading, learning, written work, project work, art work, etc.

It is most important that you copy your homework down accurately in your homework diary. You should record the subject name and details of homework under the date you have to hand the homework in.

Diaries should be checked every night to:

-see what homeworks need to be done – tick them off as you


-check what homeworks need to be brought to school for the

next day

-check that you have the correct books for the next day

(use your timetable)

-If you are off school for any reason it is your responsibility to find out about the work and homework you have missed.

-Diaries must be signed at home each week



In most subjects in Year 8 you will have an exam before Christmas and an exam in June. Reports are posted out to parents/guardians after both sets of exams. In addition, there may be shorter class tests at the end of each subject topic.

Parental Interviews

There are two set of interviews that your parents/guardians will be invited to attend whilst you are in Year 8.

  1. October interviews with Form Teacher (to discuss how you have settled in).
  2. April interviews with your subject teachers (to discuss your progress in each individual subject).
  3. In addition, if your parents/guardians have any concerns about you at school, they may contact the school office at any time and arrange an appointment to come into school to speak to the Year Head.


It is good to get involved in clubs and societies in school.



Soccer (boys and girls)

Scripture Union




Hockey (boys & girls)






Volley ball


EquestrianBasket ball

Running School Production/Musical

Most clubs are after school from 3.30pm – 4.30pm. Others meet at lunch-time.

Lurgaboy Adventure Centre

All Year 8 pupils are given the opportunity to spend a day doing a range of team building activities at the local Lurgaboy Centre. Activities may include archery, Leap of Faith, Crate Stack, High all aboard, raft building etc.

This is an excellent way to get to know your classmates and make new friends. The day costs £25 to be brought to your form teacher.

Other Trips

During Year 8 there may be individual subject day trips. You will hear about these as the year progresses.


School rules

Everyone has a right to learn in a safe and happy environment. School rules and Code of Conduct (found in your school diary), clearly state what is expected from you as a pupil in MarkethillHigh School.


In MarkethillHigh School, we believe that you should feel safe and free from any form of bullying (when you feel hurt, threatened or frightened by another pupil/s).

Making new friends and working together are both very important, and you are encouraged to treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself.

If you feel that you are being bullied, you must tell a teacher. Bullies have no place in our school. The victim will always be supported, and if necessary, the bully counseled and punished. We try to raise awareness of issues involved in bullying, and our policy is based on trust between staff and pupils.


When you read through this booklet for the first time, you may think that you will never remember everything and that life in Markethill High is very complicated! Don’t worry!! After a few weeks you will soon fall into your new routine and make new friends. Remember that teachers and prefects are there to support and help you adjust in school – don’t be afraid to ask questions.


How can I help as a parent?

Moving from primary to secondary school is an exciting and significant event in the life of your child.

It is an important milestone which, for many parents and teachers, marks a change in expectations regarding crucial life-skills such as independent working and self-organisation.

When a child starts secondary school, they are expected to cope with a whole variety of new experiences and changes, many of which demand skills and abilities that they have not had to use before. The problem is that these skills do not spontaneously develop in children in the summer before they begin secondary schools – like reading and writing, they have to be taught and our children need support in developing them.

Most parents would like to help reassure their children, prepare them for these changes and support them in developing the skills they need, but feel they lack the information and expertise to do so. For many of us our own experience of secondary schools is all we have to go on.

Problems children may experience and what to do about them