Revised: 7/2009 Fillable Form
There are four work calendars this year on the website. Make sure to use the correct calendar for your program. The “range protected” calendars will allow you to fill in the number of hours you will be working each workday. It will then calculate the total number of hours you are scheduled to work. Be sure to compare that with the number of “Work Hours for Work Calendar” printed on your “Assignment Notification”.
Here’s how to fill out the new calendar: **
- Go to our website:
- Click on HDESD Staff> Resources> Documents and Forms> Calendars
- Download the appropriate calendar from under “Staff Work Calendars”:
· Calendar Stepping Stones
· Calendar EI/ECSE
· Calendar Eval Team
· Calendar ESD 250 Day
- Fill in your name, position, location and the “Required Calendar Hours to Schedule” (listed on your Assignment Notification)
Note: The form will only let you fill in certain cells
5. Fill in your regular work hours, for example 8:00 am to 4:00 pm . If your number of hours vary each day, please put in ‘varies’.
- Fill in the number of hours you plan on working each day.
- As you fill in the hours the total number will be calculated at the top of the page.
- When you finish filling in your hours, the hours you indicated on the calendar should equal the required number of hours listed on your “Assignment Notification”.
- Print and sign your calendar and have your supervisor approve and sign.
- Save a copy for yourself and give the calendar to your liaison.
- Remember to send HR an updated signed calendar if you have hours/days change throughout the year. These changes need to be preapproved by your supervisor. This is an important step for various reasons, see reverse side.
HDESD Employee Work Calendar Process
The HDESD is not like a K-12 school district which is able to set one or two work calendars for their employees. The HDESD is a complex organization with over 22 different programs and approxiamatly 250 employees who work schedules that vary from 7 to 12 months a year, 1 to 5 days a week and 1 to 8 hours per day. Therefore, individual work calendars are extremely important because they are:
v a legal part of each employee’s permanent record (OAR 839-020-0080) – they are like a timesheet.
v referenced for various employment verifications including employee loan applications
v referenced for calculating 6 month and 12 month wage increases
v referenced for payroll cycle verification, unemployment claim verification and Workers Compensation Claims
v referenced for calculating FMLA/OFLA (family and/or medical leave)
v referenced for TSPC licensure renewals
v referenced for verification and benefits calculations
v used for calculating final paychecks for exiting staff
v used to find an employee in an emergency
Calendar process flowchart:
H:\Documents\Calendars\Process-WorkCalendars.doc 7/22/2010