A Level English Language & Literature

Pre-Induction Task

August 2017

In order to get you fully prepared for A Level English & Literature, we have set you the following task. We will be using the information you collect for this task in the first few lessons of this subject. Once you have completed the task you will need to upload it to the appropriate drop box on Moodle. Go on to the College website and access Moodle or use the QR code above left to take you there. Open the English folder in the Pre Induction folder and deposit your work. There are instructions on the home page of the folder.


Look at a recent novel you have read. Take a short piece of dialogue from your novel. It could be between any of the characters.

Language analysis / Different Settings
Do you notice anything unique about the way the characters speak? / Does the character’s use of speech change when they are in a different setting? ie with their friends opposed to their family?
Response / Course
This piece of analysis will assist you in understanding a text whether it is a play or a novel. / This course looks at plays and novels and the author’s use of language therein.
Write your findings in a couple of paragraphs together with the title of the book and the author’s name.

How to present your information:

You may present your information in a way that you enjoy working. It could be written, like an essay or report; made as a video, a presentation (powerpoint or prezi) a podcast such as a mockup of a radio programme, a detailed quality poster or another idea that you can think of.

The main thing is to write in detail and avoid copy and pasting from the internet.

Your work must be handed in at your first lesson or can be uploaded in advance of the first day of teaching, Monday 5th September. You can access the pre-induction tasks from the 'New Student Portal' ( there is alink to the 'New Student Portal' from the College website. The pre-induction tasks are available to download from here and once you have already registered on the portal you can upload any completed tasks via the upload page. If you have any problems registering or logging onto the portal please contact the College on 01204 846215

A Level English Language & Literature

How we work – we use a variety of teaching and learning styles such as individual learning, paired work, video analysis, research tasks, past paper questions, discussion and debate and structured tasks. We set weekly homework.
What we need from you –to bring basic stationary to lessons, be punctual and engaged. To commit to at least 4.5 hours of time per week outside of lesson to be spent on homework, reading, research and revision for this subject.
Skills we develop and test
  • Independent learning – your ability to go away and research to gain knowledge and answers.
  • Group work – to answer questions or complete research tasks
  • Analysis – the ability to take information and analyse it in terms of impact and importance
  • Evaluation – to be able to make judgements using evidence provided
  • Other key/command words you will encounter include:

Good Luck and see you in the first lesson!