Brian’s Winter Test ______
1. How did Brian land in the Canadian wilderness?
2. What did he retrieve from the plane that helped in his survival? Circle one….
a. a tent
b. a fishing pole
c. a survival pack
3. Why was Brian’s knowledge of hunting important to him during his time that he was stranded?
4. Name the items in the survival pack……
5. In which order did Brian meet these animals? Circle one…
a. wolves, bear, skunk, and moose
b. skunk, wolf, bear and moose
6. What animals teach Brian about territory? Circle one…
a. the bear
b. the skunk
c. the wolves
7. How does Brian make his arrowheads for hunting?
8. What is the name of the skunk? Why does he name her this?
9. How does Brian know winter is coming? Name TWO foreshadowing clues.
10. A female moose attacks Brian, what happens?
a. he kills her with his lance
b. she charges him and breaks his arm
c. she walks away after he shots her with an arrow.
11. What animals give Brian the idea to make snowshoes?
12. What does Brian prepare for his Thanksgiving meal?
13. What adaptations do rabbits make in order to survive the winter?
14. Look for these words on the pages listed……What does each word mean as it is used in the sentence in the book?
Solitary (16) ______
Gingerly (53) ______
Vising (39) ______
15. How many days had Brian been stranded before he found the survival pack on the plane?
Where is the pilot of the plane?
16. How did the weather change through out the book, think of the seasons.
17. Tell me how Brian got each of the following to help stay alive….
18. Name the setting in the story-
19. Name the conflict going on in this story-
20. Name any characters that are in this story…they can be animals…
21. How does the LANCE saves Brian’s life in the story?
22. What causes gunshot noises in the middle of the night in the cold weather? Circle one…..
a. A crazy hunter
b. another plane crash
c. exploding trees
23. What is Brian’s first clue (after the sounds) that there might be other people nearby? Circle one….
a. He smells smoke
b. He sees smoke
c. He sees a straight line going out to the lake
24. Match the cause statement with the effect statement…
______The geese fly south for the winter. A. Brian creates a war bow and a lance.
______A skunk moves into the burrow. B. Brian knows winter is coming.
______Brian needs better protection. C. Brian is saved during a bear attack.
25. Explain why the following items are important in the sotry?
Prior knowledge-
Handling loneliness-
26. Use the words below for the Fill-in-the blank questions….
Depression stunned
Gradual intact
Brian combated ______by talking to the animals.
The weather changed in a ______way.
The shelter stayed ______after the bear intact.
The moose was ______when Brian hit her with an arrow.
Draw a scene from the book that is your favorite……Explain what the drawing is telling me….