“Alis grave nil”

St.Michaels Village Community Group

Minutes of Meeting held onThursday 4th August 2015 at Breton Court at 7.30 p.m.

Present:Ken Mulholland, Lorna Mulholland, Jean Curteis, David Curteis, Rosemary Dayborn, Parveen Goyal, Priyanka Goyal,John Hoad, Sandra Sutters, John Link, Eileen Harrop, Raymond Crawfurd, Colin Barnes, Rob Solly.

Apologies: Trevor Bingham, Jo Vos, Sarah Cleaton, Mike Dewdney, Heather Barnes, Jamie & Liz Entwhistle

Thank You- Our special thanks go to Parveen and Priya for accommodating us at such short notice, and for their hospitality, which was much appreciated.

Minutes of Last Meeting and Matters Arising:

Minutes were approved and signed.

Finance: Current Account Total £2,642.26

Fat Ox site

A big thank you to John Hoad for clearing the site at the corner of Ox Lane/A28. It now looks splendid. Thanks also to Carol and everyone involved in the planter on site and for clearance of

all the rubbish John has bagged up. A thank you to be sent.

It was agreed that we would accept KCC Highways revised quote for installation of a tree on the site at a cost of £265.


It came as a great shock to our group to learn that Eileen our curate will be leaving the Parish. Her last service will be on August 23rd 2015 at 4pm and it is hoped as many people as possible will attend the service.

She will remain in the Parish until she secures another position, and she thanked St. Michaels for its care of her in the 3years she has been here.

Ken has been asked to collate and prepare a lay reference for her from views expressed by parishioners.

Fun Day

1. Estimate for hire of portaloos for fun day has been passed to Tenterden Town Council

for approval. Post meeting note: Costs approved and loos have been ordered. Invoice to be made out to TTC.

Jean will ask TTC for key to toilet block to switch on power supply

2. See attached list as prepared by Rosemary

3. Central Area will be occupied by Tug of War- pulls to be spread out over the event.

We currently have 3Ladies teams and 3Mens teams. A possibility of one more men’s side

Sandra to obtain cups and medals.

4. Smilies – 3sessions if possible. Post meeting note: Smilies have since declined due to holidays and unavailability

5. Brass Band and muppets – see Sandra

6.Fun Dog Show – to be organised by Sarah Cleaton – 10 classes. Each class has been sponsored

By Village business’s. and several individual group members

7. Sandra to purchase an additional marquee as we do not think we have enough

8. Bouncy Castles – Jane and Gavin

9. Bar – to be run by the Crown

10.PR – Trevor will print Flyers and Programmes

John Hoad has offered to put up a large laminated poster in his garden.

11. Generators – Colin has one, Mike Dewdney has one which is going to be used for the Tea Tent.

12. Stakes and Bunting will check Village Hall. Post meeting note: No bunting in Village Hall

13. Straw Bales Mike Stephens has offered straw bales for the event and Rob will arrange transport

Boundary Signage

Still in hands of council to organise.


Jean reminded the group that we were going to get a stabilising rod for Village Xmas tree to prevent it being blown over like last year. Need to act now in order to get sorted.

Meeting closed at 9.00pm

Next Meeting Monday 24th August 2015.