Deadline and submission

1.Deadline for submission of the annual report is Monday 22 October 2018.

2. Reports should be emailed to .

3. If, as part of your scholarship, you are sponsored by a company please forward a copy of your report to your mentor/manager at your sponsor company.

4. Before completing this form,read the ‘Final Annual Report Guidance’ document.

Section A

1.Personal information

Name / ICE membership number
QUEST-only Scholar / Company sponsored Scholar / Company name(if applicable):

(Please tick the above as appropriate; and provide the name of your sponsor company if applicable)

2. Contact details

Please log on to MyICE and review/update yourcontact details.

I have verified my contact details via MyICE and updated where necessary (please tick)

3. Post-graduation employment details

If you have been successful in securing a graduate job please give details of your employer below

Name of employer / Start date(mm/yy)
Job title
Address line 1
Address line 2
Address line 3 / Post Code

If, as part of your scholarship, you were sponsored by a company but did not join your sponsor company as a graduate employee, please fully detail the reasons for this below

If you have not secured a graduate job, please explain what your current status and future plans are below (i.e. currently job hunting, undertaking further study, going travelling etc.)

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BS2b Registered Charity 210252 & SC038629

Section B

4. Academic results

Please list your results from your final year and give your overall result and final degree


Module title / Percentage or grade / Pass or fail
Overall final year result:
Final degree classification (eg 1st, 2:1)

Section C

5. Main report

Please reflect on what you have learnt and achieved during your time as a QUEST Scholar, considering:

  • The most important experiences of your time at university and during summer work placements
  • What went particularly well or badly
  • How you have been challenged
  • What skills you have gained
  • What your biggest achievements have been
  • Your academic performance
  • What important lessons you have learnt (remember that many lessons are learnt from making mistakes and it is important to include these experiences)
  • Reflections on what you might have done differently
  • How your experiences may affect you in the future
  • How recent experiences have impacted on your awareness of and involvement with civil engineering
  • How the scholarship has helped you

You are encouraged to accompany this report with any photos/placement reports/further information on events you attended etc.

(i)Your experience as a QUEST Scholar (i.e what difference the scheme has made to you, your University experience, placements etc)
(ii)Goals for the future
(iii)If you have any feedback on how we can improve and develop the scholarship please give this here

Section D

6. Activities promoting civil engineering and the scholarship

You must participate in a minimum of three activities during your time as a QUEST Scholar that promote civil engineering and the scholarship. Please list the activities you have participated in during the previous academic year ONLY. Please include the location and dates for each activity.

Activity type (tick all applicable if more than one activity) :
ICE (inc regions) / STEM Learning / Academic partnership / Your old school/college / Other (please specify)

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The Institution of Civil Engineers and Thomas Telford Ltd maintain data on all members. We also maintain data on non-members who use our services. This will be used confidentially for normal purposes, including subscription and donation collection, mailing of publications, contract fulfilment when purchasing TTL products and services and notification of conferences and events.

Overseas members may have their data transferred to International Country representatives for administration of local events in their country of residence. Member data will also be shared with the ICE Benevolent Fund.

Personal data relating to ICE membership may be stored securely in perpetuity for historical purposes. Personal data relating to non-members and/or TTL customers will only be held for as long as needed to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected.

We may wish to use this information to inform you of professional knowledge products that ICE and TTL provide such as training, books, journals and model engineering contracts. To join our mailing list please opt in:

For more information on how and why we collect and use personal data andyour rights as an individual please review the ICE Privacy Notice.

Signature / Date

Education & Learning Page 1 of 4 Version 2 Revision 5 – 18June 2018

BS2b Registered Charity 210252 & SC038629