Custom Specifications for the Enrichment
of the ASCII Specification Body
at the Occasion of ASCII 4
~Spring 2013~
Bruce Neal
Who knows should take heed, and let the world pass;
It is doomed as decreed and brittle as glass,
And slithers.
-The Second Shepherds' Play
(15th century Wakefield Mystery Play)
EC Brown
Revisiting the writings of Tôru Takemitsu, I realized I had drastically misconstrued what I thought was his most indelible image about music composition: the stroll through a Japanese garden. For ten years I had understood this garden concept as a geometric arrangement that reconfigured itself according to the arcs and vectors of the walk, offering guidelines for variations in the cycles of the composition. Takemitsu saw everything in flux: the changes in the garden fixtures and environment, the disposition of the stroller, and the path itself. His was a liquid, watercolor world while I had only remembered structured guidance systems with organic externals.
Nevertheless, I'll stick to my earlier interpretation and offer this:
Regard your source recordings as fixtures in a garden design. In this arrangement, recordings should be considered either growths or stones, and these designations should impel treatments accordingly.
Three movements in the composition will correspond to three passes through its grounds, each rendering a new sequence and treatment of the source material. Each stroll shall begin with an intonation.
Each walk will unveil one hidden discovery not available to the other strolling paths.
Erik Wenzel
Songs slowed down to modify their essential character
Songs slowed down to enhance their essential character
Minimal remixing
Maximum chillout
Either an audio CD or a CD of audio files. audiophiles
Might involve a cat on the record cover
Might involve a hyperbolic satanic or cultish theme on the album cover
George John Larson
1. Recording on the disk shall be created by the participant.
2. Recording on the disk shall be recorded by the participant.
3. Recording on the disk shall exceed 30 minutes in length.
4. Participant shall perform 10-minute reverie during ASCII event of material similar to recording on the disk.
Jake Meyers
1. Write down every strange thing a gym teacher or coach ever said to you. Emphatically read all of these quotes aloud.
2. Coach a sport or teach gym.
Jon Bollo
5. Following the Event. Participants' Attire shall be comfortable but with an elegant comfort.
6. Objects given freely should have a quality of Cult or the Occult in one of the following ways: Occult refers to anything relating supernatural, mystical, or magical beliefs, practices, or phenomena; whereas cult refers to misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing, a group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.