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Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held at the Village Hall, Colnbrook on Tuesday 8thApril, 2014, commencing at 7.30 pm.
Members Present:Chairman – Cllr P. Hood
Vice-Chairman – Cllr R. Angell
Cllrs. Mrs Akram, Bryant, Mrs Cheema, Laxman, MacDougald,
and Mrs Underhill
Officer Present:Mr. R.L.N. Hewson (Clerk and Finance Officer)
ThamesValley Police:PCSO Chris Davis
Members of the Public:1
Received from Cllr Burke, Jones, Smith and Mrs Verma.
The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 4thMarch, 2014were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
Cllr Angell declared and interest on an item that may be raised.
Mrs S. Akram the supernumery councillor was co-opted on to the Council as a full Councillor. Both Cllrs Mrs Akram and Bryant made the formal declarations and signed their undertakings, countersigned by the Parish Clerk and witnessed by the Council.
PC/13/115PCSO Chris Davis gave a comprehensive Police Report. He urged Councillors and members of the public to make use of their social media sites, and also said that there would be a full NAG meeting on 28th April at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall. In addition to the police, there would be representation from Slough Borough Council, and both the Highways and Environment Agencies. He also informed the Council that the crime statistics revealed the lowest recorded crime in the ThamesValley for 25 years.
The Police had made their views known to Slough Borough Council in support of a CCTV system for Colnbrook, S.I.D’s and for vandalised lighting to be restored. They were carrying out ‘stop and searches’ on youngsters in the area and a number of catapults had been seized, and their parents spoken to. Cllr Bryant referred to an incident where two young girls playing in their own driveway had been threatened by older boys, and the lack of subsequent police response to those allegedly responsible.
The Chairman submitted the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 18thMarch, 2014.
RESOLVED:- that the minutes be received and approved.
a)The Chairman submitted the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 18thMarch, 2014.
RESOLVED:- that the minutes be received and approved.
b)List of Payments
The list of payments in the sum of £3,613.06(inc. VAT) from 5thFebruary 2014to 4thMarch 2014was received.
RESOLVED:- that the list of payments be confirmed and approved.
The Chairman reported that a ‘Flood Drop-in Surgery’ leaflet had been circulated. It would be co-hosted by the Environment Agency, Thames Water, The National Flood Forum, Slough Borough Council and the Parish Council. It would be held in the Colnbrook Village Hall on Monday 14th April, 2014 from 4.00 pm - 9.00 pm.
i)P/11667/010 – Proposed Lawful Development Certificate for change of use of (A2) to Subway sandwich preparation and sales (A1) use at Bank Chambers, Poyle Road – Notification of approval by Slough Borough Council.
ii)P/11667/009 – Installation of new shop front, side windows, door and shutters to the property for A1 use as Subway sandwich bar etc. at Bank Chambers, Poyle Road – Notification of Approval with conditions.
iii)P/11133/017 – Retention of a single storey building housing bottom discharge for rail unit for the receipt of aggregate delivered by rail – Notification of Approval with conditions.
iv)P/11667/008 – Submission of required details for change to building and sub-division into seven units for B1, B2 and B8 use at Unit 1-3, Arkwright Road, Colnbrook. Notification that conditions were now complied with on Planning Reference P/11667/004.
v)P/12982/007 – Application for express consent for 2 no. (Revised) advertisement displays for Saints Transport Ltd., Unit 14, Halo House, Galleymead Road – Confirmation of end of consultation period.
i)Launch of the Vishaal Foundation 14th January 2014 – Principal Purpose, to relieve the suffering and emotional distress of those who have experienced loss in respect of an infant or child, due to pre or post-birth causes or tragic circumstances. Grant application to assist with initial establishment costs and approved a grant of £250.00.
ii)SLCC – Shaw & Sons price list for forms.
iii)Mazaars – Audit of Accounts Information for 2013-2014.
iv)Heathrow Airport Ltd – Donation of £5,000 towards new notice boards.
v)Cllr H. Jones – Request to be replaced as Parish Council Representative on the Colnbrook Village Hall Trust – Unanimously AGREED that Cllr Mrs Akram serve for the remainder of the term.
vi)SBC re Fly-Tipping in the Village Hall Car Park – Slough Borough Council had identified the culprit from Crown Meadow and were serving a penalty fine.
vii)Environment Agency – That the Willow Tree and chippings had now been removed from Ivy Bank.
viii)SBC re CCTV Camera. It was unanimously AGREED in principle that if the District Council supplied the initial provision that the Parish Council would pay the Virgin Media running costs estimated at £635.00 p.a. It would give a monitored 24 hour surveillance.
ix)Joint Press Release SBC with the Parish Council regarding the Poyle Service Road anti-lorry parking restrictions.
x)Heathrow Hub – It was AGREED to arrange a special public meeting to view the proposals.
i)Cllr Angell reported that there was no physical action yet on the new tennis court in PippinsPark as the land had not drained properly to date. It was also proposed to use a metal net which would last longer than an ordinary mesh net.
He also said that security at the Village Hall would be increased with additional video cameras etc.
ii)Cllr Hood reported that he had made the end of term awards to the two schools and it gave a real boost to see the children playing the piano and singing etc.
He also said that the CRA were doing an ‘Easter Egg Hunt’ for the children on Easter Saturday.
The Chairman moved and it was AGREED that the Press and Public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by virtue of the confidential nature of the business.
The meeting closed at 8.40 pm
SIGNED:…...... DATE…......