Board Meeting 5/11/15September 14, 2018
MAY 11, 2015
The regular meeting of the Spring Arbor Township Board was held Monday, May 11, at 7:00p.m., with the following members present: Supervisor Marston Fortress, Clerk Julia Stonestreet,Treasurer Colleen Gibbs, Trustees James Buck, Joel Freehling, Troy Ganton and Dave Herlein. Absent:none. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Supervisor Fortress.
Public Comment: Opened at 7:02 p.m.Doug Aldrich introduced himself to the board. Stan Lyon inquired about lagoon pumps. Julie Alexander, County Commissioner, reported on the county’s meetings including Child Welfare Commission, Center for Family Health, Project Red Day and Jackson County Fair Events. Marston Fortress distributed an e-mail he received from Kenneth DeGraaf complimenting the Township. Public Comment closed at 7:12 p.m.
Expenditures: Motion was made by Buck and secondedby Gantonto approve the following expenditures for April: General Fund expenditurestotaling $54,398.12; Fire Department Fund expenditures totaling $24,504.30; Street Light Fund expenditures totaling $3,795.80; Public Improvement Fund expenditures totaling $81.18; Building Fund expenditures$2,993.62; Sewer Fund Expenditures $42,556.60; Water Fund expenditures totaling $320.57; Tax Collection Fund totaling $970.81. Roll Call: 7 yes.Approved. Motion was made by Freehling and seconded by Herleinto pay outstanding invoices totaling $100,467.15. Roll Call:7yes. Approved
Minutes: Motion was made by Herlein and seconded by Freehlingto accept the minutes of the April 13, 2015regular board meeting.
Consent Agenda: Motion was made by Gantonand seconded by Freehling to accept the following items under the consent agenda consisting of thefinancial reports for April 2015; general ledger report of revenues and expenditures for April 2015; Zoning/Building permit report for April 2015; the Senior Center Advisory Board meeting minutes of April 8, 2015 and the Public Safety Board meeting of May 4, 2015. Approved.
The Financial Reports showed the following balances as of April 30, 2015:
General Fund Cash $(55,389.88)
Certificate of Deposit 727,326.00
Fire Operations Cash (16,504.29)
Certificate of Deposit 961,472.04
Street Light Fund Cash 48,681.14
Street Light Fund MM .00
P.I. Fund Cash 9,323.25
P.I. Fund MM 120,033.50
Building Inspection Fund Cash 12,754.21
Building Inspection Fund MM 64,681.86
Trust and Agency Fund .00
Historical Fund Cash (1,432.60)
Historical Fund MM 17,425.39
Sewer Fund 919,058.07
Water Funds 315,624.19
Current Tax Collection Fund 345.57
Total $3,123,398.45
Police and Fire Report: Chief Ratkiewicz reported on the month’s activities including: two officers going to driving school; an Officer attending Animal laws and regulations class; and the status of 4 court cases in April. Motion was made by Herlein and seconded by Buckto accept the police report of April 2015. Approved. Chief McEldowney reported on the fire activities for the month including: training opportunities; the results of Pancake Day; and Tim has been asked (and is considering the offer) to be a part of the MUSAR Board. Motion was made by and seconded to accept the fire report of April 2015. Approved.
Treasurer’s MTA Seminar: Treasurer Gibbs as that the board approve the expenditure to allow her to attend a MTS Seminar entitled Money Matters and Better Budgeting. Motion was mad by Ganton and seconded by Buck to approve the expenditure. Roll Call: 7 yes. Approved
School House Painting: Supervisor Fortress asked that the board approve an expenditure of $3,000 to power wash and paint the School House museum. Motion was made by Ganton and seconded by Freehling to approve the expenditure. Roll Call: 7 yes. Approved
Right of First Refusal on Foreclosed Property:Supervisor Fortress presented the list of foreclosed properties from the county and recommended that the board decline the right of first refusal on these properties. Motion was made by Buck and seconded by Gibbs to approve the resolution of Decline of Right of First Refusal. Roll Call: 7 yes. Approved.
Gravel Road Dust Control Agreement: Supervisor Fortress presented the annual Gravel Road Dust Control Agreement and asked that the expenditure of $1,408.45 be approved. Motion was made by Ganton and seconded by Freehling to approve this annual expenditure. Roll Call: 7 yes. Approved.
Sidewalk Replacement: Supervisor Fortress asked that the board approve and expenditure to replace sidewalk sections on Teft Road to correct areas that collect water and cause a hazard. Motion was made by Herlein and seconded by Buck to approve the $3,109 expenditure for repairing the sidewalk. Roll Call: 7 yes. Approved.
Refuse Container Pad: Supervisor Fortress asked that the board consider the expenditure to pour a pad west of the Fire Station to accommodate the Post Office and Township refuse containers. This will allow a specific site for the placement of the containers and by moving the Township container free up at least two parking spaces. He would like to have Cook Co. do this when they repair the sidewalk as it would be a savings in cost. A motion was made by Freehling and seconded by Ganton to approve an expenditure of up to $3,000 to have a cement pad poured for refuse containers. Roll Call: 7 yes. Approved.
Township Office HVAC: Supervisor Fortress asked that we move forward with Michigan Heating Cooling’s quote to upgrade the Township Office HVAC. Motion was made by Ganton and seconded by Gibbs to approve the upgrade of the HVAC at a quote of $13,250. Roll Call: 7 yes. Approved.
Lift Station Controls: Three lift stations have been running with the original controls. Supervisor Fortress asked that the controls on lift stations at Wickenham, Cabot and the high school be replaced with state of the art controls at a cost of $675 each. The reliability and energy consumption will improve with this upgrade. Motion by Buck and seconded by Stonestreet to approve the expenditure to improve the lift station controls. Roll Call: 7 yes. Approved.
Fire Department personnel: Tim McEldowney asked that the board approve the hiring of two additional fire fighters. Sam Eder and Mark Jameson are two men who are trained and certified as fire fighters and would like to join our department. Motion was made by Ganton and seconded by Gibbs to approve the hiring of these two men as paid-on-call fire fighters for Spring Arbor. Approved. Tim McEldowney also asked that the board approve the promotion to Lieutenant to Josh Walz. There has been an open position for a number of years and McEldowney feels that Walz will be a good fit in this capacity. Motion was made by Ganton and seconded by Herlein to approve the promotion of Jos Walz to Lieutenant. Approved.
Committee Appointments: Supervisor Fortress asked that the following committee reappointments be confirmed.
Mechanical Board of Appeals
Bruce Ulrich (fire protection)06/30/2020
Neil Cornstubble (mechanical)06/30/2020
Park Committee
Kay Dunckel05/31/2018
Todd Zeller05/31/2018
Plumbing Board of Appeals
Bruce Ulrich (fire protection)06/30/2020
Neil Cornstubble (mechanical)06/30/2020
Public Safety
Joel Freehling06/30/2020
Motion was made by Gibbs and seconded by Ganton to approve the slate of committee appointments. Approved.
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Julia Stonestreet
Township Clerk
June 8, 2015regular board meeting
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