Central Seafront Conservation Area Cleethorpes

Conservation Area Appraisal and Townscape Heritage Questionnaire

Image reproduced courtesy of North East Lincolnshire Libraries Service

Please note that Balfour Beatty WorkPlace, now Cofely Workplace Limited, is no longer part of, nor represents or carries on business for, the Balfour Beatty Group.

Please look at information relating to Conservation Area Appraisal and the Townscape Heritage on the Council’s web pages before answering these questions using the following links:

Conservation Area Appraisal – Public Consultation

  1. How do you think the heritage of the Central Seafront Conservation Area of Cleethorpes is important to:
  2. Property owners
  3. Local businesses
  4. Visitors
  5. Other

Please tell us why?

  1. Does the character appraisal for the Central Seafront Conservation Area cover all aspects of its special character? If not, what should be included and why?
  1. Is there anything you consider to be of heritage significance that has been left out of the conservation area review? If so, please state what.
  1. Do you agree with the proposed additions/removals to the conservation area?
  1. Have all issues that affect the Central Seafront Conservation Area Cleethorpes been included in the Conservation Area Appraisal?
  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. If no, what other issues should be considered?
  1. Could more be done to preserve and enhance the conservation area?
  2. Yes
  3. No
  4. If so, what?
  1. Would any of the following assist in preserving and enhancing the conservation area?
  2. A conservation area management plan containing specific policies to address issues raised in the conservation area appraisal
  3. Guidance to assist owners on repairs and maintenance
  4. Design guidance on shop fronts and signage
  5. Review by Design Panel of new development
  6. Other (please state)
  1. Do you have any other comments to make with regard to this appraisal?

Central Sea Front Cleethorpes Townscape Heritage Scheme – Initial Public Consultation

  1. Could heritage-led regeneration funding such as Townscape Heritage funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund assist in:
  2. Improving the condition of historic buildings within the conservation area
  3. The repair and reinstatement of original architectural details
  4. Bringing upper floors and vacant spaces in buildings back into valuable use
  5. Assisting with high quality development in key gap sites
  6. Improve public realm
  1. If you have an interest in a historic building within the Central Sea Front Conservation Area Cleethorpes would your building benefit from:
  1. Grant aid for structural and external repairs (roofs, windows, gutters, balconies, etc.)

Yes / No

  1. Grant aid for the reinstatement of missing architectural features (shop fronts, balconies, etc.)

Yes / No

  1. Grant aid to assist with bringing vacant upper floors into beneficial use

Yes / No

  1. Community involvement is a key aspect of Townscape Heritage funding. Funding would be available to increase knowledge and understanding of the Central Sea Front Conservation Area. The Council would like to know how you would like to be involved in the enhancement of the area. Special events would be arranged and suggestions include:
  2. Building and craftskills masterclass
  3. Learning about the history and importance of these buildings
  4. Maintenance and repair sessions for building owners
  5. Researching the history of the area, particularly looking at historic evidence (photographs, etc.), collection of oral history in relation to the area
  6. An exhibition using the results of any research by the community to assist in expanding knowledge and appreciation of the area to a wider audience
  7. Other (your suggestions and ideas are particularly welcomed)


If you do own or have an interest in a historic building that requires repair or enhancement and are interested in grant aid please could you provide the address of your building? (This information will only be used initially to assist in assessing overall costs for the area and not for individual buildings in order to inform the Stage One Townscape Heritage Bid)