WHO can be rewarded?

o  Routine recognition

·  Individuals

·  Teams

·  Library employees only

·  Library Student Employees included

·  Major (non-library) contributors to success of library goals




o  Superior accomplishment awards:

·  Only those employed at least 2 years - for an annual award




WHAT is worthy of recognition?

o  Routine recognition

·  Any good deed submitted via online thank you/acknowledgement form






o  Superior accomplishment awards:

·  Deeds that accomplish the most towards the library’s annual goals

·  Meets a series of 5-star service criteria

·  Exemplary performance that significantly contributed to a respective field, thereby reflecting positively on the caliber of the [libraries]. Accomplishments may be either tangible or intangible.[FSU all employee recognition]







HOW is the information collected?

o  Routine recognition

·  Online (anonymous) form for naming a good deed and thanking an individual (or a team)

Form is titled, for example, “______Gators; “You make a difference”; or etc.

·  Anyone (patron or employee) may submit an acknowledgement

·  Blog where any library staff can say thank you/acknowledge another library staff (anonymously0



o  Superior accomplishment awards:

·  Online (anonymous) form for nominating ‘employee of the year (month).

·  Department heads

·  All library staff




WHO DECIDES which nominee wins a Superior accomplishment award?

o  Nominations for Superior awards are sent to:

·  Library HR

·  Department heads [FIU]




o  Ultimate decision:

·  University Librarian

·  Associate Librarians

·  Assistant/Associate Directors and Director [FIU]




WHAT are the rewards?

o  Intangible - stuff that makes you feel good

·  Library -wide

§  Picnics and parties

§  Successfest: Annual All employee recognition event showcasing individual departments’ accomplishments—a fun, carnival-like setting that includes a complementary employee lunch. Many departments host booths highlighting their accomplishments.





·  Individual or team

§  Announcements at periodic event(s)

§  Good deed acknowledged via online form

§  Highlight an individual or team in a library Web page, with quotes

§  Employee of the month (year) status

§  "You are Recognized!" cards – updated annually

§  Say Thanks and Recognize (STAR) program

§  Annual "It Takes A Team" Award: recognizing the contributions of a department or discipline that has been a special partner in…, and the reward is food, certificate, and a book of personal messages of gratitude from employees throughout the [unit].



o  Tangible – goodies, gifts, money

·  Type an d amount of reward depends on the amount in the budget that year for this program

·  Library –wide awards

§  Coffee mug

§  Travel mug




·  Individual (or team) awards

§  Goodie box

§  Plaques

§  Lunch

§  Coupon for library bookstore


WHEN and HOW OFTEN do employees receive rewards?

o  Periodic event(s) like our picnics

o  Department heads have flexibility to make acknowledgements whenever.

o  Employee of the Month [FIU]

o  Employee of the Year – chosen from among Employee of the month [FIU]

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