Paramotor Flight Test Worksheet

Make/Model ______

Engine ______Carb______, Date ______

1)  Preflight & Measurements (including one inflight measurement)

a)  Measure: from seat base (where center of thigh would be) to base carabiner bottom ______”.

b)  Trike—measure wheel base and length_____’____” wide, _____’____” long, height of seat bottom from ground (lowest point) ______”, height of prop hub (center) from ground _____’____”.

c)  Measure: weight _____ lbs., fuel remaining ___.___gal.

d)  Measure: static riser separation (center of risers) _____”, inflight riser separation ______”

e)  Take side, front and rear pictures with known distance object (like 12 oz can) at paramotor.

f)  Note where adjustments are (frame-carabiner, carabiner-spreader bar, holes on bar, etc). write or picture.


2)  Starting. (Elec/Pull/Other) circle one.

a)  Stance, Ease, Starter effectiveness (spin quick?) ______

b)  Throttle, Kill Sw, and other hand grip notes ______

c)  Ground Handling, Egress, Ingress ______

d)  Stand for 30 seconds. Comments, Walk around 1 minute. ______

3)  Launch

a)  Kiting forward/reverse comments: ______

b)  Run with power (taxi) and wing overhead. ______

c)  Any encumbrance? Legs hit? Big strides possible? ______

d)  No wind (or simulated with forward light pull) launch. ______

i)  Does the cage impede or slow down the lines? ______

ii)  How easy are the A’s to hold? ______

e)  How easy is reverse turn-around? ______

f)  Attitude. How is change from hanging to seated? ______

i)  Brakes near risers? Lean? ______

ii)  Thrust line. Getting pushed forward? ______

iii)  Torque effects during launch? ______

iv)  Getting into seat ______

4)  Flight

a)  Vibration general, at various RPMs: ______
Frequency, where it’s worst, vision impaired? ______

b)  Visibility ______

c)  Weight Shift inches _____”, Method______, Effort Reqd ______

d)  Riser separation under flight load ______”

e)  Torque Test from established glide to full power. Quickly______”, Established twist ______”

5)  Landing Commnets.

a)  Attitude at touchdown ______

b)  Getting out of seat ______

6)  Sound

a)  From pilots perspective ______

b)  From ground perspective ______

c)  Comments on sound ______

7)  Construction ______

8)  Breakdown ______

9)  Comments Overall:
