Name ______Period ______

Library Research Project- Progressives

Miss Springborn

Directions: You will create a PowerPoint slide for the Progressive person you are assigned. The information must be clear and very brief.

  1. You must answer the following questions and put the answers in your slide (15 points)

What were the progressive’s goals? What did they want to fix, change or expose in America?

What did he/she do (methods) to achieve those goals? Ex: Wrote a book, started a group, protested, etc…

What were the results of their efforts? Ex: amendments, new laws, acts, etc…

  1. You must have a picture of the person that is large and clear (5 points)
  2. The person’s name is in large print at the top of the slide (5 points)
  3. The slide is neat and organized with a font that is easy to read (5 points)
  4. The project is completed and saved by the due date (5 points)

Total for PowerPoint Slide: 35 points

Do not waste your time playing with the background, adding word art, or any extras until your required information is all complete and finished.

You must save your slide as the name of your person and your name in my shared folder for your class period! For example: If I had Alice Paul as my person, I would save my slide as “Alice Paul by Miss Springborn” and save it in the student shared folder in the Springborn folder in the appropriate Period #

Name ______Period ______

Library Research Project- Progressives

Miss Springborn

Directions: You will create a PowerPoint slide for the Progressive person you are assigned. The information must be clear and very brief.

  1. You must answer the following questions and put the answers in your slide (15 points)

What were the progressive’s goals? What did they want to fix, change or expose in America?

What did he/she do (methods) to achieve those goals? Ex: Wrote a book, started a group, protested, etc…

What were the results of their efforts? Ex: amendments, new laws, acts, etc…

  1. You must have a picture of the person that is large and clear (5 points)
  2. The person’s name is in large print at the top of the slide (5 points)
  3. The slide is neat and organized with a font that is easy to read (5 points)
  4. The project is completed and saved by the due date (5 points)

Total for PowerPoint Slide: 35 points

Do not waste your time playing with the background, adding word art, or any extras until your required information is all complete and finished.

You must save your slide as the name of your person and your name in my shared folder for your class period! For example: If I had Alice Paul as my person, I would save my slide as “Alice Paul by Miss Springborn” and save it in the student shared folder in the Springborn folder in the appropriate Period #