Laboratory Information System

LIS Order Group Dictionary



The LIS Order Group Dictionary defines one or more tests, procedures, and/or products that can either be ordered from an LIS Requisition, ordered via reflexing, or deleted.



Initial / ADM profile including tests from LAB/MIC/BBK / Ordered via E/E Requisition
Add / Total CPK greater than 200 reflex ADD CPKISO / Reflexed via the LAB Test Dictionary
Delete / Total LDH in LDH/ISO test is less than 80 than reflex DELETE LDH/ISO / Reflexed via the LAB Test Dictionary

Initial type LIS Order Groups cannot be ordered via OM. Instead, Order sets are created within OM’s Order Set dictionary.

Dictionary Prompts:

Mnemonic: (Free Text) Standard Definition

6.0 LIS Order Group Dictionary (continued)

Description: (Free Text)

Enter the description of the entry. This description can appear in lookups and on reports.

Active: (Y/N/E) Standard Definition


Enter ADD to define an order group to associate additional tests/procedures with a specific triggering test/procedure.

Enter DELETE to define an order group used to disassociate tests from a specific triggering test/procedure.

Enter INIT to define a groupof tests to be available in an LIS Requisition for ordering, using less keystrokes.

Reflex Rule: (Lookup LIS Rule Dictionary)

Enter the rule you want to associate with this order group for reflex ordering.

This prompt is only accessible for ADD/DELETE type order groups.

Rules are used to evaluate criteria other than patient age, sex, result range, method, doctor, MIS Query response, and/or test duplicate hours.

Process in Background: (Y/N)

Enter Y if the system should process reflex ordered tests in the background. Otherwise, enter N and the reflex will be processed in the foreground.


To add/delete testing from the same specimen that contains the triggering test for the order group, enter “SAME”.

To add testing to a new specimen, enter “NEW”.

To generate only a message to appear after the trigger test is resulted, enter “MESSAGE”. This choice is to be used if no specimen is required.

Coll Date: (Free Text,Date, or use the T +/- convention)

Enter the collection date you want the system to associate to the NEW specimen.

Coll Time: (Free Text, Military time, or use the N for NOW convention)

Enter the collection time or UNKfor the system to associate to this NEW specimen.

Received: (Y/N)

Define how the system should enter the new specimens on the requisition. A response of N will display the specimen as unreceived and will provide access to the collection category prompt. A response of Y will display this specimen as received on the requisitionand will provide access to the Receive Date and Time Prompts in this dictionary.

6.0 LIS Order Group Dictionary (continued)

Received Date: (Free Text, Date, or use the T +/- convention)

Enter the received date that the system should associate to the NEW specimen.

Received Time:(Free Text, Military time, or use the N for NOW convention)

Enter the received time that the system should associate to the NEW specimen.

Coll Category: (Lookup into LIS Collection Category Dictionary)

Use this prompt to designate a specific collection category in which the new specimen should be collected. Otherwise leave this prompt blank.

Priority: (Free Text, limited to Priorities defined in LIS System Parameters)

Enter the priority that the system should associate to the NEW specimen.

Wkld Func: (Lookup into the LIS Workload Function Dictionary)

Use this prompt to identify the workload function that should be captured for receiving the specimen.

Doc/Client: (Lookup into MIS Provider Dictionary)

Enter the Provider mnemonics that should be evaluated when this order group is being added or deleted. If thisis left blank, the system will assume all doctors/clients can use this order group.


Enter whether the entry at the Doc/Client prompt should be included or excluded from usage of this order group.

Message: (Free Text)

Enter the message that should appear when an ADD or DELETE order group is triggered.

6.0 LIS Order Group Dictionary (continued)

MIS Query: (Lookup into MIS Query Dictionary)

Enter the MIS Query that should be evaluated when this order group is being added or deleted.

Response: (Lookup is dependent on the query defined above)

Enter the query responses that should be evaluated when this order group is being added or deleted.


Define whether or not the query response is acceptable in order for this order group to be added or deleted.

LAB Test: (Lookup into LAB Test Dictionary)

Enter the LAB Test mnemonic(s) to include within this order group.

Ct: (enter a value)

Enter the default order count to apply for the test.

6.0 LIS Order Group Dictionary (continued)

Dup: (Y/N)

Do you want to allow duplicate orders of this test? If the response is N and this is a duplicate order, the new test is not added.

Hrs: (Numeric Free Text)

Enter a number of hours for duplicate checking. This value overrides the value defined in the Test Dictionary (in the Duplicate Hrs field) when this test is ordered as part of this order group. If this is left blank, the value in the LAB Test Dictionary will be used.

MIC Proc: (Lookup into MIC Procedure Dictionary)

Enter the MIC Procedure(s)to includewithin this order group.

Source: (Look up into MIC Source Dictionary)

Enter a specimen source for the MIC Procedure entered in the previous field.

Specimen Desc: (Lookup into MIC Specimen Description Dictionary)

Enter a specimen description for the source entered in the previous field.

Cnt: (Numeric Free Text)

Enter the default order count to apply for the procedure.

Dup: (Y/N)

Enter Y if you want to allow duplicate orders of this procedure, otherwise enter N.

Hrs:(Numeric Free Text)

Enter a number of hours for duplicate checking. The value entered here overrides the value entered in the Duplicate Hrs field in the MIC Procedure Dictionary when this procedure is ordered as part of this group. If this is left blank, the value in the MIC Procedure Dictionary will be used.

BBK Test: (Lookup into BBK Test Dictionary)

Enter the BBK Test(s) included within this order group.

Cnt: (Numeric Free Text)

Enter the default order count to apply for the test.

Dup: (Y/N)

Enter Y if you want to allow duplicate orders of this procedure, otherwise enter N.

Hrs: (Numeric Free Text)

Enter a number of hours for duplicate checking. The value entered here overrides the value entered in the Duplicate Hrs field in the BBK Test Dictionary when this procedure is ordered as part of this group. If this is left blank, the value in the BBK Test Dictionary will be used.

6.0 LIS Order Group Dictionary (continued)

BBK Product: (Lookup into BBK Product Dictionary)

Enter BBK Product(s) to be included within this order group.

This prompt is only accessible if you are creating an INIT type of Order Group in this dictionary.

Cnt: (Numeric Free Text)

Enter the default order count to apply for the product.