Teaching Outline on Revelation

1.  What is the Book of Revelation

2.  Why is the Book of Revelation not taught

3.  What is the real controversy

4.  Why teach the Book of Revelation

5.  Does the Old Testament give us any warning

6.  What does the New Testament state

a.  Key to understanding Old Testament prophecies

b.  Types and antitypes

c.  Near and far fulfillment

d.  Day of the Lord

7.  What are the issues

a.  Replacement Theology

b.  Amillennialism

c.  Postmillennialism

d.  Premillennialism

e.  Preterist View

f.  Continuous Historical View

g.  Idealist View

h.  Futuristic View

8.  How close are we

a.  Habakkuk 2:3-8

b.  The Antichrist System

c.  The Echelon System

d.  The credit crunch

9.  How should Revelation be interpreted

10. When was the Book of Revelation written

11. Revelation – the Apocalypse

12. Prologue: “Things Which You Have Seen,” 1:1-20

13. Letters to the seven churches: “Things Which Are,” 2:1-3:22

a.  Literal view

b.  Historical view

c.  Spiritual view

d.  Church of Ephesus: 2:1-7

e.  Church in Smyrna: 2:8-11

f.  Church in Pergamos: 2:12-17

g.  Church in Thyratira: 2:18-29

h.  Church in Sardis: 3:1-6

i.  Church in Philadelphia: 3:7-13

j.  Church of the Laodiceans: 3:14-22

14. God’s Wrath, Great Tribulation: “Things Which Shall Take Place After These Things,” 4:1-19:21; an overview

15. Introduction to the seven seal judgments: 4:1-5:14; an overview

16. Throne of God in heaven: 4:1-11

17. The scroll of the Lamb: 5:1-14

18. The six seal judgments: 6:1-7:17, an overview

19. First seal; white horse: 6:1-2

20. Second seal; red horse: 6:3-4

21. Third seal; black horse: 6:5-6

22. Fourth seal; ashen horse: 6:7-8

23. Fifth seal; martyrs under the altar: 6:9-11

24. Sixth seal; great day of God’s wrath: 6:12-17

25. Narrative preview; redeemed of God: 7:1-17, an overview

a.  Sealing of the 144,000: 7:1-8

b.  Martyrs from the Great Tribulation: 7:9-17

26. The seventh seal judgment; the seven trumpets: 8:1-18:24, an overview

27. Breaking the seventh seal; introduction to the seven trumpets: 8:1-6

28. First trumpet; one-third of the earth destroyed: 8:7

29. Second trumpet; one-third of the sea destroyed: 8:8-9

30. Third trumpet; one-third of the water destroyed: 8:10-11

31. Fourth trumpet; one-third of the celestial destroyed: 8:12

32. Introduction to the three woes: 8:13

33. Fifth trumpet, first woe; men tormented: 9:1-12

34. Sixth trumpet, second woe; one-third of mankind destroyed: 9:13-21

35. Narrative preview: little scroll final judgment: 10:1-11

36. Narrative synopsis: witness’ persecution: 11:1-14

37. Seventh trumpet; seven bowls, third woe:11:15-18:24, an overview

38. Seventh trumpet and proclamation of God’s kingdom: 11:15-19

39. Narrative synopsis: 12:1-14:13

a.  A woman, a male child, Satan in conflict: 12:1-6

b.  Angelic war in heaven: 12:7-12

c.  War on earth: 12:13-17

d.  Beast out of the sea: 13:1-10

e.  Beast out of the earth: 13:11-18

f.  Narrative preview: 14:1-13

40.Introduction to the seven bowls: 14:14-15:8, an overview

41.Son of man with a sickle: 14:14-16

42.Winepress of God’s wrath: 14:17-20

43.Seven angels of the seven plagues: 15:1

44.worsship of God and the Lamb: 15:2-4

45.Seven angels receive the bowls: 15:5-8

46.The seven bowl judgments; the end: 16:1-18:24, an overview

47.First bowl; malignant sores: 16:1-2

48.Second bowl; sea destroyed: 16:3

49.Third bowl; rivers destroyed: 16:4-7

50.Fourth bowl; scorching heat: 16:8-9

51.Fifth bowl; darkness: 16:10-11

52.Sixth bowl; preparation for war: 16:12-16

53.Seventh bowl; worldwide destruction: 16:17-21

54.Narrative synopsis; 17:1-18:24

a.  Description and destruction of the harlot: 17:1-18

b.  Condemnation and destruction of Babylon: 18:1-24

55.The advent of Christ: 19:1-21, an overview

56.Introduction and praise of the advent: 19:1-10

57.Second coming of Jesus Christ: 19:11-16

58.Judgment of the beast, false prophet, and people: 19:17-21

59.Millennial kingdom of God: 20:1-15, an overview

60.Satan is bound in the abyss: 20:1-3

61.Ssaints are resurrected: 20:4-6

62.Final judgment of Satan: 20:7-10

63.Final judgment of mankind: 20:11-15

64.The New Jerusalem: 21:1-22:5

65.Epilogue: 22:6-21