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African American Studies
African Studies
Architecture & Architectural History
Art & Art History
Asian Studies
Biological Sciences
Classical Studies
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Feminist & Women's Studies
Film Studies
Geography / History
History of Science & Technology
Language & Literature
Latin American Studies
Middle East Studies
Performing Arts
Political Science
Population Studies
Public Policy & Administration
Slavic Studies

African American Studies

African American Review1992-2003

Black American Literature Forum1976-1991

Negro American Literature Forum1967-1976

Callaloo1976-2001(plus links to recent content 2002-2005)

Journal of African American History2002-2003

Journal of Negro History1916-2001

Journal of Black Studies1970-2003

Journal of Blacks in Higher Education1993-2004

Journal of Negro Education1932-2003

Phylon (1960-)1960-2001

Phylon Quarterly1957-1959

Phylon (1940-1956)1940-1956

Transition1961-1999(plus links to recent content 2000-2001)

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African Studies

African Affairs1944-1999

Journal of the Royal African Society1901-1944

African Languages and Cultures. Supplement1992-1996

African Studies Review1970-2003

African Studies Bulletin1958-1969

ASA Review of Books1975-1980

Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London1940-2001

Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London1917-1940

Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue Canadienne des Études Africaines1967-2001

Bulletin of African Studies in Canada / Bulletin des Études Africaines au Canada1963-1966

International Journal of African Historical Studies1972-2003

African Historical Studies1968-1971

Journal of African Cultural Studies1998-2003

African Languages and Cultures1988-1997

Journal of African History1960-2001

Journal of Modern African Studies1963-2001

Journal of Religion in Africa1967-2001

Journal of Southern African Studies1974-2003

Transition1961-1999(plus links to recent content 2000-2001)

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American Anthropologist1888-1999(plus links to recent content 2000-2006)

Transactions of the Anthropological Society of Washington1879-1885

American Antiquity1935-2003

American Ethnologist1974-1999(plus links to recent content 2000-2006)

Annual Review of Anthropology1972-2001

Biennial Review of Anthropology1959-1971

Anthropology Today1985-2001


Cultural Anthropology1986-1999(plus links to recent content 2000-2006)

Current Anthropology1959-1999(plus links to recent content 1999-2005)

Yearbook of Anthropology1955

Ethnohistory1954-1999(plus links to recent content 2000-2004)


Ethos1973-1999(plus links to recent content 2000-2005)

Journal of American Folklore1888-2001

Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute1995-2001


Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland1907-1965

Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland1872-1906

Journal of Anthropology1870-1871

Journal of the Ethnological Society of London (1869-1870)1869-1870

Journal of the Anthropological Society of London1864-1871

Anthropological Review1863-1870

Transactions of the Anthropological Society of London1863

Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London1861-1869

Journal of the Ethnological Society of London (1848-1856)1848-1856

Lied und populäre Kultur / Song and Popular Culture2000-2002

Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung1928-1999

Medical Anthropology Quarterly1983-1999(plus links to recent content 2000-2006)

Medical Anthropology Newsletter1968-1982

Proceedings of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland1965-1973

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American Antiquity1935-2003

American Journal of Archaeology1897-2001

American Journal of Archaeology and of the History of the Fine Arts1885-1896

Archaeological Reports1954-2004



Hesperia Supplements1937-2003

Journal of Field Archaeology1974-2004

Journal of Hellenic Studies1880-2003

Journal of Near Eastern Studies1942-2002

American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures1895-1941


Journal of Roman Studies1911-2003

World Archaeology1969-2003

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Architecture & Architectural History

APT Bulletin1986-2003

Bulletin of the Association for Preservation Technology1969-1986

Newsletter of the Association for Preservation Technology1969

Architectural History1958-2003


Design Issues1984-2001

Garden History1972-2003

Garden History Society Newsletter1971-1972

Garden History1972-2003

Quarterly Newsletter (Garden History Society)1966-1970

Occasional Paper (Garden History Society)1969-1970


Grey Room2000-2001


Hesperia Supplements1937-2003

Journal of Architectural Education (1984-)1984-1996


Journal of Architectural Education (1947-1974)1947-1974

Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians1945-2003

Journal of the American Society of Architectural Historians1941-1944


Winterthur Portfolio1964-2001

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Art & Art History

American Art1991-2003

Smithsonian Studies in American Art1987-1990

American Art Journal1969-2004

Archives of American Art Journal1964-2001

Quarterly Bulletin (Archives of American Art)1962-1963

Bulletin (Archives of American Art)1960-1962

Art Bulletin1919-2003

Bulletin of the College Art Association of America1917-1918

Bulletin of the College Art Association1913

Art Journal1960-2003

College Art Journal1941-1960


Artibus Asiae1925-2001

Artibus Asiae. Supplementum1937-1996

Artibus et Historiae1980-2003

Burlington Magazine1948-2001

Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs1903-1947

Dumbarton Oaks Papers1941-2004

Garden History1972-2003

Garden History Society Newsletter1971-1972

Garden History1972-2003

Quarterly Newsletter (Garden History Society)1966-1970

Occasional Paper (Garden History Society)1969-1970



Hesperia Supplements1937-2003

Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts1986-1998

Journal of Design History1988-1999

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation1977-2003

Bulletin of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works1972-1976

Bulletin of the American Group. International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works1960-1972

Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians1945-2003

Journal of the American Society of Architectural Historians1941-1944

Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes1939-2001

Journal of the Warburg Institute1937-1939


Leonardo. Supplemental Issue1988-1990

Marburger Jahrbuch für Kunstwissenschaft1924-2003

Master Drawings1963-2001

Metropolitan Museum Journal1968-2002

Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin1905-2002

Metropolitan Museum Studies1928-1936



Oxford Art Journal1978-1999

PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art1998-2001

Performing Arts Journal1976-1997

Recent Acquisitions (Metropolitan Museum of Art)1985-1988

Notable Acquisitions (Metropolitan Museum of Art)1965-1985

Studies in Conservation1952-2001

Winterthur Portfolio1964-2001

Woman's Art Journal1980-2006

Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte1932-2001

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Asian Studies

Asian Folklore Studies1963-2001

Folklore Studies1942-1962

Asian Survey1961-2003

Far Eastern Survey1935-1961

Memorandum (Institute of Pacific Relations, American Council)1932-1934

Asian Theatre Journal1984-2003

Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London1940-2001

Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London1917-1940

China Journal1995-2003

Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs1979-1995

China Quarterly1960-2001

Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR)1979-2003

Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies1936-2001

Journal of Asian Studies1956-2003

Far Eastern Quarterly1941-1956

Journal of Japanese Studies1974-2001

Journal of the American Oriental Society1843-2003

Modern Asian Studies1967-2001

Modern China1975-2003

Monumenta Nipponica1938-2001

Pacific Affairs1928-2002

News Bulletin (Institute of Pacific Relations)1926-1928

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Biological Sciences

Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics1970-2001

Ecological Applications1991-2002

Ecological Monographs1931-2002


Journal of Animal Ecology1932-2003

Journal of Ecology1913-2003

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American Economic Review1911-2004

American Economic Association Quarterly1908-1910

Publications of the American Economic Association1886-1907

Brookings Papers on Economic Activity1970-2003(plus links to recent content 2004-2005)

Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. Microeconomics1989-1998

Canadian Journal of Economics / Revue canadienne d'Economique1968-2003

Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science / Revue canadienne d'Economique et de Science politique1935-1967

Contributions to Canadian Economics1928-1934

Canadian Journal of Political Science / Revue canadienne de science politique1968-2001

Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science / Revue canadienne d'Economique et de Science politique1935-1967

Contributions to Canadian Economics1928-1934


Economic History Review1927-2001

Economic Journal1891-2001


International Economic Review1960-2001

Journal of Applied Econometrics1986-2001

Journal of Business1954-2001

Journal of Business of the University of Chicago1928-1953

University Journal of Business1922-1927

Journal of Economic History1941-2001

Journal of Economic Literature1969-2004

Journal of Economic Abstracts1963-1968

Journal of Economic Perspectives1987-2004

Journal of Finance1946-2003

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis1966-2002

Journal of Industrial Economics1952-2001

Journal of Labor Economics1983-2001

Journal of Money, Credit and Banking1969-2003(plus links to recent content 2004-2005)

Journal of Political Economy1892-2001

Oxford Economic Papers1938-1997(plus links to recent content 1998-2006)

Quarterly Journal of Economics1886-2001

RAND Journal of Economics1984-2004

Bell Journal of Economics1975-1983

Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science1970-1974

Review of Economic Studies1933-2003

Review of Economics and Statistics1919-2001

Review of Financial Studies1988-2003

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Classical Studies

American Journal of Archaeology1897-2001

American Journal of Archaeology and of the History of the Fine Arts1885-1896

American Journal of Philology1880-2001(plus links to recent content 2002-2005)


Classical Philology1906-2002(plus links to recent content 2003-2005)

Classical Quarterly1907-2001

Classical Review1887-2001

Greece & Rome1931-2001

Harvard Studies in Classical Philology1890-2003


Hesperia Supplements1937-2003

Journal of Hellenic Studies1880-2003

Journal of Roman Studies1911-2003

Transactions of the American Philological Association (1974-)1974-2000(plus links to recent content 2001-2005)

Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association1897-1972

Transactions of the American Philological Association (1869-1896)1869-1896

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Ecology & Evolutionary Biology

Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics1970-2001

Ecological Applications1991-2002

Ecological Monographs1931-2002


Journal of Animal Ecology1932-2003

Journal of Ecology1913-2003

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American Economic Review1911-2004

American Economic Association Quarterly1908-1910

Publications of the American Economic Association1886-1907

Brookings Papers on Economic Activity1970-2003(plus links to recent content 2004-2005)

Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. Microeconomics1989-1998

Canadian Journal of Economics / Revue canadienne d'Economique1968-2003

Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science / Revue canadienne d'Economique et de Science politique1935-1967

Contributions to Canadian Economics1928-1934

Canadian Journal of Political Science / Revue canadienne de science politique1968-2001

Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science / Revue canadienne d'Economique et de Science politique1935-1967

Contributions to Canadian Economics1928-1934


Economic Geography1925-2001

Economic History Review1927-2001

Economic Journal1891-2001


International Economic Review1960-2001

Journal of Applied Econometrics1986-2001

Journal of Economic History1941-2001

Journal of Economic Literature1969-2004

Journal of Economic Abstracts1963-1968

Journal of Economic Perspectives1987-2004

Journal of Industrial Economics1952-2001

Journal of Labor Economics1983-2001

Journal of Money, Credit and Banking1969-2003(plus links to recent content 2004-2005)

Journal of Political Economy1892-2001

Oxford Economic Papers1938-1997(plus links to recent content 1998-2006)

Quarterly Journal of Economics1886-2001

RAND Journal of Economics1984-2004

Bell Journal of Economics1975-1983

Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science1970-1974

Review of Economic Studies1933-2003

Review of Economics and Statistics1919-2001

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College English1939-2003

History of Education Quarterly1961-2001

History Teacher1967-2003

Journal of Blacks in Higher Education1993-2004

Journal of Higher Education1930-2003(plus links to recent content 2004-2006)

Journal of Negro Education1932-2003

Sociology of Education1963-2004

Journal of Educational Sociology1927-1963

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Feminist & Women's Studies

Feminist Studies1972-1999

Gender and Society1987-2003

Signs1975-2002(plus links to recent content 2003-2006)

Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature1982-2001

Woman's Art Journal1980-2006

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Film Studies

Cinema Journal1966-2003

Journal of the Society of Cinematologists1961-1965

Film Quarterly1958-2004

Quarterly of Film Radio and Television1951-1957

Hollywood Quarterly1945-1951

PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art1998-2001

Performing Arts Journal1976-1997

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Journal of Business1954-2001

Journal of Business of the University of Chicago1928-1953

University Journal of Business1922-1927

Journal of Finance1946-2003

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis1966-2002

Journal of Money, Credit and Banking1969-2003(plus links to recent content 2004-2005)

Review of Financial Studies1988-2003

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Asian Folklore Studies1963-2001

Folklore Studies1942-1962


Folk-Lore Journal1883-1889

Folk-Lore Record1878-1882

Journal of American Folklore1888-2001

Ricerca Folklorica1980-2003

Western Folklore1947-2001

California Folklore Quarterly1942-1946

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Annals of the Association of American Geographers1911-2001

Economic Geography1925-2001

Geografiska Annaler. Series A, Physical Geography1965-2001

Geografiska Annaler1919-1964

Geografiska Annaler. Series B, Human Geography1965-2001

Geografiska Annaler1919-1964

Geographical Journal1893-2001

Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and Monthly Record of Geography1879-1892

Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London1855-1878

Geographical Review1916-2001

Bulletin of the American Geographical Society1901-1915

Journal of the American Geographical Society of New York1872-1900

Journal of the American Geographical and Statistical Society1859-1870

Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London1831-1880

Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers1965-2001

Transactions and Papers (Institute of British Geographers)1946-1964

Transactions (Institute of British Geographers)1935-1939

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American Art1991-2003

Smithsonian Studies in American Art1987-1990

American Historical Review1895-2001

American Quarterly1949-1995(plus links to recent content 1996-2005)

Annals of the Association of American Geographers1911-2001

Church History1932-2001

Comparative Studies in Society and History1958-2001

Dumbarton Oaks Papers1941-2004

Economic Geography1925-2001

Economic History Review1927-2001

Eighteenth-Century Studies1967-1995(plus links to recent content 1995-2006)

English Historical Review1886-2001

Ethnohistory1954-1999(plus links to recent content 2000-2004)

French Historical Studies1958-1999(plus links to recent content 2000-2004)

Hispanic American Historical Review1918-1999(plus links to recent content 2000-2004)

Historical Journal1958-2001

Cambridge Historical Journal1923-1957

History and Theory1960-2002

History of Education Quarterly1961-2001

History Teacher1967-2003

International Journal of African Historical Studies1972-2003

African Historical Studies1968-1971

International Journal of Middle East Studies1970-2001

Journal of African American History2002-2003

Journal of Negro History1916-2001

Journal of African History1960-2001

Journal of American History1964-2001

Mississippi Valley Historical Review1914-1964

Journal of British Studies1961-2002

Journal of Contemporary History1966-2003

Journal of Economic History1941-2001

Journal of Interdisciplinary History1970-2001

Journal of Military History1989-2004

Military Affairs1941-1988

Journal of the American Military Institute1939-1940

Journal of the American Military History Foundation1937-1938

Journal of Modern African Studies1963-2001

Journal of Modern History1929-2001

Journal of Southern African Studies1974-2003

Journal of Southern History1935-2001

Journal of the History of Ideas1940-2003(plus links to recent content 2004-2005)

Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes1939-2001

Journal of the Warburg Institute1937-1939

Modern China1975-2003

New England Quarterly1928-2003

Past and Present1952-2001

Renaissance Quarterly1967-2003

Renaissance News1948-1966

Reviews in American History1973-1994(plus links to recent content 1995-2005)

Russian Review1941-2001

Sixteenth Century Journal1972-2001

Sixteenth Century Essays and Studies1970-1971


Studies in the Renaissance1954-1974

William and Mary Quarterly1892-2001(plus links to recent content 2002-2006)

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History of Science & Technology

British Journal for the Philosophy of Science1950-1998


Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London1938-2003


Philosophy of Science1934-2001

PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association1970-1994

Science, Technology, & Human Values1978-2003

Newsletter on Science, Technology, & Human Values1976-1978

Newsletter of the Program on Public Conceptions of Science1972-1976

Science & Technology Studies1986-1987

4S Review1983-1985

Social Studies of Science1975-2003

Science Studies1971-1974

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Language & Literature

African American Review1992-2003

Black American Literature Forum1976-1991

Negro American Literature Forum1967-1976

African Languages and Cultures. Supplement1992-1996

Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics1981-2003

American Journal of Philology1880-2001(plus links to recent content 2002-2005)

American Literary History1989-2001

American Literature1929-1999(plus links to recent content 2000-2004)

American Speech1925-1999(plus links to recent content 2000-2004)

boundary 21972-1999(plus links to recent content 2000-2004)

Callaloo1976-2001(plus links to recent content 2002-2005)

Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR)1979-2003

College Composition and Communication1950-2003

College English1939-2003

Comparative Literature1949-2001

Contemporary Literature1968-2004

Wisconsin Studies in Contemporary Literature1960-1967

Critical Inquiry1974-2002

Cultural Critique1985-2003

Diacritics1971-2001(plus links to recent content 2002-2003)

ELH1934-1994(plus links to recent content 1995-2005)

Feminist Studies1972-1999

French Review1927-2001

French Review. Special Issue1970-1982

German Quarterly1928-2003


Hispanic Review1933-2003


Bulletin of the American Association of Teachers of Italian1924-1925

Japanese Language and Literature2001-2003

Journal of the Association of Teachers of Japanese1972-2000

Journal-Newsletter of the Association of Teachers of Japanese1963-1972

Journal of African Cultural Studies1998-2003

African Languages and Cultures1988-1997

Journal of American Folklore1888-2001

Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association1984-2003

Bulletin of the Midwest Modern Language Association1968-1983



MLN1962-2001(plus links to recent content 2002-2005)

Modern Language Notes1886-1961

Modern Language Journal1916-2003

Modern Language Studies1971-2003

Modern Philology1903-2002

New England Quarterly1928-2003

New German Critique1973-2003

New Literary History1969-1994(plus links to recent content 1995-2005)

Nineteenth-Century Literature1986-2003

Nineteenth-Century Fiction1949-1986


NOVEL: A Forum on Fiction1967-2001

Pacific Coast Philology1966-2001


Transactions and Proceedings of the Modern Language Association of America1886-1887

Modern Language Association of America. Proceedings1884-1885

Transactions of the Modern Language Association of America1884-1885

Poetics Today1979-1999(plus links to recent content 2000-2004)

Renaissance Quarterly1967-2003

Renaissance News1948-1966


Review of English Studies1925-2000

Rhetoric Review1982-2001

Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature1975-2005

Bulletin of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association1963-1974

News Bulletin of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association1948-1962

Shakespeare Quarterly1950-2001(plus links to recent content 2002-2005)

Signs1975-2002(plus links to recent content 2003-2006)

Slavic and East European Journal1957-2003

Social Text1979-1999(plus links to recent content 2000-2004)

South Atlantic Review1981-2001

South Atlantic Bulletin1935-1980

South Central Review1984-2003

South Central Bulletin1940-1983


Studies in English Literature, 1500-19001961-2001(plus links to recent content 2002-2005)

Studies in the Renaissance1954-1974

Transition1961-1999(plus links to recent content 2000-2001)

Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature1982-2001

Twentieth Century Literature1955-2003

Yale French Studies1948-2004

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Latin American Studies


Hispanic American Historical Review1918-1999(plus links to recent content 2000-2004)

Hispanic Review1933-2003

Journal of Latin American Studies1969-2001

Latin American Perspectives1974-2003

Latin American Politics and Society2001-2003

Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs1970-2000

Journal of Inter-American Studies1959-1969

Latin American Research Review1965-2003

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American Journal of International Law1907-2006

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American Journal of Philology1880-2001(plus links to recent content 2002-2005)

American Speech1925-1999(plus links to recent content 2000-2004)


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American Journal of Mathematics1878-1995(plus links to recent content 1996-2006)

American Mathematical Monthly1894-2003

Annals of Mathematics1884-2001


Bulletin of Symbolic Logic1995-2006

College Mathematics Journal1984-2003

Two-Year College Mathematics Journal1970-1983


Journal of Symbolic Logic1936-2002

Journal of the American Mathematical Society1988-2001

Mathematics Magazine1947-2003

National Mathematics Magazine1934-1945

Mathematics News Letter1926-1934

Mathematics of Computation1960-2001

Mathematical Tables and Other Aids to Computation1943-1959

Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society1950-2001

SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics1966-2002

Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics1953-1965

SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis1966-2001

Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics: Series B, Numerical Analysis1964-1965

SIAM Review1959-2001

Transactions of the American Mathematical Society1900-2001

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Middle East Studies

Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics1981-2003

British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies1991-2003

Bulletin (British Society for Middle Eastern Studies)1974-1990

Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London1940-2001

Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London1917-1940

International Journal of Middle East Studies1970-2001

Journal of Near Eastern Studies1942-2002

American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures1895-1941


Journal of Palestine Studies1971-2003

Journal of the American Oriental Society1843-2003

Middle East Report1988-2003

MERIP Middle East Report1986-1988

MERIP Reports1971-1985



Pakistan Forum1970-1973

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19th-Century Music1977-2003

Acta Musicologica1931-2001

Mitteilungen der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft / Bulletin de la Société internationale de Musicologie1928-1930

American Music1983-2004

Archiv für Musikwissenschaft1918-2002

Sammelbände der Internationalen Musikgesellschaft1899-1914

Asian Music1968-2002

Black Music Research Journal1980-2003

British Journal of Ethnomusicology1992-2001

Cambridge Opera Journal1989-2001

Early Music1973-1999

Early Music History1981-2001


Galpin Society Journal1948-2001

International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music1971-2001

International Review of Music Aesthetics and Sociology1970

Journal of Music Theory1957-2001

Journal of Musicology1982-2003

Journal of the American Musicological Society1948-2003

Bulletin of the American Musicological Society1936-1948

Journal of the Royal Musical Association1986-2000

Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association1944-1985

Proceedings of the Musical Association1874-1944

Latin American Music Review / Revista de Música Latinoamericana1980-2003

Anuario Interamericano de Investigacion Musical1970-1975


Leonardo Music Journal1991-2001

Lied und populäre Kultur / Song and Popular Culture2000-2002

Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung1928-1999

Music & Letters1920-2001

Music Analysis1982-1999

Music Theory Spectrum1979-2003

Musical Quarterly1915-1999

Musical Times1903-2003

Musical Times and Singing Class Circular1844-1902


Perspectives of New Music1962-1999

Popular Music1981-2001

Revue de musicologie1922-1999

Bulletin de la Société française de musicologie1917-1921

Studia Musicologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae1961-2001


Tijdschrift van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis1995-2001

Tijdschrift van de Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis1960-1994

Tijdschrift der Vereeniging voor Noord-Nederlands Muziekgeschiedenis1882-1959


Yearbook for Traditional Music1981-2002

Yearbook of the International Folk Music Council1969-1980

Journal of the International Folk Music Council1949-1968

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Performing Arts

Asian Theatre Journal1984-2003

Dance Chronicle1977-1999

Dance Research: The Journal of the Society for Dance Research1983-2003

Dance Research Journal1974-2001

CORD News1969-1974

PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art1998-2001

Performing Arts Journal1976-1997

Shakespeare Quarterly1950-2001(plus links to recent content 2002-2005)

TDR (1988-)1988-2001

Drama Review: TDR1968-1987

TDR (1967-1968)1967-1968

Tulane Drama Review1957-1967

Carleton Drama Review1955-1956

Theatre Journal1979-1995

Educational Theatre Journal1949-1978

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British Journal for the Philosophy of Science1950-1998

Bulletin of Symbolic Logic1995-2006


International Journal of Ethics1890-1938

Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism1941-2003

Journal of Philosophy1921-2001

Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods1904-1920

Journal of Symbolic Logic1936-2002

Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes1939-2001

Journal of the Warburg Institute1937-1939

Mind1876-1999(plus links to recent content 2000-2004)

Noûs1967-1999(plus links to recent content 2000-2006)

Philosophical Issues1991-1998

Philosophical Perspectives1987-1995

Philosophical Quarterly1950-2001

Philosophical Review1892-2003

Philosophy and Phenomenological Research1940-2001

Philosophy and Public Affairs1971-2001

Philosophy East and West1951-2003

Philosophy of Science1934-2001

Political Theory1973-2003

PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association1970-1994

Sociological Theory1983-2004

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Political Science

American Journal of International Law1907-2006

American Journal of Political Science1973-2005

Midwest Journal of Political Science1957-1972

American Political Science Review1906-2003

Asian Survey1961-2003

Far Eastern Survey1935-1961

Memorandum (Institute of Pacific Relations, American Council)1932-1934

British Journal of Political Science1971-2001

Canadian Journal of Economics / Revue canadienne d'Economique1968-2003

Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science / Revue canadienne d'Economique et de Science politique1935-1967

Contributions to Canadian Economics1928-1934

Canadian Journal of Political Science / Revue canadienne de science politique1968-2001

Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science / Revue canadienne d'Economique et de Science politique1935-1967

Contributions to Canadian Economics1928-1934

Comparative Politics1968-2001

International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-)1944-2001

International Affairs Review Supplement1940-1943

International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1931-1939)1931-1939

Journal of the Royal Institute of International Affairs1926-1930

Journal of the British Institute of International Affairs1922-1926

International Organization1947-2003

International Security1976-2002

International Studies Quarterly1967-2001


Background on World Politics1957-1962

International Studies Review1999-2001

Journal of Conflict Resolution1957-2003

Conflict Resolution1957

Journal of Palestine Studies1971-2003

Journal of Peace Research1964-2003

Journal of Politics1939-2003

Journal of Southern African Studies1974-2003

Legislative Studies Quarterly1976-2001

Mershon International Studies Review1994-1998

Middle East Report1988-2003

MERIP Middle East Report1986-1988

MERIP Reports1971-1985

Political Behavior1979-2003

Political Research Quarterly1993-2005

Western Political Quarterly1948-1992

Political Science Quarterly1886-2002

Political Theory1973-2003

Proceedings of the American Political Science Association1904-1913

PS: Political Science and Politics1988-2003


Public Opinion Quarterly1937-2001

World Politics1948-1995(plus links to recent content 1995-2005)

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Population Studies


International Family Planning Perspectives1979-2005

International Family Planning Perspectives and Digest1978

International Family Planning Digest1975-1977

International Migration Review1966-2001

International Migration Digest1964-1966

Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health2002-2005

Family Planning Perspectives1969-2001

Population (English Edition, 2002-)2002-2004

Population: An English Selection1989-2001

Population (French Edition)1946-2004

Population and Development Review1975-2004

Population Index1937-1999

Population Literature1935-1936

Population Studies1947-2003

Studies in Family Planning1963-2004

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Social Psychology Quarterly1979-2004

Social Psychology1978


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Public Policy & Administration

Philosophy and Public Affairs1971-2001

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AJS Review1976-2001

Asian Folklore Studies1963-2001

Folklore Studies1942-1962

Buddhist-Christian Studies1981-2003

Church History1932-2001