Priscilla Dass-Brailsford

Priscilla Dass-Brailsford, Ed.D.

Lesley University

29 Everett St.

Cambridge MA 02138

(617) 921 6431



Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

Doctorate in Human Development and Psychology, 1997

Dissertation: The Achievement of Academic Success among low-income Black

Youth in South Africa: An Exploration in Resiliency

Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA

M.A. in Counseling Children, 1990

University of Durban-Westville, Durban, South Africa

Honors Degree in Clinical Psychology, 1985

University of Durban-Westville, Durban, South Africa

University Higher Diploma in Education, 1983

Trained as a High School Teacher (History & English)

University of Durban-Westville, Durban, South Africa

B.A. Majors in English, History Psychology, 1981


Associate Professor (2005-present)

Assistant Professor (2001-2005)

Lesley University, Division of Counseling & Psychology.

Designed and developed an Advanced Professional Certificate in Trauma Studies, 2003

Teach the following graduate and undergraduate level courses:

·  Developmental Psychology across the Lifespan

·  Psychology of Culture & Identity: Power, Privilege & Oppression

·  Clinical Skills & the Counseling Process

·  Introduction to Counseling

·  Orientation to Professional Psychology

·  Psychological Trauma and Post Trauma Therapy

·  Community Crisis Intervention and Crisis Response Planning

·  Guided International Study in Trauma: Community Approaches in South Africa

Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA, Adjunct Faculty, 1998

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

Teaching Fellow, Psychological Assessment, 1990-1992


Roxbury Community Mental Health Center, Clinician/Consultant, 2004 – present

Psychological evaluations of African-American and Latino adults, adolescents and children, who have experienced violence, are court ordered to seek treatment or referred by schools for behavioral disorders.

Crisis Care Network, Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Consultant, 2001 – present

Consult to major organizations and corporations in aftermath of workplace violence

Victims of Violence, Dept. of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, MA Coordinator, Community Crisis Response Team, 1995 - 2001

Administered, trained and supervised a diverse 60-member team of health care professionals who served as volunteers in an innovative and nationally renowned program that responded to ethnic minority communities in the aftermath of violence

Judge Baker Children’s Center, Harvard Medical School

Trauma Evaluation and Intervention Team, Longwood, MA

Staff clinician, 1995-1999

Conducted court ordered sexual abuse evaluations with ethnic minority children and families through the Massachusetts Department of Social Services (DSS). Founding member of a multi-disciplinary team initiative that promoted community involvement in client disposition

McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Belmont MA

APA-accredited Internship Program

Psychology intern, 1994-1995

Specialized in cognitive-behavioral therapy

Dorchester Counseling Center, Dorchester, MA

Clinician, 1993-1995

Evaluated and treated African American and Latino adults, families and children (primarily in school settings)

Roxbury Comprehensive Community Health Center, Roxbury, MA

Fee-for-service clinician, 1990-1993

Provided clinical services to primarily African American and Latino adults, children, and families

Brighton-Allston Community Health Center, Brighton, MA

Practicum Intern, 1989-1990

Evaluated and treated children, couples and fami

lies; school focused counseling and psychometric testing

Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA

Counselor for AHANA Programs, 1989-1990

Counseled undergraduate students of color

Boston Public Schools, Boston, MA

Special Needs Teacher, 1988-1989

Taught children (Kindergarten through 5th Grade) who required specialized academic assistance

Department of Education, Durban, South Africa

High School Teacher and Guidance Counselor, 1983-1988

Taught English and History; held Guidance and Career Counseling roles


Helms Institute for the Study and Promotion of Race and Culture (ISPRC), Boston College

Research affiliate: Development of Institutional Mistrust Scale

Generation Excel: Supporting Resiliency among low-income Black and Latino youth who inhabit violent environments: A positive youth development model

Longitudinal Study: Investigating Coping and Resiliency among low-income Black youth in South Africa who have experienced multiple stressors (political and socio-economic)

Lesley University, Faculty Development Grant, 2006

Adaptation and coping among Sri Lankan immigrants in the U.S. who have experienced political trauma

Lesley University Center for Teaching and Learning Grant, 2005

Research: Intergenerational Trauma: Slavery and the Native American Genocide

Lesley University Center for Teaching and Learning Grant, 2003

Research: Racial Identity Development

Lesley University Center for Teaching and Learning Grant, 2002

Research: The Debriefing Debate

Dept. of Public Health (Cambridge, MA), 2001

Safer and Stronger Girls Initiative

Primary Researcher

University of Durban-Westville, Durban, South Africa

Research Affiliate, 1995

Ethnographic study on Resiliency among traumatized Black Youth in South Africa

Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA

Research Assistant to Dr. Brinton Lykes, 1993

Analyzed data from a study conducted in Guatemala

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

Research Assistant to Dr. Chester Pierce, 1993

Data-analysis of cross-racial counseling

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

Research Assistant to Dr. Virginia Demos, 1992

Analyzed data from a resiliency study conducted among toddlers in a day-care setting


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2008). After the storm: Recognition, recovery &

reconstruction. Journal of Professional Psychology: Research & Practice, 39(1), 24-30.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2007). Racial identity change among White graduate students.

Journal of Transformative Education, 5(1). 59-78.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2005). An exploration in resiliency: Academic achievement

among disadvantaged Black youth in South Africa. South African Journal

of Psychology, 35(3), 571-594.

Seedat, S., Dass-Brailsford, P., Carey, P. Suliman, S., Joubert, H,

Hawkridge, S. & Stein, D. J. (2004). A comparison of early

cognitive behavioral group therapy and repeated clinical assessment

in Black adolescent rape survivors. Medical Research Institute, University of


Dass-Brailsford, P. (2003). A golden opportunity in supervision:

Talking about counter transference. Journal of Psychological

Practice, 8(1); 56-64.

Dass-Brailsford. P. (2001). Thoughts on poverty and inequality –

Resolving to tame the beast. Journal of Poverty, Vol. 5 (1).

Dass, P. (1997) Academic success among disadvantaged Black

youth in South Africa: An exploration in resiliency.

Dissertation, Harvard University Graduate School of


Dass, P. (1994) Factors in resiliency among poor Black youth in

the U.S. A Qualifying Paper, Harvard University Graduate

School of Education.

Dass, P. (1993). The role of the Black family in resiliency.

Published in First Annual Symposium for Mental Health

Professionals of Color.


Dass-Brailsford, P. (Ed.) (publication date, 2008). Disaster and Crisis Response: Lessons

learned from Hurricane Katrina and Other Disasters. Thousand Oaks, CA. Sage


Dass-Brailsford, P. & Boyd-Franklin, N. (Eds.) (publication date, 2009). Multicultural

approaches to trauma therapy. CA: Guilford Press:

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2007). A practical approach to trauma: Empowering interventions.

Thousand Oaks, CA. Sage Publications.

Book Chapters

Dass-Brailsford, P. (in press). Culture-bound syndromes. In G. Reyes, J. D. Elhai, & J. D. Ford (Eds.), The encyclopedia of psychological trauma. New York: John Wiley and Sons.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (in press). Daughters of the canefields. In D. Llera (Ed.) Women

remaking homes. CA: Volcano Press.

Dass-Brailsford, P. & Siankam, B. (2008). Funding opportunities. In Hasan, N.T., Fouad, N.A.,

Williams-Nickelson, C. (Eds.). Studying Psychology in the United States: Expert

Guidance for International Students. Washington, DC: American Psychological


Dass-Brailsford, P. (2003). Child abuse and neglect. In L.S. Slater, J. H. Daniels

& A. E. Banks (Eds.). The complete guide to mental health for women, pp. 164-172.

Boston, MA: Beacon Press.


Dass-Brailsford, P. (2007). Saturday night in South Africa. Commonthought, 18(1) 5.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2006). Katrina revisited, Communique, Special Section, XI-XIV,

August Edition, Office of Ethnic Minority Affairs: APA, Washington, DC.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2006). Ignore the dead we want the living: Lessons learned from

Hurricane Katrina, Communique, March Edition, Office of Ethnic

Minority Affairs: APA, Washington, DC.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2004). The status of psychology in South Africa:

Ten years post-apartheid, Communique, March Edition.

Office of Ethnic Minority Affairs: APA, Washington, DC.

Works in Progress

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2008). Secondary trauma among counselors: Personal self care and

organizational support. Submitted to Journal of Counseling & Development.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2008). A South African sojourn: The transformative nature of a

travel abroad program. Submitted to Journal of Transformative Education.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2008). Secondary trauma among mental health providers: The

intersection of race. Submitted to Journal of Trauma Psychology.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2008). Institutional mistrust: A review of the literature.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2008). Vicarious trauma among African-American pastoral

counselors in the Gulf Coast: Who helps the helpers?

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2008). Multicultural competence among counseling students: Sustaining a

positive attitude.


Invited Presentations

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2008, February). Resiliency in the Aftermath of Community Violence.

Presentation at the Summit on Violence and Abuse in relationships, Bethesda MD.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2007, May). Hurricane Katrina: Children and trauma. Workshop

presented at the Third Annual Counseling Symposium: Responding to Tragedy,

Trauma and Crisis, Sarasota, Florida.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2007, August 29). Supporting resiliencyamong disaster

affected African-American children and families. Full Day Workshop:

Jefferson County School District, New Orleans, LA.

Boyd-Franklin, N. & Dass-Brailsford, P. (2007, July). The traumatic consequences of

disasters: Supporting the African-American pastoral ministry in New Orleans. Full-Day Workshop: Celebration Church, New Orleans, LA.

Boyd-Franklin, N. & Dass-Brailsford, P. (2007, July). The traumatic consequences of

disasters and working with African American survivors and their families. Full

Day Workshop: Celebration Church, New Orleans, LA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2006, October). Multicultural competency in the aftermath of

disasters. Massachusetts Psychological Association, Disaster Response Network


Dass-Brailsford, P. (2006, July). Abuse focused treatment. Paper presented at

Tygerberg Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2006, May). Multicultural competence in disasters. Workshop

presented at National Multicultural Summit, Bethesda, MD.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2006, March). After the storm: Hurricane Katrina. Keynote

Address at Social Justice Conference, Madison WI

National Presentations

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2007, August). Geopolitical and humanitarian role of

psychologists in Darfur – A WCAR Case Study. APA Convention, San

Francisco, CA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2007, August). Improving trauma and disaster readiness-

Learning from New Orleans Post Katrina, APA Convention, San Francisco, CA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2007, August). Multicultural approaches in trauma interventions

with African-Americans, Asian Americans, Latino/as and Native Americans, APA

Convention, San Francisco, CA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2007, August). Multicultural training – Implications for disaster

assistance, APA Convention, San Francisco, CA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2007, August) Social justice-Implementing prevention and

intervention programs for community engagement, APA Convention, San

Francisco, CA.

Parham, W., Mobley, M., Toporek, R. & Dass-Brailsford, P. (2007, January). Giving

back: Acts of social justice to promote community engagement. Paper

presented at the National Multicultural Conference & Summit, Seattle WA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2006, August). Intersecting dimensions of multicultural issues in

disaster response—Aging, disability, SES: Presentation: Ignore the Dead We

Want the Living: Lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina, APA Convention, New

Orleans, LA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2006, August). Intersecting Dimensions of multicultural isues in

disaster response—Aging, Disability, SES: Public Policy Implications.

Facilitator & Discussant, APA Convention, New Orleans, LA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2006, August). Power and abuses, implications for human rights and

racism, Facilitator. APA Convention, New Orleans, LA. .

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2006, February). Socio-Race and the development of racial

identity. Paper presented at Southeastern Conference on Cross-Cultural Issues

in Counseling and Education, Savannah, GA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2005, June). Hope, vision and power: Communities coming

together for violence prevention. Paper presented at National Association of

Social Workers, Boston MA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2005, April). Conducting trauma groups in South Africa: Opportunities

for healing. Paper presented at the Association of Traumatic Stress Studies,

Annual Conference, Dallas, TX.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2004, October). National and global realities in social injustice. Workshop

presented at the Feminist Therapy Institute, Cambridge, MA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2003, October). White racial identity development. Paper presented at

Diversity Challenges: Multicultural Conference ISPRC, Boston College, Chestnut Hill,


Dass-Brailsford, P. (2003, May). Trauma and its effects. Paper presented at the Massachusetts

School Counselor’s Association, Barnstable, MA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2003, April). Secondary trauma in the workplace. Paper presented at

Wheaton College, Norton, MA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2003). Traumatic stress. Workshop presented at Ana Maria

College, Paxton, MA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2002). Race and Culture in the Therapeutic Relationship. Paper

presented at the Just Supervision Workshop, Field Training Office, Lesley

University, Cambridge, MA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2002, May). Trauma and its effects. Paper presented at Massachusetts

School Counselor Association. Barnstable, MA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2002). Elementary school crisis team development. Half-Day Workshop,

Brookline Public Schools, Brookline, MA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2002, April). Secondary traumatic stress. Workshop conducted at

Wheaton College, Counseling Center, MA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2002). 9/11: The enemy within. Paper presented at Northeastern

Association for Group Psychotherapy, Boston MA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2002). Conducting community debriefings. Paper presented at

the Boston Institute of Psychotherapy, Boston MA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2001, April). Individual and community response to trauma.

Paper presented at the Bedford Veteran’s Administration, MA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2001, March). Dealing with stress. Paper presented at the Women

Building Community Conference Newton Women’s Commission: Boston College, MA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2001). Looking back and moving forward. Paper presented at Northeastern

University, Boston, MA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. & Schatzow, E. (2000, April). Race and culture in the therapeutic

relationship. Workshop conducted at the Learning from Women Conference

Harvard Medical School, Boston Plaza Hotel, Boston, MA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2000, March). The ecological framework and theory of

community response. Training presented at Northeastern University, Boston,


Dass-Brailsford, P. (2000, February). Building bridges, creating community:

issues of racial diversity and racial awareness in our department. Cambridge

Health Alliance, Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Cambridge, MA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (1999). Responding to communities in the aftermath of

violence. Paper presented at MA Psychological Association, Disaster

Response Network.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (1999). The Ecological framework and theory of community

response. Four-Day Training, Northeastern University, Boston, MA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. & Reid, O. (1998). Responding to violence: A model of intervention.

Paper presented at the Learning from Women Conference, Harvard Medical

School, Boston, MA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (1998). The ecological framework and theory of community

response. Four-day Training, Northeastern University, Boston, MA.

Harvey, M. & Dass-Brailsford, P. (1997). Resiliency among trauma survivors. Paper

presented at NASW, Southern Region Institute, San Antonio, TX.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (1997). A Community Empowerment Model of Debriefing.

Workshop conducted at Riverside Community Care, Dedham, MA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (1997). The ecological framework and theory of community

response. Four-Day Training, Northeastern University, Boston, MA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (1997, June). Children who witness violence. Workshop conducted at

Project Pride, Waltham, MA.

Dass-Brailsford, P. (1997, May). Responding to communities in crisis. Full Day Workshop

conducted at The New England Learning Center for Women in Trauma. Greenfield, MA.