Winter Freeze Mite Tournament Rules
The tournament rules will apply to the Mite Tournament:
- There is a 4-game guarantee. Each division will have 4 teams. Each team willfirst play 3 round-robin games within their division. After the round-robin games,the top two teams in each division will play in a Championship Game or Semi-Final todetermine Championship entry or 1st and 2nd place, and the remainder of the teams will be matched for consolation games based on similarity of record. Tournament points are awarded by points earned for wins andlosses (2 point maximum per game). Winning the game based on score is worthtwo (2) points. A tied game is worth one (1) point and a loss is zero (0) points. Game differential will then be used as a tie breaker.
- Games will be played half-ice and full-size goals will be used. Two half-icegames will be played simultaneously, one at each end of the ice. Each team willshare a bench with its opponent.
- All games will consist of two 18-minute periods, using a running clock. The buzzer will sound every 120 seconds for a shift changes. Thereferee will promptly retrieve the puck while players change and will place the puck at center ice to ensure no advantage for either team (play should resume within 15 seconds).
- Face-offs will occur only at the beginning of each period and after a goal isscored.
- When play is stopped due to the goalie controlling the puck. A whistle will signal the attacking players to leave the zone. The zone will bemarked as the mid-way point, as marked by a sign on the boards. The attacking team must skate out past the marked mid-way point.Once all the attackers have exited the zone, simultaneously, the attackingplayers may re-enter to resume play immediately. They may not challengethe opposition until they have all exited the zone.
- There is no center ice (red) line, and therefore no icing or offsides will be called.
- All penalties will result in the player being removed from the ice for the remainderof their current shift. The player will be replaced by a player from the bench.
- If a puck from one game enters the playing area of the other game, the clock will continue running,and the game that did not lose a puck will continue play. The referee will return the puck to the game, possession will be given to the team defending the zone closest to the middle of the rink,and play will resume without a faceoff (similar to when a puck is frozen by goalie). No player may leave their playing area to enter the other game’s playingarea, under any circumstances.
- If an injured player causes a stoppage in play in one game,both games will stop until the injured player has been attended to.
- Scores will be posted.
- One (1) referee will be on the ice for each game (a total of 2 referees for twogames playing simultaneously).
- It is recommended that teams should be composed of eight to twelve (8-12)skaters and a goalie.
- Teams must start the game with a minimum of five (5) players (i.e. four (4)skaters and a goalie).
- Each team will play with four (4) skaters and a goalie on the ice at a time.
- Each team is encouraged to have their goalie wearing full goalie equipment.
- No coaches will be permitted on the ice during the game, except for injuries or asrequested by the referee.
- It is the responsibility of the coaches to expedite the players getting on and off theice during shift changes. The ref has the right to drop the puck if he believes a team is causing an unwarranted delay.