Consistory Minutes

April 23, 2012

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In Attendance: / Rob Bennett / Roger Bushey / Chris Parker / Angie Vines
Kim Blocher / Laurel Catchings / Alex Pirich / Dave Wenk
Anthony Bushey / Jay Johnson / Pam Sanders / Dan White
Heather Bushey / Cooley Matthews / Ann Showers

Opening Devotions: Led by Chris Parker

Office Manager’s Secretary’s Report

A motion was made by Pam Sanders and seconded by Rob Bennett to accept the March 26, 2012, minutes as written. Motion passed following a unanimous “Aye” vote.

Consistory Secretary’s Report

Nothing new was reported.

March’s Attendance

2011 / 2012
Date / Worship Attendance / Sunday School Attendance / Date / Worship Attendance / Sunday School Attendance
Mar. 6 / 104 / 38 / Mar. 4 / 111 / 61
Mar. 9 / 55 / Ash Wed. / Mar. 4 / 30 / Lenten
Mar. 13 / 107 / 47 / Mar. 11 / 123 / 83
Mar. 20 / 135 / 57 / Mar. 18 / 99 / 64
Mar. 27 / 131 / 52 / Mar. 25 / 169 / 69

Treasurer’s Report

Balance in:



Improvement Fund$11,503.55

Memorial Fund$ 3,359.99

An update was provided for the Lord AbbettFloating Rate Fund. The present ending balance is a little above the original investment.

The assets listed on pg. 1 of the balance sheet no longer list the small savings accounts tied to each of the CDs. Those were liquidated in March and put in the general fund but appear on the Fund Balance pg. 1 bottom portion of the treasurer’s report.

Income for the month of March: $15,752.24

Expenses for the month of March: $21,310.50

The expense figure is due in part to large quarterly payments for liability insurance and mission donations. The HVAC (air conditioning) contract has also been paid.

A motion was made by Dave Wenk and seconded by Roger Bushey to accept the March Treasurer’s Report as written. Motion passed by a unanimous “Aye” vote.

The Veteran’s Fund collection from passing the hat and ending balance from last year totals $1,082.85 plus $100 received thus far in April.

The window replacement fund balance is $6,305.03.

(See Treasurer’s Report as of March 31, 2012.)

Pastor’s Activity

A congregational letter explaining Pastor Kim’s sabbatical was discussed. The letter will be included in the May 2012 newsletter. Donna Hale will receive $150 a week plus mileage for regularly scheduled visits made to the homebound, possibly two days per week. For visits, she may be contacted directly or call the church office. A note will be included in the bulletin that members should contact Donna Haleor the church office when a visit is needed. Pastor Kim will not be coming back during her May 25 – July 21 sabbatical. A motion to accept Pastor Kim’s sabbatical letter was made by Chris Parker, seconded by Rob Bennett, and passed by voice vote.

The original agreement with the Industrial Appraisal Company, the appraisal company and underwriter of the church’s assets, will be reviewed to determine if Zion should be paying $120 annually for a Zion member to update the contract with values of purchases made during the year. Examples are new windows in kitchen, laptop, and paraments. The $120 fee seems to be a continuous reevaluation fee. Industrial Appraisal is not an insurance company.

(See Congregational Letter dated May 7, 2012.)

(See Pastoral Report: Rev.Kim Blocher, March 2012; Submitted onApril 23, 2012.)

Finance Report

The finance committee will meet on May 1 to discuss investment mix and the updating of the investment policy.

Stewardship Report

The Strengthen the Church offering will be moved to May 20 from the prior established date of May 27.

Membership Report

A Circle of Care meeting scheduled for April 28 has not as yet received much response.

The next parent-to-parent meeting will be held on April 29, the last meeting until next Sunday School year in the fall. This is a relaxed meeting of parents of school aged children.

A Database of Member Services will be provided to new members. Many volunteer possibilities are listed. Consistory members are requested to e-mail Chris Parker or bring comments to the May consistory meeting.

Sixteen college care packages were sent on April 14.

A drop-in work day is scheduled for Saturday, April 27, to weed the ArendtsvillePark.

Nancy Hendricks will restart the meal outreach ministry for families in crisis. A freezer is needed to store the meals.

(See Database of Member Services 2012.)

Mission Report

The manning of a Wounded Warrior Bike Ride rest stop is scheduled for Sunday, April 29. The ride begins in WashingtonDC. The Arendtsville Boy Scouts will be at the rest stop to assist.

The next mission meeting is scheduled for May 17.

A Habitat blitz build is scheduled for May 17- 19 and May 24 – 26.

Property Committee Report

Donations received for the Sunday School Windows total $6,300. The windows are presently being stained. A sample window will be on display in the sanctuary along with letter of explanation and 50 donation envelopes. The project has been approved by consistory; additional monies, if required, will be from the Improvement Fund. Work will begin soon.

Mowing will be done by the Matthews family.

The brick structure at the Sunday School entrance is experiencing a water problem. Water gets in and freezes. Investigated will be what can be done and the cost.

A property meeting will be scheduled in the next three to four weeks.

Christian Education Report

The next meeting of Christian Ed is on May 7.

Sunday School children will sing during worship on April 29, the last performance of the Sunday School year.

The Caitlin’s Smiles project of filling 25 bags with arts/crafts supplies and distributing them to local hospitals serving children with life threatening illnesses was finished on Sunday, April 22.

On May 27, the children will be walking to the cemetery to place flowers on the graves of veterans.

Fellowship Report

At the Easter Dawn service, 50 people were served.

The April 18 knitting session had ten in attendance. The next sessions will be held on May 9 and May 23.

On May 6, a reception for new members will be held.

The Fellowship committee is available to provide assistance to the Circle of Care and to the parent-to-parent meetings.

The Skating Party on April 14 was cancelled due to lack of interest.

Personnel Report

Nothing new was reported.

Worship Committee Report

A meeting will be held on May 10.

Veteran’s Affairs

The Arendtsville Boy Scouts will be assisting at the Wounded Warrior Bike Ride rest stop on April 29.

Fly fishing with project “Healing Waters” with the Wounded Veterans is set for the last Saturday in October.

Ministry Reports

Angie Vines moved to accept the ministry reports as presented; Dave Wenk seconded the motion. Motion passed after a unanimous “aye” vote.


Hartman/Cluck CD. Ronald and Joan Rice will be sent a draft of a letter to combine the Hartman CD and the Cluck CD and the use of those funds. The letter, if signed, would then be sent to Attorney Matt Battersby.

(See Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rice dated April 23, 2012.)

Strategic Plan. This is tabled until the next meeting.

Member Death. Margaret Failing, who had resided at Country Meadows Retirement Community in Mechanicsburg, died on February 12, 2011.


AED Device. This is tabled until after the window project is finished. Pastor Kim will check if any memorial funds are available for this project.

Biesecker Fund. Proceeds from the basket fundraiser will go to this fund set up by TrinityLutheranChurch to assist the Biesecker family with unpaid medical bills, and associated out-of-pocket expense. Monies donated to the Biesecker Fund are held at the church until the family requests a disbursement.

Greeters and Bulletin Sponsorship. Volunteers and sponsorships are sought. Perhaps the clipboard can be passed beginning at 8:45 a.m.

Committee on Ministry of Gettysburg Association. Jay Johnson attended this session and found it very informative. All consistory members are invited.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. The next consistory meeting will be held on Monday, May 21, 2012, at 7:00 p.m.