Network Protocols
Part A: Answer each of the following question in one or two paragraphs
1. What applications of network technology are directly related to cost savings for an organization?

Faster network convergence, higher bandwidth effacing, faster failover

2. What are reference models (OSI, TCP/IP, Cisco 3-layer), and what are their benefits?

They are used for troubleshooting issues, and actuatly determining what part of the network stack the issue is occurring on.

3. Describe the process of data encapsulation from the source computer to the destination computer in terms of the process at each layer of the TCP/IP model.

A packet is changed or encapsulated at each Layer.

One source computer requests to send data to another over a network.

The data message flows through the Application Layer by using a TCP or UDP port to pass onto the internet layer, this is how the model works, layer to layer

The data segment obtains logical addressing at the Internet Layer via the IP protocol, and the data is then encapsulated into a datagram.

The datagram enters the Network Access Layer, where software will interface with the physical network. A data frame encapsulates the datagram for entry onto the physical network. At the end of the process, the frame is converted to a stream of bits that is then transmitted to the receiving computer.

The receiving computer removes the frame, and passes the packet onto the Internet Layer. The Internet Layer will then remove the header information and send the data to the Transport layer. Likewise, the Transport layer removes header information and passes data to the final layer. At this final layer the data is whole again, and can be read by the receiving computer if no errors are present.

Part B: Answer each of the following questions in one to four sentences.
1. Compare the OSI and the TCP/IP reference models.

The OSI Model has 7 layers and the TCPIP has 4. The OSI Model is used more in terms of the references models however the TCP-IP protoical is the more used protocal.

2. Explain the concept of routing loops, and describe the techniques of maximum hop count and split horizon used by the Routing Internet Protocol (RIP) to manage loops.

Arouting loopis a serious network problem which happens when a data packet is continually routed through the sameroutersover and over. The data packets continue to be routed within the network in an endless circle.

A hop count is a counter that contains how many routers a packet, should, at the most pass before it is dropped or discarded . Each time a router passes a packet the hop counter changes.

3. Which of these are valid IPv6 addresses?

2001: 0db8:85a3:0:0:8a2e:0370:7334
2001: 0db8:85a3:::8a2e:0370:7334
2001: 0db8:85a3::0:8a2e:0370:7334

4. What is the function of the arp command?

The arp command will show what IP addresses are being used against what MAC address
5. When a cisco router is powered, what is its first activity?

The first thing it will do it boot the IOS image after checking for the correct flags.

Part A: Answer each of the following questions in one or two paragraphs.
1. Compare and contrast the hierarchical database model and the relational database model.
2. Define the basic types of database requirements.
3. Explain briefly the types of anomalies normalization is designed to correct.
Part B: Answer each of the following questions in one to four sentences.
1. Briefly define a database.
2. What is the difference between forms and reports?
3. What are business rules?
4. Explain briefly what crow’s feet notation is.
5. What are functional dependencies?
6. What is the difference between a null value and zero?
7. What does aliasing mean?
8. In regard to database security, what does schema mean?