Office of the
Commissioner of Commercial Taxes
Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
CCT’s Ref. No. CS (1)/39/2013Date:- 19 -02-2014
Sub: - APVAT Act-2005 and CST Act 1956 – Mandatory usage of e-
Waybills by VAT Dealers – Issuing of Certain instructions with
regard to exemption of mandatory usage of e-Waybills to A.P.
Pesticides manufacturers of Twin Cities and to Secunderabad-
Hyderabad Iron & Steel merchants Association – Reg.
Ref: - 1. CCT’s Ref. No. CS (1)/39/2013, Dated. 30-08-2013.
2. CCT’s Ref. No. CS (1)/39/2013, Dated. 25-11-2013.
3. CCT’s Ref. No. CS (1)/39/2013, Dated. 10-01-2014.
4. CCT’s Ref. No. CS (1)/39/2013, Dated. 05-02-2014.
5. CCT’s Ref. No. CS (1)/39/2013, Dated. 06-02-2014.
6. Representation to CCT from Andhra Pradesh Pesticides
Manufacturers Association Dt:17-02-2014
7. Representation from Secunderabad-Hyderabad Iron and steel
merchant Association dt:13-02-2014
The attention of all the Deputy Commissioners (CT) in the Twin cities and R.R District is invited to the subject and references cited, wherein it was decided to make the e-Waybill system mandatory for all dealers of Twin Cities and R. R. District with effect from 01-02-2014.
In the reference 5th cited, the CCT has permitted certain manufacturers having their registered office in the Twin Cities & RR district but having factories or mining places located in remote corners of the state to use physical waybills, however on a case to case basis.
Recently, Andhra Pradesh Pesticides Manufacturers Association has in a representation to the CCT, dated. 17-02-2014 vide reference (5) cited above, informed that ‘majority of the member companies turnover is in the range of 1 to 2 Crores and they have depots at various places with semi educated staff and these are situated in places away from small towns.
Further, they informed that to set up IT infrastructure at all their deposits, they will have to incur some expenditure.
In view of this, they requested to continue the CDSC system for issue of manual waybills to the Andhra Pradesh Pesticides Manufacturers.
Similarly, the Secunderabad- Hyderabad Iron & Steel Merchants Association has in a representation dated. 13-02-2014 Vide Reference (6) Cited above, have also cited various problems regarding the mandatory use of e-waybills and have requested to be permitted to use manual waybills along with e-waybills.
The representations made by both the Associations are examined and it is decided now to exempt the pesticide manufacturers and Secunderabad – Hyderabad Iron & Steel Merchants of Hyderabad and Ranga Reddy District from mandatory use of the e-waybill system. They are permitted to avail the manual printed waybills.
The same may be informed to all concerned.
Sd/- Heeralal Samariya
Commissioner (CT)
The Deputy Commissioners of Twin Cities and R.R District.
Copy to VATIS to put up in these instructions in CTD home page portal under Circulars.
Copy to the Chairman, Trade and Commerce Committee, the Federation of the A.P. Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Federation House, Red Hills, Hyderabad – 500004 for information and to bring to the notice of the Trade.
Copy to A.P, Pesticides Manufacturers Association, Hyderabad.
Copy to Secunderabad – Hyderabad Iron & Steel Merchants, Secunderabad
// f. b. o. //
Sd/- Y. Satyanarayana
Joint Commissioner (CT) CCW