Update on Funding of One-stop Infrastructure: October 1, 2015
(Adaptedfrom WIOA Subtitle B—Workforce Investment Activities and Providers, Section 121)
Local Option: The local board, chief elected officials, and one-stop partners may fund the costs of the infrastructure of one-stop centers in a local area through:
- Methods agreed upon by the local board, chief elected officials and one-stop partners and described in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).At this level, it has now been clarified that there is no cap. This can be accomplished by both funds and in-kind.
Any ABE Grant funds used for one-stop infrastructure must be categorized as administrative. If funding allocated to the one-stop by a BEdA provider goes over the set 5% administration cap, BEdA providers can request a transfer of funds from their main grant to increase their administration capwithin the BEdA Office.
- If an agreement fails to be reached at the local level between the local board, chief elected officials, and one-stop partners to sufficiently fund the costs of infrastructure of one-stop centers for a program year, the Governor after consultation with chief elected officials, local boards, and the state workforce board would implement the State One-stop Funding Infrastructure per the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.
State Option: (implemented if the local partners cannot come to consensus)
The Governor, after consultationwith chief elected officials, local boards, and the state workforce board shall determine the portion of funds to be provided by each one-stop partner. The Governor shall calculate amounts for the proportionate use of the one-stop centers in the state taking into account the cost of administration of the one-stop delivery system not related to one-stop centers for each partner. The portion of funds required to be contributed in this state option shall not exceed 1.5% of the amount of Federal funds provided to carry out programming of Title II for that program year.
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