(Transport Construction Works)

Section I


Part II of this Guideline is pertinent to the Registration of Practicing Professional Highway Engineers, Location Engineers, Material Engineers, Geologist and Bridge Engineers Requirements in respect of education and experience as well as the scope of professional engagement each can have are specifically given under this Chapter.

Professional Highway Engineer


Applicant must hold at least a B.Sc degree or the equivalent qualification in an approved course in Highway Engineering or Civil Engineering from a recognized university or similar institution.


Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than five years of relevant and progressive experience acquired after graduation in the field of Highway Design and Construction Supervision.

Professional Engagement

Applicant may be engaged in the Highway design, preparation of contract documents and in the supervision of Highway Construction works.

Location Engineer


Application must hold a diploma in surveying from a recognized college or TechnicalSchool or Equivalent from Similar institution.


Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than seventeen years of relevant and progressive experience acquired after graduation in the field of location and design.

Professional Photogrametrist


Applicant must hold B.Sc degree in photogrametry from a recognized University or equivalent form similar institution


Applicant shall be submit satisfactory evidence of not less than five years of relevant and progressive experience acquired after graduation in the field of photogrametry.



Applicant must hold a diploma in surveying from a recognized college or TechnicalSchool or equivalent from similar institution plus a special training in photogrametry.


Applicant shall submit satisfactory Evidence of not less than seventeen years of relevant and progressive experience acquired after graduation in the field of surveying and photogrametry

Professional Road engineer


Applicant must hold at least a B.Sc degree or equivalent qualification in an approved course in Road Engineering from a recognized university or civil Engineer with high standard Experience in Road Engineering field.


Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than five years of relevant experience acquired after graduation in the field of Road Engineering.

Professional Materials Engineer


Applicant must hold at least a B.Sc. degree or the equivalent qualification in an approved course, in Materials Engineering or Civil Engineering from a recognized university or similar institution.


Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than five years of relevant and progressive experience acquired after graduation in the field of Road Materials Engineering.

Professional Engagement

Applicant may be engaged in the testing and preparation of reports on materials for projects and also in the supervision of construction material works for projects sponsored by his employer.

Graduate Geologist


Applicant must hold at least a B.Sc. degree or the equivalent qualification in an approved course, in Geology from recognized university or similar institution.


Applicant may have up to 5 years experience relevant to the field applied for. However, lack of it does not disqualify him from registration.

Professional Engagement

Applicant may be engaged in the Geological and Interpretation nof aerial and satellite photos sfor projects sponsosred by his employer.

Professional Engineering Geologist


Applicant must hold at least a B.Sc. degree, or the equivalent qualification in an approved course in Geology and engineering field from a recognized university or similar institution.


Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than 5 years of relevant and progressive acquired after graduation in the field of engineering geology.

Professional Engagement

applicant may be engaged in the Geological and Interpretation of Aerials Satellite Photos and geo-technique projects sponsored by his employer.

ProfessionalBridge Engineer


Applicant must hold at least a B.Sc. degree or the equivalent qualification in an approved course, in Civil Structural Engineering from recognized university or similar institution.


Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than six years of relevant and progressive experience acquired after graduation in the field of Bridge & Foundation Designs.

Professional Engagement

Applicant may be engaged in the preparation of Bridge Designs and in the Supervision of Bridge, Tunnel, Viaduct Construction works for projects sponsored by his employer.

Associate Engineer


Applicant must hold a diploma in Building or Civil Engineering or the equivalent qualification in an approved course in construction, design from a recognized university or similar institution.


Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than five years of relevant experience acquired after graduation in Road Design, construction or supervision works or projects.

Professional Engagement

Applicant may be engaged in construction super-intendence, design or supervision for projects sponsored by his employer.

Graduate Associate Engineer


Applicant must hold a diploma in Building or Civil Engineering or the equivalent qualification in an approved course in construction from a recognized university or similar institution.


Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of upto five years of relevant experience in fields of Road Design, construction or supervision works of all project supervision.

Engineering Aide


Applicant must hold a Technical School Certificate or the equivalent from similar institution.


Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than seven years of relevant experience in fields of construction acquired after obtaining such certificate or the equivalent qualification.

Professional Engagement

Applicant may be engaged either part time or full time in drafting, surveying and design works of projects.

Graduate Engineering Aide


Applicant must hold a diploma in Building or Civil Engineering or the equivalent from similar institution.


Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of upto seven years of relevant experience in field of construction acquired after obtaining such certificate or the equivalent qualification. However, lack of it does not disqualify him from this registration.

Professional Engagement

Applicant may be engaged either part time or full time in drafting, surveying design works of projects.

Registration Fees

The registration fee for professional Highway Engineer, Road Engineer, and professional phtogrametrist, Material Engineer, Location Engineer, Bridge Engineer, Professional Engineering Geologist and Geologist shall be as follows.

At the time of first registration Forty (40) Birr shall be paid.

Thereafter, a renewal fee of twenty (20) Birr shall be paid bi-annually as from the date of registration.

The registration fee for Associate Engineers, Graduate Associate Engineers, Engineering Aides and Graduate Engineering Aides shall be as follows:

At the time of first registration Thirty (30) Birr shall be paid.

Thereafter, a renewal fee of Fifteen (15) Birr shall be paid bi-annually as from the date of registration.

Section III


Applications may be submitted for registering a Highway & Bridge Consulting Office in the preparation of design of projects befitting their category.

Application form

Applicant shall submit MOI dully filled out with all documentary evidences required therein. The Authority reserves the right to ascertain any of these independently at any time during the validity of the registration.

Supporting Documents


Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence that the owner Manager or Manager of the applicant office is a Registered Practicing Highway Engineer.


Applicants shall submit satisfactory evidence that the firm or organization has comparable financial standing, equipment office area and office facilities for classification befitting category of Highway & Bridge Consulting Office applied.

Commercial Registration

Consulting Offices intending to register under this guideline are required to register with the Ministry of Domestic Trade in accordance with the Commercial Code of Ethiopia & related directives of this Ministry prior to the occasion of applying to register with the Ministry.

Minimum Staff Requirement

Applying offices shall submit satisfactory evidence showing that the firm has the minimum preferable number of registered staff as set out for the different Categories of Highway & Bridge Consulting Offices shown in the tables below.



Cat. / Staff / Staff Strength / Capital in 000
Birr / Office Area M2 / Office Facility / Qty. / Project Value in 000 Birr
1 / Practicing Prof. Highway or Material or Bridge Engineer / 1 / 1,000 / 200m2 / Computer / 8 / above 250,000
Professional Structural Engineer / 1 / Printer / 4
Professional Highway Engineer / 1 / Plotter / 1
Professional Pavement/material Engineer / 1 / Transport Vehicles / 2
Senior Surveyor/Location Engineer / 1 / 4-wheel drive / 2
Photogrametrist or Engineer* / 1 / Photocopy machine / 1
Professional Contract engineer / 1 / Survey instrument set including total station, level & transit / 2
Hydrologist /Drainage Engineer* / 1 / laptop Computer / 1
Geologist/Geotechnical Engineer* / 1 / Design Software / 1
Graduate Engineer / 2
Engineering Aides / 2
II / Practicing Prof. Highway or Material or Bridge Engineer / 1 / 750 / 150m2 / Computer / 5 / upto 250,000
Professional Structural Engineer / 1 / Printer / 3
Professional Highway Engineer / 1 / Plotter / 1
Professional Pavement/material Engineer / 1 / Transport Vehicles / 1
Senior Surveyor/Location Engineer / 1 / 4-wheel drive / 2
Photogrametrist or Engineer* / 1 / Photocopy machine / 1
Professional Contract engineer / 1 / Survey instrument set including total station, level & transit / 2
Hydrologist /Drainage Engineer* / 1 / Laptop computer / 1
Geologist/Geotechnical Engineer* / 1 / Design Software / 1
Engineering Aides / 1
Graduate Engineer / 1
III / Practicing Prof. Highway or Material or Bridge Engineer / 1 / 300 / 100m 2 / Computer / 4 / upto 150,000
Professional Structural Engineer / 1 / Printer / 2
Professional Highway Engineer / 1 / Transport vehicle / 1
Professional Pavement/material Engineer / 1 / 4-wheel drive / 1
Senior Surveyor/Location Engineer / 1 / Photocopy machine / 1
Photogrametrist or Engineer* / 1 / Survey instrument set including total station, level & transit / 1
Professional Contract engineer / 1 / Design Software
Hydrologist /Drainage Engineer* / 1
Geologist/Geotechnical Engineer* / 1
Engineering Aides / 2
Graduate Engineer / 1



Cat. / Staff / Staff Strength / Capital in 000 Birr / Office Area M2 / Office Facility / Qty. / Project Value in 000 Birr
IV / Practicing Prof. Highway or Material or Bridge Engineer
Professional Structural Engineer / 200 / 75m2 / Computer / 4 / upto100
Printer / 2
Professional Highway Engineer
Professional Pavement/material Engineer / Transport Vehicle / 1
Senior Surveyor/Location Engineer / Pick-up car / 1
Photogrametrist or Engineer* / Design Software / 1
Professional Contract engineer
Hydrologist /Drainage Engineer*
Geologist/Geotechnical Engineer*
Engineering Aides
V / Practicing Prof. Highway or Bridge Engineer / 1 / 100 / 50 m2 / Computer / 2 / upto 50,000
Professional Material Engineer / 1 / Printer / 1
Engineering Aide/with Road Construction Experience /or Associate Engineer / 1 / Photo copy Machine / 1
Design software
VI / Practicing Prof. Highway or Bridge Engineer / 1 / 50 / 25 m2 / Computer / 1 / upto 25,000
Professional Engineer in Road Construction Supervision / 1 / Printer / 1
Engineering Aide or Associate
Engineer/ with Road
Construction Supervision / 1 / Pick-up car / 1
Design Software

* Positions could be filled by freelance consultants, but not required for licensing.