EiM Starter 7VSG TS reading Name : …………………
Date : …………………
Objectif: je suis capable de lire et comprendre des textes variés.
I. Buckingham Palace : look at the texts and the picture and answer these questions.
A. Put a tick in the correct box below
Yes / No1. Is the kitchen next to the dining room?
2. Are there any gardens near the Palace?
3. Is the Queen in Buckingham Palace in September?
4. Can the Queen invite one thousand four hundred people for lunch?
5. Is the Palace open to the public every day ?
6. Is there a flag on top of the Palace when the Queen isn't here?
7. Is there a bank in the Palace?
8. Are there a lot of tourists in front of the Palace?
9. Is King George Queen Elizabeth’s husband?
10. Is the Palace small and beautiful?
11.Is the Changing of the Guard at half past eleven every day?
………… / 11 points
B. Answer these questions. Write the numbers in … numbers !
How many rooms has the Palace got ? …………………………
How many clocks (pendules) are there in the Palace ? …………………………
How many tourists visited the Palace in 1999 ? …………………………
What's the name of the room where visitors wait for the Queen ? …………………………………..…
How many people can sit round the table in the State Dining Room ? ………………………
How many people work for the Queen at the Palace ? …………………………
How many dogs has the Queen got ? …………………………
How many rooms can visitors see ? …………………………… …… / 8 points
II. Tom’s Diary
4 / I live in Mountain View, California. Mountain View is called a city but it is really a suburb. It’s about an hour south of San Francisco by car or train. To get to the beach we have to drive about an hour over the Santa Cruz mountains. We often go to my grandmother’s house because she lives near the ocean. / §1
8 / Mountain View has a really good theatre and a terrific library. We also have a sixteen-screen movie theatre where we get all the new movies. Because the population is multi-ethnic we have a lot of interesting restaurants with every kind of food from Vietnamese, Chinese and Japanese to Mexican and Italian. / §2
13 / Mountain View is in the middle of Silicon Valley and this is why many people have jobs using and working with computers. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) also has a base here, so there are a lot of space experts. They don’t do blast-offs here but they do important research for space exploration. / §3
17 / My house is a quite big, one-storey house with four bedrooms and three bathrooms. We have a garden with palms, bamboos, orange, fig and coconut trees. I’d like to use the space for a swimming pool but my parents don’t want it because they prefer to have some fruit. / §4
20 / My bedroom is quite small and usually messy. I have a fish tank where I have three fish. I have a small bed and a big cupboard which is full of old toys and things. In my room I read, play video games and do my homework. / §5
24 / There are a lot of things to do in my area. There are a dozen of parks near to where I live. They’re great for cycling or playing football. There is a wild park where people sometimes see mountain lions! There’s another park with a windsurfing lake, big enough for small sailing boats. / §6
29 / I like riding my bike in these parks and I also like walking around the town centre, malls and music stores. I like bowling and there is a great bowling alley next to my house. I also like playing golf and miniature golf. I’m interested in photography and I have got a new camera so I often go and take some photographs. / §7
area = région / messy = en désordre / space = espacebeach = plage / movie = film / suburb = banlieue
blast-off = lancement / multi-ethnic = multi-culturel / terrific = formidable
cupboard = armoire / one-storey = d’un étage / tree = arbre
diary = journal / research = recherche / toy = jouet
mall = centre commercial / screen = écran / wild = sauvage
II. Tom’s Diary
C. Choose the correct title for each paragraph. Write the number of the paragraph in the correct box ! there are two titles you don’t need! ( 9 titles for 7 §!)
Tom’s hobbies and activitiesTom’s place in the house
A green area
A little city
Tom’s school
Tom’s house
Good places to go to
Tom’s future job
…… / 9 pts
D. Are these sentences True or False? Tick the right boxes and write next to your answer (only for True and False) the number(s) of the line(s) where you find the information.
True / False / Not in the text / Line(s)1. Tome lives in Australia. / …………
2. Tom’s uncle lives in San Francisco. / …………
3. There aren’t any interesting places to go to in Mountain View. / …………
4. Tom can’t watch movies in his suburb. / …………
5. A lot of scientists work near Mountain View. / …………
6. Tome lives in a small house. / …………
7. Tom hasn’t got a swimming pool. / …………
8. Tom likes going to the parks. / …………
9. You can often see mountain lions in these parks. / …………
10. Tom likes watching TV. / …………
…… / 10 pts
E. Tick the correct ending for each sentence, according to the meaning of the text.
1. Tom’s house is o in San Francisco
o in Santa Cruz
o on the beach
2. The people in Mountain View o come from all over the world
o come from San Francisco
o come from Europe
3. In Silicon Valley, the NASA o works on science-fiction
o develops space technology
o studies environment
4. Tom’s garden o is full of flowers
o hasn’t got any fruit
o is tropical
5. There are o 3 parks next to Mountain View
o 12 parks next to Mountain View
o 20 parks next to Mountain View
6. Tom likes o running
o dancing
o taking pictures
…… / 6 pts
Evaluation : …… / 42 points = _____
Signature d’un parent : ………………………………