This questionnaire is part of our assessment of the department’s success with you, our students. Our success is measured by your success! Questions are framed in order to evaluate the quality of your educational experience in the Geology Department. Please take the time to give us this feedback.
For the following statements, please circle the choice that fits best with your opinion.
- As an undergraduate in the Geology Department of the University of Dayton I believe I am adequately prepared for a career in geology and/or environmental geology.
Strongly agreeAgreeNeutral Disagree Strongly disagree
2.I have a good understanding of the basic concepts in geology.
Strongly agreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly disagree
Answer either 3 or 4 as appropriate.
3.As an undergraduate in the Geology Department of the University of Dayton I believe I am adequately prepared for graduate school.
Strongly agree AgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly disagree
4.As an undergraduate in Environmental Geology I believe I have acquired inter-
disciplinary knowledge that has prepared me for a career in environmental
Strongly agree AgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly disagree
5. My overall GPA is ______
6. My GPA in Geology/Environmental Geology is ______.
7. Did you participate in some capacity in the research program of a faculty member?
8. Did you present research findings at the Stander Symposium?
9. Did you present research findings at a geological meeting other than the Stander
If yes, list these ______
10. Did you take GEO 498, Geological Research and Thesis?
11. I was/am a member of the following service club(s)/organization(s) at UD:
a. Geology Club
b. Earth
c. Other(s):
12. Did you attend Geology Club events?YesNo
If Yes, what did you attend?
Social events at start or end of yearYesNo
Guest speakersYesNo
If you attended the guest speakers, did you find them useful?YesNo
13. If you have applied for entry into graduate school in geology, answer the following:
a. Accepted into at least one program with financial aid.
b. Accepted into at least one program without financial aid.
c. Not accepted into any program.
d. Do not yet know the fate of my applications.
e. Question not applicable.
14.If you are seeking employment in a position that uses your geological knowledge,
answer the following.
a. Have secured a position upon graduation.
b. Have not yet secured a position upon graduation.
c. Do not yet know the fate of my applications for employment.
d. Question not applicable.
15.If you have taken the GRE advanced geology exam, in what percentile range did
you score:
a. 0-25%
b. 25-50%
c. 50-75%
d. 75-100%
16. Please describe the ways in which you utilized the facilities and equipment of the Keck Environmental Laboratory - be as specific as possible.
- Can you suggest changes and improvements to the Keck Lab that would improve its
function ?
18.Who was your advisor (or who were your advisors) in the department?
- Please comment on the quality of academic advisement that you received from your
20. The strengths of the Geology/Environmental Geology program are (indicate which
21. The single change that I would make in the geology/environmental geology major
program is (indicate which major):
22.Please indicate grades for any of the following courses you have taken :
GEO 301 Structural Geo.ABC or belowNot yet known
GEO 301L Structural Geo LabABC or belowNot yet known
GEO 302 Glacial Geo.ABC or belowNot yet known
GEO 302L Glacial Geo LabABC or belowNot yet known
GEO 303 Field GeologyABC or belowNot yet known
GEO 307 GeomorphologyABC or belowNot yet known
GEO 307L Geomorph LabABC or belowNot yet known
GEO 308 Problems & Dec.ABC or belowNot yet known
GEO 308L Prob. & Dec. LabABC or belowNot yet known
GEO 309 Surf. & Grdwater HyABC or belowNot yet known
GEO 309L Surf.& Grdwater LabABC or belowNot yet known
GEO 310 StratigraphyABC or belowNot yet known
GEO 310L Stratigraphy LabABC or belowNot yet known
GEO 401PaleontologyABC or belowNot yet known
GEO 401L Paleontology LabABC or belowNot yet known
GEO 403 SedimentologyABC or belowNot yet known
GEO 403L Sedimentology LabABC or belowNot yet known
GEO 411 Igneous PetrologyABC or belowNot yet known
GEO 411L Igneous Pet. LabABC or belowNot yet known
GEO 412 Intro. GeochemistryABC or belowNot yet known
GEO 412L Intro Geochem LabABC or belowNot yet known
GEO 404 Problems in GeologyABC or belowNot yet known
GEO 498 Geo. Res. & ThesisABC or belowNot yet known
Please return to the Department Office directly WH 314, through campus mail at +2364 or by regular mail
University of Dayton
Department of Geology
300 College Park