Subject / Learning Area / Assessment Task / Awarded Grade
ENGLISH / Unit 4: Responding to texts
In this unit, students will have multiple opportunities to read, examine and respond to literature and explore text structure and organisation. Students will create a short imaginative multimodal text that includes illustrations. They engage in multiple opportunities to learn about language, literature and literacy within the five contexts of learning - focused teaching and learning, play, real-life situations, investigations and routines and transitions. / Assessment Tasks
Interview - Reading and comprehension assessment
Written - Writing and creating a response to a story assessment
Through the proficiency strands Understanding, Fluency, Problem solving and Reasoning, students have opportunities to develop understandings of:
• Number and place value - represent quantities, compare numbers, match number names, numerals and quantities, identify parts within a whole, combine collections, make
equal groups, describe the joining process
• Using units of measurement - directly and indirectly compare the duration of events, directly and indirectly compare the mass, length and capacity of objects
• Location and transformation - describe position, describe direction
• Shape - describe, name and compare shapes
• Data representation and interpretation - generate yes/no questions, identify and interpret data collected. / Assessment Tasks
Portfolio – Measurement mathematical guided inquiry
Observation – Crazy Cards
SCIENCE / Unit 4: Move it, move it
In this unit students engage in activities from the five contexts of learning: play, real-life situations, investigations, routines and transitions, and focused learning and teaching. This unit involves students using their senses to observe and explore the properties and movement of objects. They recognise that science involves exploring and observing using the senses. Students engage in hands-on investigations and respond to questions about the factors that influence movement. They share observations and ideas and represent what they observe. Students have the opportunity to apply and explain knowledge of movement in a familiar situation. / Assessment Tasks
Collection of Work - Move it, move it - Collection of journal entries & Checklist
GEOGRAPHY / GEOGRAPHY – Unit 2 – How do we care for places?
In this unit, students:
• draw on studies at the personal scale, including places in which students live or other places of similar size that are familiar to them or that they are curious about
• understand that what makes a ‘place’ special is dependent on how people view the place or use the place
• pose questions about the meaning places have for people
• listen to stories about the ways Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples describe their connection with a ‘place’ or ‘places’, particularly the visible elements orfeatures of a place
• describe the location of important places using geographical terms such as near and far
• use sources to identify ways that people care for special places, and record
• describe special places and the reasons they are special to people
• reflect on learning to suggest ways they could contribute to the caring of a special place. / Assessment Tasks & Moderation
Assignment/Project – Guided research
MUSIC / Students will continue to develop their ability to perform the beat, to identify comparatives such as fast/slow, soft/ loud and high and low.
Students will continue to develop their repertoire of known songs and rhymes. / Assessment Tasks
  • Individually perform beat and sing a known song
  • Identify speaking and singing voices
  • Perform known repertoire using expressive elements (softer/louder etc)