This Sports Development Plan is for increasing participation in football and activity in the lower Shankill area of West Belfast

and will contribute towards our long term vision and primary objectives.


To make football a part of everybody’s life.


  • To increase participation in football
  • To improve levels of performance in football
  • To promote the value of football in improving quality of life.
  • To act as a focal point for football in school and clubs
  • To support existing organisations & to develop new clubs and associations and to improve communications between these groups.
  • To represent the footballing views and needs of the members



  • Honest
  • Committed
  • Progressive
  • Aspirational
  • Inspirational
  • Respectful
  • Equitable
  • Empowering

  1. Review and update all club governance policies and communicate to all members

To ensure that the club have a strong and accountable governance system that will allow for club development

Action Plan

Objective / How / Who / When / Finance / Completion
1.1|: Review current committee structure and ensure IFA Excellence mark requirements in place / IFA Policy Documents – amend and pass at AGM / Elected Committee
Designated officer / Start Process
March 2015 / FREE / Dec 15
1.2: Adopt all policies in line with IFA guidance / Review Club Excellence Mark file and update accordingly – all policies to be adopted at March AGM / 3 x Elected committee members / Start Process March 2015 / FREE / Dec 15
1.3: Review all IFA Policies and make available on club webpage / Website under development / Club Contact / Start March 2015 / FREE BT Community site / March 2015 – under development
1.4: Ensure all players are registered / Registration forms / Elected Committee / On-going / n/a / Sept 2015 *current squads)
Ongoing as players join
1.5: Ensure we generate sufficient income to cover general costs for each team / League Fees
Training Fees / Each Team Coach and allocated parent committee member / Sept – May of each season / Based on 40 operational weeks pr team
Venue Hire: £60 average per team p/w = £2400
Equipment £600 / Ongoing
1.6 Ensure records kept in relation to the welfare of our players and volunteers e.g. any diagnosed illnesses / Ensure good governance and that we know each of our player / Elected committee / July 2015 / Free / Sept 2105
  1. Coach Recruitment & Development

To ensure every team have a qualified coach capable of bringing out the best in every player & to promote leadership and role models in the club

Action Plan

Objective / How / Who
( / When / Finance / Completion
2.1: Ensure all coaches and volunteers are qualified to at least level 1 / Work on funding applications / committee / June 2015 / Coaching Badge £240
£2880 / Dec 15- each year
2.2: To have 2 coaches trained to Disability Awareness Training / Actively seek grant funding to do this – roll out disability inclusion for all coaches/volunteers/available parents / Fundraising Committee / June 2016 / £240 / Coincide with Disability Mainstreaming as part of targeted programme
2.3: Mental Health Training / All Coaches to take part in TAMHI Mental Health in Sport Programme
Apply for grant funding / Designated Person/TAMHI / Feb 14 / FREE Pilot / Complete
2.4: Develop the academy infrastructure for long term sustainability in partnership with youth club / Community links in place / Committee/coaches / Ongoing 2015 / £1000 per new team / Ongoing
2.5: Establish a relationship with all key agencies in the community / Links with Youth Club
Link with FASA
Link with local outreach groups / Committee / 2016 / FREE / Ongoing
2.6: Ensure 1 coach a year progresses to a Level 2 qualification / Bid for funding (aspirational) / Committee / 2015 / £660 per L2 / Sept 2018
  1. Grow and develop the club and ensure its future is safeguarded

Ensure am ongoing conveyer belt of players through the system and competition

Action Plan

(what needs done) / How
(how you intend to achieve objective) / Who
(responsibility) / When
(timescale) / Finance
(cost - if any) / Completion
(month & year completed)
3.1: Compete within the Old Boys Football League / Compete in annual Old Boys Football Season – 1st & 2nd String / Coaches/Manager / Sept – May Season
17-18 / League Fees
Ref Fees
Pitch Hire / Each year try and source funding
3.2: Work with local Bootle St youth and outreach programmes to attract new players aged 16+ / Promotion of current programmes and better use of current players to attract friends / Head Coach
New Coaches / Holiday periods 2015-2017 / £1500 p/a / Each year try and source funding
3.3: Take part in “Off Season” tournaments and leagues to keep our players engaged and stop “Drop Off Rates” / Take part in cross community tournaments
Subject to funding arrange cross community tournaments
Pre- season Friendly’s / Club members / Holidays Periods / £50-£100 entrance fees
£1000 to organise ourselves / Each Year
3.4: Work with local partners to set up Intervention Programmes to tackle issues / FASA – Awareness Days – mental health/Drink and Drugs
PSNI – intervention programmes to tackle issues around crime/anti-socail behaviour diversion / Club/Community Partners / Off Season Periods
3.5: Explore the establishment of a vetruns team for older players aged 40+ / Develop a new section of the club to encourage Lifelong Participation in Sport / Committee – Explore working with Men’s Shed / 2017 / £1500-£2000 / 2017
  1. Reach out and be an active group in our community

Tackle social issues through sport

Action Plan

(what needs done) / How
(how you intend to achieve objective) / Who
(responsibility) / When
(timescale) / Finance
(cost - if any) / Completion
(month & year completed)
4.1 Raise Awareness of drink and drugs and the negative impact they have in our community of all participants /
  • Information distribution and talks from partner groups /FASA
/ Community officer / Start June 2015 / FREE / Dec 2017
4.2. Raise Awareness of
Mental Health
Heart Disease
Organ Donation /
  • Work with key agencies – source funding and support
/ Community officer / Start June 2015 / Within Coach development / Dec 2017
4.3. Promote annual Anti-bullying campaigns with / Link in with NI Anti Bullying for Free Resources / Committee / Started Sept 2014 / Free / Dec 2017
4.4. Cross Community Projects / As part of our commitment to Together Building a United Community strategy
We will deliver ongoing cross community games / All / Summer of each year – subject to / Costs to cover pitch fees / Ongoing

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