PLAC Agenda

September 22, 2017

Rhonda Robbins ***Handouts are in Google Drive***

Topic / Specifics / Information to / Deadlines / Handouts
1 / Welcome
2 / How to Impact Student Achievement and Behavior / Annette Breaux – November 13th at the City Auditorium
8:30 – 11:30 Session 1 – MS/HS
12:30 – 3:30 Session 2 - ES
Cost: $40 per person (based on expected attendance of 100 per session)
Registration will be open to OK RESA only until October 24th. At that time, registration will open for other RESAs to attend.
Suggested priority for attendance: teachers in their early years / Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals
3 / Amie Dean (Behavior Queen) / The only date she has available for this semester is December 8. The City Auditorium is booked that day.
2 options:
1 – Woodard Classroom – maximum 72 people
2 – Other location (maybe Coffee Middle??)
Registration will be posted as soon as location is confirmed.
4 / PLCs / I contacted Solution Tree about bringing back Jasmine Kullar for another initial training and providing follow-up training for those who had the initial training last year. Solution Tree’s proposal for the 2-day training was a cost of $299/person (minimum of 90 people required).
I am waiting to hear back from Solution Tree with potential dates for another initial training with Jasmine and about the possibility of a 1-day training (which would hopefully be cheaper).
Everyone agrees to have Jasmine come for the initial and follow up day. Location and dates will be forthcoming.
5 / Transcript Links for Courses / The link for transcripts is active on the course list page. It is forthcoming on the participant profile page. When Jennifer marks a participant as “Complete” in a course, the Transcript Link (“Tran”) becomes active. Participants can then log in to their profile, click on the “Tran” link and get their course completion form.
We will no longer be issuing Certificates of Attendance or Completion for courses. / All users of Capital Impact
6 / Teacher Learning Academy / Responses from 3 systems. Following standards will be offered:
Standard 1: Professional Knowledge:11/7/17
Standard 2: Instructional Planning:12/5/17
Standard 3: Instructional Strategies:12/19/17
Standard 4: Differentiation:1/30/18
Standard 5: Assessment Strategies:1/9/18
Standard 6: Assessment Uses:2/13/18
Standard 8: Academically Challenging Environment:2/27/18
Each topic will have an afternoon session (specific times TBD) and then a follow-up session (1 – 2 hours) for participants to demonstrate implementation of skills/knowledge acquired in session.
Note: Course registration is based on numbers you inputted so it is expected that you will send the number you indicated. Cost will be $50 per participant, per session.
Registration will be posted soon / Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals
7 / Depth of Knowledge Training / Tawni Taylor (GaDOE) is offering a training on Depth of Knowledge.
Date: January 19
Time: 8:30 – 4:00
Cost: Free
Maximum Class Size: 72 participants
Are you teaching and testing at the rigor level of the standards? Are you a TAPS evaluator or academic coach and often wonder if the rigor in a teacher’s lesson is appropriate for the standard being taught? Look no further, Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Training is being provided for teachers and leaders at your RESA. DOK helps to ensure alignment between standards and the correlating assessment items/tasks and classroom instruction. DOK is a four level scale that describes a common and shared language for rigor and cognitive demand in the classroom. It is easy to understand and simple to apply on a daily basis when teaching or evaluating. Come join us and become DOK Dangerous!
The afternoon session explains and models how to actually increase the rigor of your assessment items and lessons that are already developed or ones you will create going forward. Participants will practice applying the concepts of DOK to items in order to make assessments and lessons more challenging for the students based on the demands of the standard. Academic coaches, teachers, and leaders are encouraged to attend as we work together to promote rigor for every student.
Registration will be posted soon.
8 / Gifted Endorsement – Changes in Characteristics course? / 1. Move to online course.
2. Move to Fall semester – before Assessment course.
- possibly start 1 – 2 weeks before school starts.
Example Schedule 1:
·  Characteristics: July 25 – October 3
·  Assessment: October 10 – December 19
Example Schedule 2:
·  Characteristics: August 1 – October 10
·  Assessment: October 17 – December 26 (January 8)
(Curriculum & Differentiation usually starts mid-January)
- If the move (to Fall) is made – the Clinical Practice part of Characteristics would be able to be completed during the course.
- New dates not in middle of “vacation season” for teachers
Discussion ……
After discussion, decision made to offer Characteristics online and offer in the fall semester.
Also, if you know anyone who is Gifted endorsed that would like to teach the Curriculum and Differentiation course. Please let me know. / Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Gifted Coordinators
9 / Academic Vocabulary Workshop / We have had a request to bring Tina Boogren from the Marzano group in to do a workshop on Academic Vocabulary
Learning Objectives:
·  Learn a process for creating a list of essential academic and content-specific terms and phrases to use in direct instruction of English Language Arts, mathematics, science, and other content areas
·  Create systems to assess and track students’ vocabulary knowledge over time
·  Acquire a six-step process for effective vocabulary instruction
·  Practice teaching each of the six steps
·  Integrate engaging and motivational techniques such as games, technology, and graphic organizers
·  Gain practical suggestions for improving vocabulary instruction at all levels.
Is there an interest in bringing this to all?
No interest at this time. / Superintendents, Curriculum Directors Professional Learning Coordinators
10 / Upcoming PL:
School Counselor Evaluation Training / New administrators who will be evaluating school counselors
9/25/17 8:30 – 4:30 $10
8 current registrants / New administrators who will be evaluating school counselors / Registration deadline: 9/18/17
Introduction to the ELD / Training was cancelled due to hurricane.
Jacqueline Ellis has contacted me about dates to reschedule. I gave her the dates of Nov. 1st or 3rd.
Date has been set for Nov. 1st

Dr. Greg Jacobs

Topic / Specifics / Information to / Deadlines / Handouts
11 / Principal Academy / November 13- Elementary
(8-11:30)…MS/HS (12:30-3:30)
·  Bobby Smith “Meeting the CCRPI Challenge’
·  Blake Johns “Technology and Leadership”
·  Discussion of current topics
This will be designed so the principals will drive the conversation and meeting. We will send out a Google form for the principals to fill out what they would like to discuss. / Principals
12 / Science / Science Ambassadors Meeting-September 27th (2:00 pm) to discuss needs for Science PL
·  Inquiry-based activities
·  Align/Integrate GSE Science standards with reading (tasks to books): Cindy stated books have been purchased that align to the standards in SS and Science for those teachers’ classrooms that participate in the Growing Readers Grant.
GCA Proposal- Kevin Raczynski “Writing Rigorous Selected-Response Questions for Science and Social Studies” … 3 hour workshop, grades 3-12 (x2)
Everyone is interested. I will get the dates and cost proposal and communicate back with you all. We will look for dates in Oct./Nov./Jan. / Curriculum Directors
Science Ambassadors
13 / Reading, Writing, Vocabulary / GCA Proposal- Kevin Raczynski “Literacy, with Emphasis on Vocabulary”
·  Process for guiding students through informational and literary texts with a sequence of discussion questions aligned to particular reading standards, namely 1-4, with 4 relating to vocabulary.
·  Grade bands (K-2) (3-5) (6-8) (9-12) 3 hours for each grade band
·  Dates TBD
Everyone is interested. I will get the dates and cost proposal and communicate back with you all. We will look for dates in Oct./Nov./Jan. / Superintendents
Curriculum Directors
14 / Art / Heritage Center Director- Elizabeth Welch
·  Proposal “Integrating Art in classroom instruction”
Interest was shown to meet with Art and Gifted teachers. / Superintendents
Curriculum Directors
Teachers / Handouts 1-2
15 / District/REA
Meetings / Common Threads
·  Leadership Development (multitier)
·  Instructional Coach Support
·  Content Support
·  Reading (Bookworms/Journeys) Writing!
·  Classroom Management/ Student Engagement
·  Supporting classroom teachers with SWD/EL
Growing Leaders will be offered again in January. This course is an overview of school leadership.
16 / RESA Registrations / Some participants showing without registering.
Please let your principals know to please have teachers register for classes. This helps us with materials for class. / Superintendents
Curriculum Directors
DOE STEM / The DOE will be here for a STEM training on Nov.2nd. Registration will be posted Monday.

Cathy McGee

Topic / Specifics / Information to / Deadlines / Handouts
17 / PBIS / Classroom PBIS Training
Available to Emergent and Operational Level Schools
(FY’ 17)
District Coordinators have been contacted and asked to send Cindy and Cat a list of schools interested in the training.
School PBIS Team will be trained (1½ days) for redelivery. Possible virtual classroom redelivery. Training – early 2018. / Superintendents PBIS District Coordinators Principals / 9-22-17
18 / Fall PBIS Walkthroughs
Begin September 28-Nov.3… District Coordinator will complete district trained 2015-16.
DC’s with Cindy/or/ Cat for school trained 2017 / Superintendents PBIS District Coordinators Principals / 11/3/17 / 3. Handout
19 / Fall PBIS Evaluation
All PBIS school staff members will complete the SAS (Self-Assessment Survey) / Superintendents PBIS District Coordinators Principals / 10/27/17
20 / Tier 1 Team Training-Day 1
Coffee- October 11, 2017 8:30-3:30
Freshman Campus and Alt. School
H Building-Freshman Campus
Clinch- October 12, 2017 8:30-3:30
Clinch Elementary, Clinch Middle, and Clinch High Railroad Depot / Superintendents PBIS District Coordinators Principals
21 / SWIS Training Clinch and Coffee
October 13, 2017 Okefenokee RESA 9:00-12:00

Cindy Hitt

Topic / Specifics / Information to / Deadlines / Handouts
22 / Opening Americas Archives / Rescheduled for December 5th. Anyone already registered will be automatically registered and notified. Other may register by 11/28.
Aligned with the literacy requirements for the Georgia Standards of Excellence. / CD and SS teachers / 11/28/17
23 / GCEE / *Teaching the GSE:
Economics in 5th Grade: December 6, 2017
*Teaching the GSE:
Economics in 8th Grade: December 7, 2017
Subs, lunch, materials provided by GCEE.
High School Economics Workshop will be offered in early 2018.
Other workshops? Personal Finance?
Let me know by October 9th if there is a need for other workshops. / CD and SS teachers
24 / Realignment of SSGSE and testing / Standards have been shifted from one grade to another. In order for teachers to cover content that will be on assessments, some adjustments are needed for this year only. Emphasis on Literacy Standards rolled out with math and GSE. See Handout. / 4. Handout
5. Look For’s Handout

Blake Johns

Topic / Specifics / Information to / Deadlines / Handouts
25 / Google Courses
Microsoft Courses / Three Tiered Google apps for educational training
Beginner: How to Use
Intermediate: Dive deeper into
Advanced: To be innovative
Three Tiered Microsoft Trainings-How to be Innovative
Same concept as Google.
Everyone agrees to have training at RESA.
Microsoft training I will go to systems. / Principals
Teachers / Open?
26 / Interactive Board Training / Smartboard
System specific needs. I will go to each system. / Principals
Teachers / Open?
27 / Coding Courses / Elementary
Everyone interested. I will get dates together. / Principals
Teachers / Open?
28 / Interactive Panel Expo / Bring vendors to showcase Interactive boards and educations software
5 vendors will be in attendance and offering giveaways for participants. / Superintendents
Curriculum Directors
Tech Directors
Teachers / December 15th event
Register by December 1st
29 / PearDeck / Alternative to Nearpod
Training on it / Principals
Teachers / Open?
30 / Data / SWD-EIP-504
M/F, Grade, AOC from EOC’s etc…
Come in 2hr sessions- Possibly 2 to 3
Send me an email if you would like for me to come sit down with you. I can also train someone in your system to do the same. / Curriculum Directors
31 / Data Collection / Have Pasco Present- Working to get a rep at RESA
Interest shown. I will get the dates. / Curriculum Directors

Elizabeth Oliver

Topic / Specifics / Information to / Deadlines / Handouts
32 / Number Talks / Training on September 28, 2017. Will close Sept. 22nd / Principals
Teachers / 9/22/17
33 / CCRPI / Submitted 9/18/17. There is a 120 day turn around. Bobby Smith coming on Nov.13th / Superintendent
Curriculum Directors
ACT / ACT scores have been released. I will compile and send them out today.


Topic / Specifics / Information to / Deadlines / Handouts
34 / Basic Co-Teaching / October 30 and November 6th 4:00 – 8:00- Required for GaTAPP candidates, but may send co-teachers/ co-teacher teams / Principals
SpEd Directors / 10/23/17

Next PLAC Meeting: October 27, 2017 @ 9:00 AM