Provider Wellness: Taking Care of You!

Distance Learning Test and Assignment

Due by December 31, 2017

Name: First and Last
Child Care Name:
STARS Number:
(required for STARS credit)
Email: print clearly

What type of child care: Are you a:

Family/Home Child Care
Center Child Care
School Age Care
Preschool Program
Other: / New Provider
Experienced Provider
Number of years in profession:

True/False (2 pts each)

1. T F Adults should achieve 60 minutes of moderate activity every day.

2. T F When we experience stress, our body has a physical and chemical response that can affect our overall health if not managed well.

3. T F It is important to make time for yourself every day-this may mean saying “no” to others more often.

4. T F Unmanaged stress can lead to weight gain.

5. T F Making small changes is not an effective way to improve health.

6. T F Diets are a good way to improve long-term nutrition habits.

7. T F It is YOUR responsibility to find your personal motivator for taking good care of yourself.

8. T F The only activity that burns fewer calories than watching TV is sleeping.

9. T F Addressing your personal wellness through diet, exercise, and stress management can decrease risks for heart disease, diabetes, and depression.

10. T F Juice is a good alternative to a serving of whole fruit.

11. T F Second-hand smoke from “vaping” devices is just water vapor.

12. T F Modeling behaviors and enthusiasm for taking care of your health, can teach children that it is important for them to take care of their health.

13. T F Hookah is a healthier alternative to smoking cigarettes.

14. T F Effective stress management techniques will be different for everyone.

15. T F Adults should get a flu shot every 5 years.

Choose the BEST Answer (2 pts each)

16. How many more calories do we get from an average portion size of pizza and soda today than we did from an average portion size 20 years ago?

350 extra calories 200 extra calories

515 extra calories 165 extra calories

17. How many teaspoons of sugar are in a typical 12 oz can of soda?

3 7

5 10

18. What is one adult serving size of fruit?

Half cup or 1 whole fruit 1 cup or half a whole fruit

1 cup or 1 whole fruit Half cup or half a whole fruit

19. “FOBT” is a test used to detect:

Skin cancer Colorectal cancer

Cholesterol levels Diabetes

Short Answer / Fill in the Blank

20. If you need help getting health insurance, what website should you visit?


21. Give two examples of questions you may want to ask at your next doctor visit:

1.  (2 pts)

2.  (2 pts)

22. Give two examples of ways to get more fruits and/or vegetables in to your diet:

1.  (2 pts)

2.  (2 pts)

23. List one thing you could do to get a better night’s sleep:

1.  (2 pts)

24. List two simple things that you could do during normal daily activities and routines in order to increase you movement during the day:

1.  (2 pts)

2.  (2 pts)

25. The healthiest beverage to drink to support good health is . (2 pts)

26. What is something you could do to be healthier when eating out at restaurants?

1.  (2 pts)

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1. Visit one of the websites listed in the “Resource” section of your course reading. Find a health-promotion class, program, or event that looks interesting to you. 10 pts

What website(s) did you visit?

What class, program, or event did you find that looked interesting?

What makes this class, program, or event interesting (is it free, something you like to do, something new you want to try, a cause that has affected you, etc.)?

2. One of the best ways to get exercise during the day is to take a brisk walk. It is easy, cheap, and can be tailored to any fitness level. Think about the nearest safe place for you to take a walk (it may be your own neighborhood; it may be someplace else such as a park, school track, nearby neighborhood, or mall). 10 pts

Where is it?

Is it easy to get there from your home?



Are the sidewalks or walking surface complete and in good repair?



Is it safe from traffic and well lit?



Is the length and incline (hills/no hills) appropriate for your fitness level?



Are there any other convenient alternatives that might provide some variety to a walking routine?

3. Keep a list of EVERYTHING you eat and drink for a day. Answer the following questions about this experience: 20 pts

Do you feel that this was an “average” day of eating for you?



What surprised you most when you looked at your overall diet for the day?

Did making a detailed list highlight any changes you need to make. If so what are they?

Are your beverage choices a major portion of your daily diet?



What are your biggest obstacles for making healthier food choices and what would help you overcome them?

4. List one small change you will try to make to improve your healthy as a result of this course: 2 pts
