Judges 14-15

Romans 8:5

For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.


I COR. 10:31

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse – Romans 8:5

Read – Judges 14:1-7

Examine –

1.  Where did Samson go?

2.  What did he see there?

(Look back at 13:1. The Philistines were the ones Israel was serving)

3.  Who did he tell?

4.  What did he demand of them?

5.  Of what did his parents remind him?

6.  Why does he want her?

7.  Who was this of?

8.  Why?

9.  What tried to get them at Timnath?

10. What came on Samson?

11. How did he “treat” the Lion?

12. Who didn’t know?

13. What did he do with the woman at Timnath?


What was Samson’s #1 problem?

THINK: Call Pastor Ogle with your answer.

Now do you have this problem?

What can you do today to solve this?



Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse – Romans 8:5

Read – Judges 14:8-13

Examine –

1.  What did he do after a while?

2.  What did he turn aside to see?

3.  What was in it?

4.  What did he do with the honey?

5.  What did he not tell them?

6.  BONUS: This one may take some thought: Why did he not tell them?

7.  What did Samson make there?

8.  Why?

9.  At least how many people were there?

10. What did Samson put forth to them?

11. How long was the feast?

12. What was the reward if they got the riddle?

13. If they couldn’t, what would they do?

14. Did they accept the challenge?


There are at least 2 Biblical principles violated here. Can you name them?



How do you do in these areas?



Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse – Romans 8:5

Read – Judges 14:14-20

Examine –

1.  What was the riddle?

2.  Who did the men threaten so that she would tell the riddle?

3.  What did they say they would do to her?

4.  What did she do before him in verse 16 and 17?

5.  Who had he not told besides her?

6.  When did he give into her?

7.  What was the answer to the riddle?

8.  How does he say they got the riddle?

9.  Where and how did he get the reward to pay them?

10. Where did he go after this?

11. What happened to his wife?


Samson hung out with the wrong crowd and it cost him. We should not expect the world to act any different than to deceive and lie. What are your friends like?

Are they worldly or godly or lukewarm?



Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse – Romans 8:5

Read – Judges 15:1-6

Examine –

1.  When did Samson return to his wife?

2.  What did he bring as a gift?

3.  Who wouldn’t let him in?

4.  What did the dad say to him about his wife?

5.  What did he offer him?

6.  What would he do to them in verse 3?

7.  How many foxes did he catch?

8.  What did he put between their tails?

9.  What 3 things did he burn of the Philistines?

10. What did the Philistines do to the family of the Timnite?

FACT: The very thing she tried to avoid in 13:15-17 is what happened to her because she was dishonest.


Samson gets his revenge and the Philistines give punishment to the family, who won? The truth is no one wins when we sin.

Give an example of a mess sin caused in your life.



Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse – Romans 8:5

Read – Judges 15:7-13

Examine –

1.  What did he do to the Philistine?

2.  Where did he dwell after this? (General and specific)

3. Where did the Philistines camp?
4. Why had they come there?

5. How many men went to Etam?

6. What did the men of Judah want to do to Samson?

7. What promise did Samson want from the men of Judah?

8. With what did they bind him?

They would learn this was not sufficient!


Basically the men of Judah were saying don’t rock the boat Samson. People will say that to you. Hey don’t be so particular about things just let some things slide.

How have your friends ever said this type of thing to you?

What was your response?

How should you have responded?

We must stand for what is right even if it’s not popular.



Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse – Romans 8:5

Read – Judges 15:14-20

Examine –

1.  What did the Philistines do when he came to their camp?

2.  The ropes felt like what?

3.  What did he find?

4.  How many men did he kill with it?

5.  When he was done what did he do with it?

6.  What did he call the place?

(It means the hill or height of Lehi)

7.  What physical desire did he have?

8.  Who had given the deliverance?

9.  How did God supply his need for thirst?

10. What happened when he drank?

11. How long did he judge Israel?


With God’s spirit Samson was unstoppable but without Him, he was a selfish, immoral man. What a difference! What differences can you note in your life when God is in control and when He is not? Be specific and list at least 5.



Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse – Romans 8:5

Read – Review

Examine –

1.  Where did Samson find a wife?

2.  What did he put before the Philistines?

3.  How did they find out the riddle?

4.  How did he pay his “bill”?

5.  What happened to his wife?

6.  What did Samson do when he found out about his wife?

7.  What 3 crops did he destroy?

8.  How did the Philistines respond to this?

9.  Where did Samson dwell after this?

10. Who wanted to deliver Samson into the Philistine’s hands?

11. With what did Samson fight?

12. How many did he kill?

13. How long did he judge Israel?


Below list how you are like Samson in one column and different in the other.

Like / Different

